SYNO | 19 | nineteen | XIX | ... |
2 Übersetzungen
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- Sonne {f} <XIX> [Tarotkarte] = Sun <XIX> [also: sun] [Tarot card]
- Spiele {pl} der XIX. Olympiade [offizielle Bezeichnung] = Games of the XIX Olympiad
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- He also wrote an interesting memoir of his brother Arthur, which was printed in A. P. Forbes's ‘Remains of Rev. A. W. Haddan,’ 1876, Introduction, pp. xix–xxix.
- He returned to the Tigers in 1912 as a utility infielder, appearing in 16 games, including xix at third base, five at second base, and two in the outfield.
- ... in Hæreses, xix. 1), and explains the brother's name as being derived from the Hebrew for "hidden power" and Elkesai as "the hidden God."
- (xix) Member, Public Accounts Committee of OLA.
- episcopos AEgypti", xviii-xix.
- He was the author of "Qualiter corpus beati Stephani de Ierosolimis Constantinopolim sit translatum, xix kal.
- This distinctive feature of Semitic languages may be affecting the Gujarati words in examples xv, xvi, and xix.
- He published a history of Mandogarh in the "Journal of the Bombay Branch, Royal Asiatic Society" (vol. xix. ...
- " In the Collection of Henley Grose Smith (H. G. S., in Entomologists Monthly Magazine,xix.,p. 234 (March, 1883)).
- by Jeremy Yudkin (2020), xv-xix.
- Maastricht: Shaker Publications: ix-xix. 2003. ‘Sobe, Frege, Agride: On Some Irregular Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese’.
- Prashanti Singh is first and only basketball player in India who has a documentary film named B Cube (Boskey Basketball Banaras) on her own life which is selected in top xix films in the prestigious Satyajit Ray Film Festival.
- 15 B. xix in the British Museum, London. This last manuscript was written at Reims in the ninth century and was for a long time MS no.
- The several powers and duties of the health officers are set forth in detail in chapter xix of the first charter creating the City of Greater New York (January 1, 1898; amended, 1901).
- "Love v Commonwealth; Thoms v Commonwealth" is a High Court of Australia case that held that Aboriginal Australians could not be classified as aliens under section 51(xix) of the Australian Constitution.
- Sheikh Ebrahim bin Khalifa Al Khalifa is a businessperson who has been at the head of xix different companies and presently holds the position of chairman at Bahrain World Economic Summit, Chairman of Accounting & Auditing Org For Islamic Financial Inst, chairman for Ebdaa Bank BSC and chairman of Bahraini Citizen LLB.
- <cite id="PubDate">* The date of composition could not be ascertained, and a date "at the latest" is used (Roberge, p. xix).
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