 Übersetzung für 'XBT' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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bitcoin <BTC, XBT, ฿>
Bitcoin {m} [auch {f}] <BTC, XBT, ฿>
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'XBT' von Englisch nach Deutsch

bitcoin <BTC, XBT, ฿>
Bitcoin {m} [auch {f}] <BTC, XBT, ฿>curr.
  • Bitcoin {m} [auch {f}] <BTC, XBT, ฿> = bitcoin <BTC, XBT, ฿>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The prototype XBT was delivered to Chile in January 1982 but was written off on 10 March 1982.
  • The majority of class-4 switches in the Bell System during the 1950s and 1960s used crossbar switches, such as the Crossbar Tandem (XBT) variant of the Number One Crossbar Switching System, or "1XB switch".
  • Snodgrass began developing the expendable bathythermograph (XBT).
  • Neither "BuzzFeed" nor Steele have accused Gubarev of being a willing participant in wrongdoing." XBT has denied the allegations, and "findings do not prove or disprove claims made about XBT in the dossier, but show how the company could have been used by cyber criminals, wittingly or unwittingly".
  • The Stearman XBT-17 was a prototype 1940s American two-seat low-wing monoplane primary trainer designed and built by Stearman Aircraft (as the Model X-90).

  • In 1990 the ship spent some time in the North West Atlantic Ocean according to a data set of temperature and salinity measurements collected using CTD/XBT.
  • The next iteration of the BT, the XBT-1, was equipped with a [...] R-1535.
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