 Übersetzung für 'XYZ' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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xyz department [e.g. sales department]
Abteilung xyz {f} [z. B. Abteilung Verkauf]
3 Wörter
upcoming hopeful xyz [name]Nachwuchshoffnung {f} xyz [Name]
4 Wörter
in the adjacent XYZim / in der XYZ daneben
Solder XYZ back on.
XYZ wieder anlöten.
combining form denoting xyz [e.g. tox- / toxi- / toxo- / toxico-]Wortteil {m} mit der Bedeutung xyz
unit with XYZ option
Gerät {n} mit XYZ-Erweiterungs­möglichkeit [Option]
5+ Wörter
... each time before the XYZ is inserted again.... vor jedem erneuten Einsetzen der XYZ.
Order XYZ at the same time.XYZ (gleich) mitbestellen.
the four XYZ removed earlierdie vier vorher entfernten XYZ
The history of company XYZ in a nutshell.Die Geschichte der Firma XYZ in Stichworten.
The most frequently isolated bacteria were members of the genera xyz.
Die dominierenden Erregergattungen waren Vertreter der Genera xyz.
The procedure is given the name XYZ.Die Prozedur bekommt den Namen XYZ.
The signal is generated and supplied by xyz.
Das Signal wird von xyz erzeugt und bereitgestellt.
The specifications of xyz are detailed in table 1. Die Spezifikationen von xyz sind in Tabelle 1 angegeben.
Website xyz.abc is tango down.
Die Website xyz.abc wurde abgeschaltet.
with a maximum frame speed of xyz f/s
mit einer maximalen Aufnahmefrequenz von xyz Bildern/Sek.
X is a unique feature offered by XYZ.X ist ein Alleinstellungs­merkmal von XYZ.
XYZ covers a range from 4kHz (up) to 25 kHz.XYZ deckt den Bereich 4kHz bis 25 kHz ab.
XYZ has the following functions: ...XYZ erfüllt folgende Funktionen: ...
XYZ is resistant to sea water and tropical conditions.XYZ ist seewasser- und tropenfest.
XYZ isn't all it's cracked up to be. [idiom] Mit XYZ ist es auch nicht sehr weit her. [Redewendung]
xyz shall cover all future ...
xyz dient für alle künftigen ...
3-fold amount by weight of xyz
3-fache Gewichtsmenge {f} (an) xyz
letting go of the xyz buttonLoslassen {n} der xyz Taste
24 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'XYZ' von Englisch nach Deutsch

xyz department [e.g. sales department]
Abteilung xyz {f} [z. B. Abteilung Verkauf]econ.

upcoming hopeful xyz [name]
Nachwuchshoffnung {f} xyz [Name]

in the adjacent XYZ
im / in der XYZ daneben
Solder XYZ back on.
XYZ wieder anlöten.tech.

combining form denoting xyz [e.g. tox- / toxi- / toxo- / toxico-]
Wortteil {m} mit der Bedeutung xyz
unit with XYZ option
Gerät {n} mit XYZ-Erweiterungs­möglichkeit [Option]tech.

... each time before the XYZ is inserted again.
... vor jedem erneuten Einsetzen der XYZ.
Order XYZ at the same time.
XYZ (gleich) mitbestellen.
the four XYZ removed earlier
die vier vorher entfernten XYZ
The history of company XYZ in a nutshell.
Die Geschichte der Firma XYZ in Stichworten.
The most frequently isolated bacteria were members of the genera xyz.
Die dominierenden Erregergattungen waren Vertreter der Genera xyz.med.
The procedure is given the name XYZ.
Die Prozedur bekommt den Namen XYZ.
The signal is generated and supplied by xyz.
Das Signal wird von xyz erzeugt und bereitgestellt.electr.
The specifications of xyz are detailed in table 1.
Die Spezifikationen von xyz sind in Tabelle 1 angegeben.
Website xyz.abc is tango down.
Die Website xyz.abc wurde abgeschaltet.Internet
with a maximum frame speed of xyz f/s
mit einer maximalen Aufnahmefrequenz von xyz Bildern/Sek.MedTech.tech.
X is a unique feature offered by XYZ.
X ist ein Alleinstellungs­merkmal von XYZ.
XYZ covers a range from 4kHz (up) to 25 kHz.
XYZ deckt den Bereich 4kHz bis 25 kHz ab.
XYZ has the following functions: ...
XYZ erfüllt folgende Funktionen: ...
XYZ is resistant to sea water and tropical conditions.
XYZ ist seewasser- und tropenfest.
XYZ isn't all it's cracked up to be. [idiom]
Mit XYZ ist es auch nicht sehr weit her. [Redewendung]
xyz shall cover all future ...
xyz dient für alle künftigen ...law

3-fold amount by weight of xyz
3-fache Gewichtsmenge {f} (an) xyzchem.tech.
letting go of the xyz button
Loslassen {n} der xyz Taste
  • Abteilung xyz {f} [z. B. Abteilung Verkauf] = xyz department [e.g. sales department]
  • Nachwuchshoffnung {f} xyz [Name] = upcoming hopeful xyz [name]
  • XYZ (gleich) mitbestellen. = Order XYZ at the same time.
alle anzeigen ...
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • ... 3ds, .xyz, .pts) and texture atlas generation capable of processing multiple models concurrently.
  • In January 1998, the nomenclature changed again when the location prefix "xyz" was dropped, and the KGS was re-designated "Military School, xyz", e.g. "Military School, Chail".
  • 036 hours with a brightness amplitude of xyz magnitude (...).
  • An example is to take the sentence 'Gavagai xyz gavagai', of which the linguist assumes it translates to 'This rabbit is the same as this rabbit', and to which the native assents.
  • Start with a UV parametric point in a freeform surface, calculate the xyz point and the normal, and offset from the point along the normal in a way consistent with the tool definition so that the cutter is now tangent to the surface at that point.

  • In 2015 Google used the domain hack abc.xyz for their newly launched Alphabet Inc.
  • So there is a set of camera vector pairs C"ij" for which the intersection of the inverse projections of two points "XY'i" and "XY'j" is a non-empty, hopefully small, set centering on a theoretical stationary point "xyz" .
  • The above condition ensures that a pair of disjoint triangles abc and xyz is "not" a (single) polytope.
  • For example, a web server in NY may be called "nyc-www-04.xyz.net".
  • On April 25, 2022, OpenSea announced the acquisition of the NFT marketplace aggregator company Gem.xyz.

  • They also are responsible for launching the .xyz top-level domain to increase the number of short, brandable URLs available to the public.
  • xyz is a top-level domain name. It was proposed in ICANN's New generic top-level domain (gTLD) Program, and became available to the general public on June 2, 2014.
  • Example: 'The contractor must deliver the product no later than xyz date.' Other methods include use cases and user stories.
  • The xyY space is a cross between the CIE XYZ and its normalized chromaticity coordinates xyz, such that the luminance Y is preserved and augmented with just the required two chromaticity dimensions.
  • Dirichlet's proof for "n" = 5 is divided into the two cases (cases I and II) defined by Sophie Germain. In case I, the exponent 5 does not divide the product "xyz". In case II, 5 does divide "xyz".

  • Note that the xyz standard does not require that the number or chemical nature of atoms should be the same at subsequent snapshots, which allows for atoms disappearing from or coming into the field of view during the animation.
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