 Übersetzung für 'abi' von Englisch nach Deutsch
ankle-brachial index <ABI, A/B index>
Knöchel-Arm-Index {m}
ankle-brachial index <ABI, A/B index>
tibio-brachialer Quotient {m} <TBQ>
ankle-brachial index <ABI, A/B index>
cruro-brachialer Quotient {m} <CBQ>
application binary interface <ABI>
Binärschnittstelle {f}
auditory brainstem implant <ABI>
Hirnstammimplantat {n}
ankle-brachial index measurement <ABI measurement>
Verschlussdruckmessung {f}
auditory brain stem implant <ABI>
Hirnstamm-Implantat {n}
7 Übersetzungen
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  • Abi {n} [ugs.] [Abitur] = [secondary school leaving examination]
  • abi [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.] [hinunter] = downwards
  • aba / abi [ugs.] [bayer.] [österr.] [herunter, nach unten] = down
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Muhammad ibn Abi Hudhayfa (Arabic: محمد بن أبي حذيفة ) was the son of Abu Hudhayfa ibn 'Utba and Sahla bint Suhail.
  • She was the daughter of Thabit ibn Abi al-Aflah and Al-Shamus bint Abi Amir, who were both from the 'Amr ibn Awf clan of the Aws tribe in Medina. Her brother Asim was among those who fought at Badr.
  • Ministers Majid Arslan, Sabri Hamadeh and Habib Abi Shahla escaped the arrest because they were not in their homes that night.
  • Blad Asha'abi Al-Allia (...) is a sub-district located in al-Sabrah District, Ibb Governorate, Yemen. Blad Asha'abi Al-Allia had a population of 5432 according to the 2004 census.
  • He is Al-Sayyid Izz Al-Din Abu Al-Makarim Hamza bin Ali bin Abi Al-Mahasin Zuhra bin Abi Ali Al-Hassan bin Abi Al-Hasan bin Abi Al-Mahasin Zuhra bin Abi Al-Mawahib Ali bin Abi Salem Muhammad bin Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Naqib bin Ali, bin Abi Ali Ahmed bin Abi Ja'far Muhammad bin Abi Abdullah Al-Hussein Ibn Abi-Ibrahim Ishaq al-Mutman Ibn Abi Abdullah Ja`far Ibn Mohammed al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, al-Husayni al-Halabi".

  • Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Abd al-Rahman bin Abi al-Bashaer al-Siqilli, also known as Ibn Abi al-Bishr al-Siqilli (Arabic: ابن أبي البشر الصقلي), was an Arab Sicilian poet of the eleventh century CE / fifth AH, who lived most of his life in Fatimid Egypt.
  • "The Sea Ahead" is a 2021 Lebanese film directed and written by Ely Dagher. Starring Manal Issa, Roger Azar, Yara Abi Haidar, Rabih Al Zaher, Fadi Abi Samra and Joseph Sassine.
  • During the Battle of Karbala, Ali ibn Abi Talib's daughter and Husayn's sister (Zaynab) went to Tall Zaynabiyya to stay informed about the status of Ali ibn Abi Talib's son, Husayn ibn Ali.
  • also known as Asy-Syukr Mosque or Abi Dzar Mosque, is a mosque located 900 meters north of Al-Masjid an-Nabawi in Medina, Saudi Arabia.
  • Al-Baker also posted to his Twitter account the phone numbers of Sa’ad bin Sa’ad al-Ka’abi and Abd al-Latif bin 'Abdullah al-Kawari.

  • CFT is also being studied as a rehabilitation method for patients with acquired brain injuries (ABI).
  • During the opening of the school year, the USA Publications produces the Pang-abi-abi New Student Orientation Primer.
  • The mountain got its name from Al-Mansur (Arabic for "the victorious").
  • His full name in Arabic was Ğirğis (George) ibn Abī ūl-Yāsir ibn Abī ūl-Mukārīm ibn Abī ūṭ-Ṭayyib al-ʿAmīd al-Makīn ("the Powerful One").
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