 Übersetzung für 'XVI' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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SYNO 16 | sixteen | XVI | ...
(Lightning-Struck) Tower <XVI> [also: (lightning-struck) tower] [Tarot card]
Turm {m} <XVI> [Tarotkarte]
Pope Benedict XVI
Papst {m} Benedikt XVI.
Pope Gregory XVI
Papst {m} Gregor XVI.
3 Übersetzungen
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  • Turm {m} <XVI> [Tarotkarte] = (Lightning-Struck) Tower <XVI> [also: (lightning-struck) tower] [Tarot card]
  • Papst {m} Benedikt XVI. = Pope Benedict XVI
  • Papst {m} Gregor XVI. = Pope Gregory XVI
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Clement of Alexandria (The Stromata, Book I, chapter xvi) mentions them as the inventors of sambuca.
  • Known since the xvi th century in northern India. It receives various names: hurki (Uttar Pradesh), dâk or deru (Rajasthan), daklû (Gujarat) and guruki (Maharashtra).
  • Approximately 1,150,000 badges were issued, which had to be claimed and then approved, generally covered by §(xvi) above. The numbers on the back of the badge kept changing during the war.
  • Calvin specifically rejects paedocommunion in his Institutes of the Christian Religion Book IV, chapter xvi, section 30.
  • Elaea or Elaia (...) is an ancient harbor town on the African coast of the Red Sea or the Gulf of Aden. The harbor is mentioned by Strabo (xvi. 8).

  • 45. "Acquiring Literacy is Natural: Who Skilled Cock Robin?," Theory Into Practice, December 1977, Vol. xvi:5, pp. 309–314.
  • "Deliberative indeterminism" asserts that the indeterminism is confined to an earlier stage in the decision process. p. xvi.
  • 1937 – London: Peter Davies, xvi + 181 pp. (first edition).
  • The even earlier source "Íslendingabók" also cites the line of descent in "Ynglingatal" and it gives the same line of succession: "xiiii Yngvi. xv Jörundr. xvi Aun inn gamli".
  • (xvi) Member, Railway users Consultative Committee of Khurda division.

  • "Foreword" in Nietzsche in Russia (ed. Bernice G. Rosenthal), Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1986, xi-xvi.
  • D'Abrera, B. (1981). "Butterflies of the Neotropical Region". Part I. Papilionidae and Pieridae. Lansdowne Editions, Melbourne, xvi + 172 pp.
  • A stone with an inscription from Dante ("Paradiso" xvi. ...
  • ” Pages vii-xvi in Performing the Gospel: Orality, Memory, and Mark: Essays Dedicated to Werner Kelber.
  • In the volume for 1687, he gave a close estimate of the quantity of blood contained in the body (xvi. 433).

  • He also wrote five volumes in "Rivington's Theological Library": vols. vii. xii. and xvi., "Scripture Biography", 1834, and vols. xiv. and xv., "Biography of the Early Church", 1836.
  • 992 pages + xvi + 4 maps.
  • Kloss CB (1903). "In the Andamans and Nicobars; The narrative of a cruise in the schooner "Terrapin", with notices of the islands, their fauna, ethnology, etc." London: John Murray. xvi + 373 pp.
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