| NOUN1 | a xi | xis |
| NOUN2 | the Xi [river] | - |
| SYNO | 11 | eleven | XI | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| games Strength <XI, VIII> [also: strength; historically Fortitude] [Tarot card] | Kraft {f} <XI, VIII> [Tarotkarte] | |
| xi <Ξ, ξ> [Greek letter] | Xi {n} <Ξ, ξ> [griechischer Buchstabe] | |
| geogr. Xi'an | Xi'an {n} | |
2 Wörter |
| anat.VetMed. accessory nerve <CN XI, CNXI, XI> [Nervus accessorius] [eleventh cranial nerve] | Beinerv {m} <N. XI, XI> [elfter Hirnnerv, Akzessorius] | |
| anat.VetMed. accessory nerve <CN XI, CNXI> [Nervus accessorius] [eleventh cranial nerve] | elfter Hirnnerv {m} <XI. Hirnnerv> | |
| sports first XI [football, cricket] | erste Elf {f} | |
| sports starting XI [football] | Startelf {f} | |
| phys. xi baryon <Ξ baryon> | Xi-Baryon {n} <Ξ-Baryon> | |
| philos.pol. Xi Jinpingism [Xi Jinping Thought] | Xiismus {m} | |
| geogr. Xi River | Westfluss {m} | |
3 Wörter |
| anat.VetMed. cranial nerve XI <CN XI, CNXI> [Nervus accessorius] [eleventh cranial nerve] | elfter Hirnnerv {m} <XI. Hirnnerv> | |
5+ Wörter |
| philos.pol. Xi Jinping Thought {sg} (on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era) | Xi-Jinping-Gedanken {pl} [Xi Jinpings Ideen des Sozialismus chinesischer Prägung im neuen Zeitalter] | |
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Übersetzung für 'XI' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- Strength <XI, VIII> [also: strength; historically Fortitude] [Tarot card]
- Kraft {f} <XI, VIII> [Tarotkarte]games
- xi <Ξ, ξ> [Greek letter]
- Xi {n} <Ξ, ξ> [griechischer Buchstabe]
- Xi'an
- Xi'an {n}geogr.
- accessory nerve <CN XI, CNXI, XI> [Nervus accessorius] [eleventh cranial nerve]
- Beinerv {m} <N. XI, XI> [elfter Hirnnerv, Akzessorius]anat.VetMed.
- accessory nerve <CN XI, CNXI> [Nervus accessorius] [eleventh cranial nerve]
- elfter Hirnnerv {m} <XI. Hirnnerv>anat.VetMed.
- first XI [football, cricket]
- erste Elf {f}sports
- starting XI [football]
- Startelf {f}sports
- xi baryon <Ξ baryon>
- Xi-Baryon {n} <Ξ-Baryon>phys.
- Xi Jinpingism [Xi Jinping Thought]
- Xiismus {m}philos.pol.
- Xi River
- Westfluss {m}geogr.
- cranial nerve XI <CN XI, CNXI> [Nervus accessorius] [eleventh cranial nerve]
- elfter Hirnnerv {m} <XI. Hirnnerv>anat.VetMed.
- Xi Jinping Thought {sg} (on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)
- Xi-Jinping-Gedanken {pl} [Xi Jinpings Ideen des Sozialismus chinesischer Prägung im neuen Zeitalter]philos.pol.
- Beinerv {m} <N. XI, XI> [elfter Hirnnerv, Akzessorius] = accessory nerve <CN XI, CNXI, XI> [Nervus accessorius] [eleventh cranial nerve]
- Kraft {f} <XI, VIII> [Tarotkarte] = Lust [also: lust] [Strength Tarot card in the Thoth Tarot]
- Kraft {f} <XI, VIII> [Tarotkarte] = Strength <XI, VIII> [also: strength; historically Fortitude] [Tarot card]
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- In 1666, during the reign of the Kangxi Emperor, the Viceroy's jurisdiction expanded to include Shanxi Province, hence it was renamed "Viceroy of Shan(xi)-Shaan(xi)" (山陝總督), with its headquarters in Xi'an.
- The following property is called the Riesz decomposition property: if "x", "yi" ≥ 0 and "x" ≤ Σ "yi", then there exists "xi" ≥ 0 such that "x" = Σ "xi", and "xi" ≤ "yi" for each "i".
- is a dialect of Central Plains Mandarin spoken in Shaanxi's Guanzhong region, including the prefecture-level city of Xi'an.
- Xi'an–Huyi railway (西户铁路), also known as Xi'an–Yuxia railway (西余铁路) is a railway branch line of the Longhai railway.
- Xi'an UKD was founded in 2019. In March 2021, Xi'an UKD changed its name to Shaanxi Warriors Beyond.
- "Wu Lin Feng 2017: World Championship Xi'an" was a kickboxing event held on September 2, 2017 at the Xi'an City Sports Park Gymnasium in Xi'an, China.
- China Railway Xi'an Group, officially abbreviated as CR Xi'an or CR-Xi'an, formerly, Xi'an Railway Administration is a subsidiaries company under the jurisdiction of the China Railway (formerly the Ministry of Railway).
- The current General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping, is both a member of the Princeling and the second red generation.
- Notice that it is not allowed to eliminate parenthesis. For instance, one must write "∃xi((~θ))" instead of "∃xi(~θ)".
- Chai Lu was born in Xi'an, Shaanxi in March 1977, she elementary studied at Xi'an No.2 School.
- During its existence the ground also played host to Somerset Second XI matches in the Minor Counties Championship, Second XI Championship and Second XI Trophy.
- On July 2, 2009, the Teleport and Manhole cover were removed from the central meeting point and the Xi Alumni Hub was added to the world map (now Navigator) under the "Xi" logo chip in the users Menu Pad .
- Xi'an Xiguan Airport (...) [...] was the airport serving Xi'an, capital of China's Shaanxi Province.
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