 Übersetzung für 'X-linked' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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X-linked dominant {adj}
X-linked recessive {adj}
X-linked agammaglobulinaemia <XLA> [Br.]
Bruton-Syndrom {n} [Agammaglobulinämie vom Bruton-Typ]
X-linked agammaglobulinemia <XLA> [Am.]
Bruton-Syndrom {n} [Agammaglobulinämie vom Bruton-Typ]
X-linked ichthyosis [ICD-10, Q80.1, V. 2015]
X-chromosomal-rezessive Ichthyosis {f} [ICD-10, Q80.1, V. 2015]
X-linked inheritance
X-chromosomale Vererbung {f}
4 Wörter
X-linked dominant inheritance
X-chromosomal-dominanter Erbgang {m}
X-linked recessive inheritance
X-chromosomal-rezessiver Erbgang {m}
5+ Wörter
X-linked bulbo-spinal atrophy <SBMA> [Kennedy's disease] spinobulbäre Muskelatrophie {f} Typ Kennedy <SBMA>
X-linked spinal muscular atrophy type 1 <SMAX1>
spinobulbäre Muskelatrophie {f} <SBMA> Typ Kennedy
10 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Haemophilia A is a recessive X-linked genetic disorder resulting in a deficiency of functional clotting Factor VIII.
  • In March, researchers announced the successful use of gene therapy to treat two adult patients for X-linked chronic granulomatous disease, a disease which affects myeloid cells and damages the immune system.
  • Say–Meyer syndrome is a rare X-linked genetic disorder that is mostly characterized as developmental delay.
  • Other complex X-linked genetic susceptibility mechanisms are proposed and under investigation.
  • X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) is hypothesized to promote cancer cell survival and growth, Detection of clinically insignificant cancer has been shown to be decreased when MRI-targeted biopsy is combined with standard biopsy for men with positive results on MRI, as compared with a standard biopsy method.

  • X-linked dominant protoporphyria is a rare form of erythropoietic protoporphyria caused by a gain-of-function mutation in ALAS2 characterized by severe photosensitivity.
  • Pelizaeus–Merzbacher disease is an X-linked neurological disorder that damages oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system.
  • The different presentations are complicated by the pattern of X-linked recessive inheritance.
  • The segregation distorter (SD) in "Drosophila melanogaster" is the best studied example, and it involves a nuclear envelope protein Ran-GAP and the X-linked repeat array called Responder (Rsp), where the SD allele of Ran-GAP favors its own transmission only in the presence of a Rspsensitive allele on the homologous chromosome.
  • Inherited or genetic MNDs adhere to one of the following inheritance patterns: autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-linked.

  • One type of primary immunodeficiency disorder resulting in genetic failure is X-linked agammaglobulinemia, in which the absence of an enzyme essential for B cell development prevents the host's immune system from generating antibodies to a pathogen.
  • OTC deficiency is inherited as an X-linked recessive disorder, although some females can show symptoms.
  • Two common examples are X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy and peroxisome biogenesis disorders.
  • Muscular dystrophies may be X-linked recessive, autosomal recessive, or autosomal dominant.
  • Some immune deficiencies, such as X-linked agammaglobulinemia and hypogammaglobulinemia, result in partial or complete lack of antibodies.

  • The X-linkage hypothesis for SIDS and the male excess in infant mortality have shown that the 50% male excess might be related to a dominant X-linked allele, occurring with a frequency of [...] that is protective against transient cerebral anoxia.
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