 Übersetzung für 'acceptance line' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   an acceptance line | acceptance lines
acceptance lineAkzeptlinie {f}
acceptance lineAkzeptlimit {n}
acceptance lineAbnahmelinie {f}
3 Wörter
acceptance credit lineAkzeptlimit {n}
acceptance credit lineAkzeptlinie {f}
acceptance credit lineRembourslinie {f}
offensive line <O-line, OL> [American Football]
O-Linie {f} <OL> [Offensive Line] [American Football]
distant early warning line <DEW line>
Distant Early Warning Line {f} <DEW-Line> [Kette von Radarstationen entlang der US-amerik. und kanadischen Arktis]
line-by-line scanning
zeilenweise Abtastung {f}
first-line service <1st line service> [also: first line service]
First-Line-Service {m}
blind carbon copy line <Bcc line, BCC line>
Blindkopie-Zeile {f} <Bcc-Zeile, BCC-Zeile>
acceptanceAnnahme {f} [Annehmen, Entgegennehmen]
acceptanceHinnahme {f}
acceptanceEntgegennahme {f}
acceptanceAufnahme {f} [Akzeptanz]
acceptanceAnnahmevermerk {m}
acceptanceEinwilligung {f}
acceptanceZustimmung {f}
Vereinnahmung {f}
Akzept {n} [akzeptierter Wechsel]
acceptanceHomologation {f}
acceptanceAkzeptation {f} [Annahme]
acceptanceWechsel {m}
acceptanceAufnahmebereitschaft {f} des Marktes
acceptanceAnnahmeerklärung {f}
acceptanceHereinnahme {f}
26 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Henry VII of England held the throne for the new royal line (the House of Tudor), and had tried to gain the acceptance of the Yorkist faction by his marriage to their heiress, Elizabeth of York, but his hold on power was not entirely secure.
  • On 21 July 2008, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and his Russian counterpart, Lavrov, signed an additional Sino-Russian Border Line Agreement, marking the acceptance of the demarcation of the eastern portion of the Chinese-Russian border in Beijing, China.
  • In addition, Kerry's first line from his acceptance speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention was, "I'm John Kerry, and I'm reporting for duty."
  • Interest in Pegler was briefly revived when a line originally written by him appeared in Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin's acceptance speech at the 2008 Republican National Convention in St.
  • The supreme control of the government was to be entrusted to Ignacio Comonfort who was to convoke within three months another constitutional congress for framing another constitution more in line with the national will, to be submitted to a national plebiscite and in the event of its non acceptance to be returned to the congress for an amendment.

  • The sight lines were factory zeroed ("Anschießen") as part of the acceptance process before issue.
  • Market acceptance of the IBM PC and lagging sales of the not quite PC compatible 8:16 and 2001 models created a revenue gap that was too deep to overcome.
  • His Oscar acceptance speech has often been cited for its enthusiasm.
  • other recent writers on the subject treat Augustine’s acceptance of the earth’s spherical shape as a well-established fact".
  • In April 1961, when a proposal to send 100 more American military advisers to South Vietnam to make a total of 800 appeared before Kennedy, Rusk argued for acceptance even as he noted that it violated the Geneva Accords of 1954 (which the United States had not signed, but promised to abide by), which limited the number of foreign military personnel in Vietnam to 700 at a time.

  • In this way, King Jan was aiming to gain social acceptance for an increased role for the prince, who he hoped would become the second most important person in the Commonwealth after himself.
  • The metamorphosis of "li" into law depended on its widespread and unvaried acceptance by society.
  • Its breakthrough was its acceptance in 1894 by Lord Brougham at London's Portland Club.
  • The NWS began limited operation in 1988 with the commissioning and acceptance of the three newly constructed east coast sites BAF-3 Brevoort Island, Nunavut, LAB-2 Saglek and LAB-6 Cartwright, both in Labrador.
  • This launched the commercial success and widespread acceptance of Kaplan turbines.

  • Appointment of the nephew as patriarch would look like acceptance of the principle of hereditary succession.
  • Ringback testing is an acceptance testing procedure conducted by telephone installers to verify the quality of customer premises wiring to prevent network damage from faulty equipment or installation.
  • Conditions attached to the acceptance of a deed are known as covenants.
  • Lin is also remembered for a couplet he wrote after his exile which reflects his stoic acceptance: "海納百川,有容乃大。壁立千仞,無欲則剛。" ("The sea accepts the waters of a hundred rivers; its tolerance results in its grandeur. ...
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