Übersetzung für '
Y fronts' von Englisch nach Deutsch
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Additional original dialogue was recorded by the trio for the episode "Y-Fronts" and the films went on to feature on both Ricky's and Xfm's website.
- In the UK the term "jockeys" did not catch on and men's/boys’ briefs are often referred to as "Y-fronts".
- Colin Jackson, Mark Foster, Jamie Baulch and Siân Lloyd were all there to lend support as more than 150 men and boys pulled on their yellow Y fronts and took part in the run around the town.
- "Cactus In My Y-fronts" had originally been written for "I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again" and used in "The Goodies – Almost Live". "Elizabeth Rules UK" was released as a single.
- Following 2003's "Bottom: Live" tour, "Bottom 5: Weapons Grade Y-Fronts", Mayall stated that he and Edmondson would return with another tour.
- Richie usually wears a white shirt tucked into his Y-fronts and vintage dark green tie with tie clip, blue jeans with a belt that clearly misses most of the loops and has a light jade raincoat when outdoors.
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