3 Übersetzungen
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- Yacón {f} = Yacón [Smallanthus sonchifolius, Syn.: Polymnia edulis, P. sonchifolia]
- Yacon-Sirup {m} = Yacon syrup
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- The major antioxidative compounds in yacon are chlorogenic acid and L-tryptophan.
- In 1990 YACON and DYSA amalgamated to form Youth Action and Policy Association (YAPA), while YAA (now YFoundations) continued as a peak for youth accommodation services.
- The health ministry published in August 2012, that caesium levels in tea made from "yacon" leaves and in samples of Japanese tea "shot through the ceiling" this year.
- Rafael Piqueras presents the "pulpo a la parrilla con vinagreta de yacón" and "ceviche con espuma de ají amarillo", plates that he presented in Spain, in the gastronomical fair of Madrid.
- Other roots that could be found in the Inca cuisine were the "maka" ("Lepidium meyenii") and the "yacón" ("Polymnia sonchifolia"). "Maka" was capable of surviving in the coldest and highest areas of the Andes, thus giving it high value. "Yacón" was documented to be similar to a turnip in texture but was very sweet and kept well, making them popular on sea voyages.
- The population of the district is primarily rural and of mixed origin. The population devotes themselves to raising cattle, to the production of milk and to the culture of yacón, corn, carrots, swallows and coffee.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2024
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