 Übersetzung für 'a whole host of' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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a (whole) host ofjede Menge {f} [ugs.]
a host of {adj}viele
a host of things­eine Reihe {f} von Dingen
a host of changeseine Fülle {f} an Veränderungen
a host of changeseine Unzahl {f} an / von Veränderungen
a host of things­eine Vielzahl {f} an Dingen
a host of questions [idiom]eine Menge {f} Fragen [mit Verb im Sg. oder Pl.]
a whole pile ofein ganzer Haufen {m} von
a whole string of ... eine (lange) Latte {f} von ... [ugs.] [lange Reihe, z. B. von Fragen]
a whole string of ...ein (ganzer) Rattenschwanz {m} von ... [ugs.]
a host {sg} of changes [idiom]viele Veränderungen {pl}
a whole regiment of peopleeine ganze Schar {f} von Leuten
a whole array of bottleseine ganze Reihe {f} von Flaschen
a whole raft of sth.eine ganze Palette {f} von etw.
a whole range of sth.eine ganze Reihe {f} von etw.
a whole series of ... [consequences]
ein ganzer Rattenschwanz {m} von ... [fig.] [Serie, Folge von Ereignissen]
a whole lot of fun [coll.]jede Menge {f} Spaß [ugs.]
of the economy as a whole {adj}
as part of a greater wholeals Teil eines größeren Ganzen
a whole lot of nothing [coll.]
so ziemlich gar nichts [ugs.]
development of society as a wholegesamtgesellschaftliche Entwicklung {f}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • But his actions raised up a whole host of enemies against him, and by the summer of 1658 they had convinced Alexius that the sovereign patriarch was eclipsing the sovereign tsar.
  • There are virtually thousands of lakes in the municipality, and these combined with the Altaelva waterway system provide habitats for a whole host of wetland species.
  • This tube serves as a home, not only for the worm, but also for a whole host of microbial organisms on which the worm feeds.
  • Many of the cottages which can be rented have their own boats and, during the summer months, mackerel and pollack can be caught from them as well as a whole host of other species.
  • The happy boggart returns to Castle Keep, ready to welcome its new owners with a whole host of boggart tricks.

  • He is apparently one of a whole host of clown-shaped killer robots, who is at odds with his own clan and assumes that circuses and clowns on Earth are bent on murder.
  • Twintone was used on three shapes of tableware, many table accessories and a whole host of decorative ware right up to 1981.
  • But the problem with pinches were that they were unstable because of a whole host of instabilities.
  • Wes Boyer and Samuel Stoddard have written a humorous essay teaching students how to be persuasive by means of a whole host of informal and formal fallacies.
  • This story of triple-death corresponds to the elements which Evans finds in a whole host of similar stories.

  • While the earliest knowledge-based systems were almost all expert systems, the same tools and architectures can and have since been used for a whole host of other types of systems.
  • Showing off a whole host of aerial maneuvers while battling Captain Atom and the likes of one of the Justice Leagues various incarnations.
  • In return, it featured a whole host of technological advancements.
  • With the introduction of sponsorship (starting with the Whitbread Gold Cup in 1957), a whole host of other important races have been added to the National Hunt racing season, although many of these are geared towards generating betting turnover in the form of competitive handicaps that attract large numbers of runners.
  • Kyle Cooper's title sequence for David Fincher's "Seven" (1995) influenced a whole host of designers in the late 1990s.

  • The development of political relations between the United States and North Macedonia has ushered in a whole host of other contacts between the two states.
  • Sokkibon also allowed a whole host of what had previously been mostly oral rhetorical and narrative techniques into writing, such as imitation of dialect in conversations (which can be found back in older gensaku literature; but gensaku literature used conventional written language in between conversations, however).
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