 Übersetzung für 'XLA' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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X-linked agammaglobulinaemia <XLA> [Br.]
Bruton-Syndrom {n} [Agammaglobulinämie vom Bruton-Typ]
X-linked agammaglobulinemia <XLA> [Am.]
Bruton-Syndrom {n} [Agammaglobulinämie vom Bruton-Typ]
2 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Btk plays a more important role in these processes, but Tec kinase is able to compensate for loss of Btk in XLA immune-deficient patients.
  • Whether or not the (PMZ) (XLA) system, or something similar to it, replaces the traditional PWR symbols remains to be seen.
  • The logic alphabet, also called the X-stem Logic Alphabet (XLA), constitutes an iconic set of symbols that systematically represents the sixteen possible binary truth functions of logic.
  • The trade name of the elastolefin fibers is DOW XLA, the fibers when under lower stress have the ability to expand when larger strains are applied.
  • It is not known if XLA patients are able to generate an allergic reaction, as they lack functional IgE antibodies.

  • Caucasus Airlines operated 2 EMB-120 airplanes. Registration numbers 4L-XLA and 4L-XLF.
  • jl and XLA.jl (to support Google's TPUs). And works on supporting Julia language on WebAssembly.
  • In addition to chronic and/or recurrent infections many autoimmune diseases including arthritis, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, scleroderma and type 1 diabetes are also seen in X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA).
  • Joseph Achakji (born February 11, 1981) and better known by his stage name XLA is a Canadian urban indie artist and more recently an Electronic dance music (EDM) artist of Egyptian origin In 2006, he also established the independent music production and record label XWide Tidals.
  • As of April 2016, the game has been taken down off from the PSN, XLA, and Steam stores.

  • "Xin Los Angeles" (also known as XLA) is a container ship owned and operated by China Shipping Container Lines.
  • Mutations in the BTK gene are implicated in the primary immunodeficiency disease X-linked agammaglobulinemia (Bruton's agammaglobulinemia); sometimes abbreviated to XLA and selective IgM deficiency.
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