 Übersetzung für 'abandon ship' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Abandon ship!
Alle Mann von Bord!
2 Wörter: Verben
to abandon ship
ein Schiff aufgeben
to abandon ship
das Schiff verlassen
to abandon ship
das Schiff abandonnieren
to abandon ship
ein Schiff abandonnieren
to abandon ship
ein Schiff verlassen [aufgeben]
to abandon ship [fig.]das sinkende Schiff verlassen [fig.]
3 Wörter: Verben
to abandon a ship
ein Schiff aufgeben
to abandon a ship
ein Schiff verlassen
to abandon the shipdas Schiff abtreten
to abandon the shipdas Schiff aufgeben
to abandon the ship
das Schiff abandonieren [Schreibung veraltend statt: abandonnieren] [aufgeben, verlassen]
4 Wörter: Verben
to abandon a burning shipein brennendes Schiff verlassen
5+ Wörter: Verben
to abandon a ship to the wavesein Schiff den Wellen überlassen
attack personnel transport ship [WWII, US Navy] <APA ship>
Angriffstruppentransporter {m}
roll-on / roll-off ship <RORO ship, ro-ro ship>
Roll-on-roll-off-Schiff {n} <Ro-ro-Schiff>
to abandonstehenlassen
abandonSelbstvergessenheit {f}
abandonHingabe {f}
to abandonüberlassen
to abandon sth.etw. aufgeben [verlassen, seinlassen]
to abandon hopedie Hoffnung begraben
to abandon prosecutiondie Verfolgung einstellen
to abandon sth.
etw. ausbuchen
to abandon sth.etw.Akk. abandonnieren
to abandon sth.sich von etw. abwenden
to abandon sb.jdn. stehen lassen
to abandon possessionBesitz aufgeben
to abandon sth.etw. beenden
to abandon sth.etw. preisgeben
to abandon thoughtsGedanken fallen lassen
to abandon sth.etw. abschaffen [aufgeben, beenden, einstellen]
with abandon {adv}mit ganzer Seele
with abandon {adv}mit Leib und Seele [Redewendung]
34 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • "Dunraven" made smoke and sent off a panic party (a small number of men who "abandon ship" during an attack to continue the impersonation of a merchant).
  • To further confirm the identity of the wreck, Shigeru Nakajima, an electrical technician on "Musashi" who claimed to have survived by jumping overboard after the order to abandon ship was given, told the Associated Press that he was "certain" that the wreck was "Musashi" upon seeing its anchor and the imperial seal mount.
  • Evacuation of the wounded began shortly afterward and Sherman ordered "abandon ship" at 17:07.
  • A critical hit forces the crew to abandon ship as it rapidly capsizes.
  • "Liberator" is severely damaged during the battle with the Andromedans, forcing the crew to abandon ship whilst Zen carries out repairs.

  • s captain ordered her crew to abandon ship after further damage and scuttled "Hiei" in the early evening of 14 November.
  • The captain ordered his entire crew to abandon ship but was countermanded once a towing vessel arrived.
  • In one instance where all members of the crew were forced to abandon ship as "Voyager" prepared to self-destruct in order to destroy a missile from hitting an inhabited planet, Paris thanked Janeway for everything she has done before he left the ship in an escape pod while Janeway stayed behind to oversee the auto-destruction sequence.
  • ADM Jonathan Greenert said that the crew would "conduct an orderly abandon ship" if their ship was struck by enemy fire, an action that might not be necessary on other vessels in the same circumstances.
  • In June 1956, Boyd was cast in the nautical, ship-wreck adventure "Abandon Ship!

  • There was danger that the fire would spread to the holds which contained explosives, and Captain Monroe Fein ordered all aboard to abandon ship.
  • The crew was able to abandon ship, but not much was saved.
  • With the bridge crew dead and the ship badly damaged, Saavik orders the crew to abandon ship and the simulation ends.
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