Übersetzung für '
abecedary' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | abecedary | abecedaries |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 Übersetzung
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- in the Kalocsay abecedary.
- An abecedarium (also known as an abecedary or ABCs or simply an ABC) is an inscription consisting of the letters of an alphabet, almost always listed in order.
- The stone includes an inscription identified by some scholars as an abecedary, among the oldest ever discovered.
- Recently, it has been identified as a southern paleohispanic abecedary an inscription made on one side of an ostrakon from the site of Villasviejas del Tamuja (Botija, Caceres), because it fits with the seven signs of the central sequence of the Espanca abecedary.
- "Puck Aleshire’s Abecedary" (2000) by Michael Swanwick, a collection of short-short stories (one for each letter of the alphabet), initially ran in "The New York Review of Science Fiction" at a rate of one per month for 26 months starting with Issue 111, November 1997.
- The Fayum alphabet is an Ancient Greek abecedary inscribed on four copper plates, purportedly found in Fayum, Egypt but made in Cyprus.
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