Übersetzung für '
YWCA' von Englisch nach Deutsch
1 Übersetzung
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- In 1998, the YWCA-Fresno Board of Directors voted to end a 94-year affiliation with the National YWCA, and the Marjaree Mason Center became a stand-alone domestic violence agency.
- YWCA-YMCA of Sweden (Swedish: "KFUK-KFUM Sverige") was established in 1966 following a merger of YMCA of Sweden and the YWCA of Sweden.
- Having begun participating in the local YWCA when she was eighteen years old, Porter became a member of the Australian YWCA executive in 1925, and served as vice-president of the World YWCA from 1955 to 1959.
- Elizabeth Palmer (April 17, 1913 - October 4, 2014) was an American activist who worked for the World YWCA.
- Later, in 1905, Lawson established a Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) in Washington, D.C.
- Zung was a leader of the YWCA in China and internationally in the 1920s.
- Responding to the racial exclusivity of downtown Oakland's YWCA, Wall helped to establish the Linden Street YWCA, open to African Americans, close to the children's home.
- Arrowsmith served on the national standards study commission of the YWCA in 1940. She was secretary for international education on the YWCA's national staff during World War II.
- In 2003, Ireland served for six months as the CEO of the YWCA.
- While in college she was active in the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) movement, attending many conferences of the YWCA.
- Graham began her association with the YWCA as a teenager in 1939, joining the colored division of the YWCA Girl Reserves in Springfield.
- In 2011 Solomon Islands YWCA member, Jenta Tau travelled to Geneva to begin a one-year internship with the World YWCA.
- She served as executive director of YWCA Clark County from 1985 to 1989. While serving as State Representative, she directed $300,000 of funds for the YWCA's capital campaign.
- It was deemed significant "as a surviving example of camp architecture from the early 1920s and for its associations with the Sloggett family and the YWCA."
- She was general secretary of the Auckland YWCA from 1926 until 1931, when she became general secretary for the National YWCA for India, Burma, and Ceylon.
- This is a list of notable YWCA buildings. YWCA buildings are prominent in many cities.
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