| NOUN | an act | acts |
| VERB | to act | acted | acted acting | acts |
| SYNO | act | bit | deed | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| to act | handeln [agieren] 1924 | |
| to act sth. [pretend] | etw. vorspielen [vorgeben] 518 | |
| to act [take action, do something; perform a role (actor)] | 469 agieren [geh.] [handeln, tätig sein; als Schauspieler auftreten] | |
| filmtheatre to act sth. | etw. spielen 437 | |
| to act [work] | arbeiten 362 | |
| to act [work, have the function] | wirken [Wirkung auf etw. haben] 234 | |
| to act [proceed, take action] | verfahren [vorgehen] 192 | |
| to act [proceed, take action] | vorgehen [verfahren] 186 | |
| theatre to act sth. [a play] | etw. aufführen 153 | |
| filmtheatre to act sb./sth. | jdn./etw. darstellen 84 | |
| filmtheatre to act | schauspielern [ugs.] 81 | |
| to act | handeln [Maßnahmen ergreifen] 60 | |
| to act | funktionieren 55 | |
| filmtheatre to act | schauspielen [selten] 26 | |
| to act sth. [Br.] [pretend] | etw. markieren [ugs.] [spielen, vorgeben] 9 | |
| to act | in Tätigkeit treten [Mensch] | |
| theatre to act | Theater spielen | |
| to act [behave] | sich verhalten | |
| to act [behave] | sich aufführen [sich benehmen] | |
| to act [behave] | sich gerieren [geh.] [sich benehmen, auftreten] | |
| to act [conduct oneself] | sich benehmen | |
| to act [dumb, clumsy] | sich anstellen [ugs.] [dumm, ungeschickt] | |
| to act [engage in] | sich betätigen | |
| to act [function] | tätig sein | |
| to act [influence] | Einfluss haben | |
| to act [sick, dumb, etc.] | sich stellen [krank, dumm, etc.] | |
| to act [take action] | in Aktion treten | |
| to act sth. | auftreten als etw. | |
Substantive |
| admin. act | Verordnung {f} 769 | |
| act | Tat {f} [Einzeltat] 411 | |
| act | Akt {m} 286 | |
| act | Handlung {f} 215 | |
| lit.theatre act | Aufzug {m} [Akt] 63 | |
| law act | Rechtshandlung {f} 53 | |
| act [achievement] | Leistung {f} [Tat] 35 | |
| theatre act [performance] | Darbietung {f} 33 | |
| act [report] | Bericht {m} 24 | |
| act [activity] | Betätigung {f} 22 | |
| theatre act [performer] | Darsteller {m} 18 | |
| act [pretence, pose] | Gepose {n} [ugs.] 16 | |
| act [pretence] | Show {f} [ugs.] 14 | |
| act [pretence] | Pose {f} [Getue, Theater] 9 | |
| theatre act | Nummer {f} [Teil einer Vorstellung / Show] 7 | |
| act [pretence] | Schau {f} [ugs.] 6 | |
| act [deed, action] | Werk {n} [Handlung, Tat] 5 | |
| lit.theatre act | Akt {m} eines Dramas | |
| lawpol. act [decree] | (verabschiedetes) Gesetz {n} | |
| act [pretence] | Theater {n} [ugs.] [fig.] | |
| act [pretence] | Shownummer {f} [ugs.] [fig.] | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| Act accordingly! | Handle dementsprechend! | |
| Act natural! [coll.] | Benimm dich unauffällig! | |
| Act naturally! | Benimm dich unauffällig! | |
| Act normal! [coll.] | Benimm dich unauffällig! | |
| Act normally! | Benimm dich unauffällig! | |
| theatre one-act {adj} | einaktig | |
| lit.mus.theatre three-act {adj} [attr.] | dreiaktig | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| to act (as sth.) | (als etw.) amtieren [vorübergehend] | |
| to act arbitrarily | willkürlich handeln | |
| to act as sb. [e.g. as a spokesman] | als jd. auftreten [z. B. als Sprecher] | |
| to act as sb./sth. | als jd./etw. fungieren | |
| to act as sb./sth. [act in the role of sb./sth.] | als jd./etw. handeln | |
| to act as sth. | als etw. wirken | |
| to act as sth. | wie etw. wirken | |
| to act as sth. | als etw. tätig sein | |
| to act as sth. [be used as sth.] | als etw.Nom. in Verwendung sein [als etw. dienen] | |
| to act as sth. [serve as sth.] | als etw.Nom. dienen | |
| to act awkwardly | sich täppisch anstellen | |
| to act big | den großen Mann spielen | |
| to act bizarrely | merkwürdig agieren | |
| to act bizarrely | sich merkwürdig verhalten | |
| to act by sth. | nach etw.Dat. verfahren | |
| to act calculatingly | aus Berechnung handeln [auf eigenen Vorteil bedacht] | |
| to act carefully | mit Sorgfalt vorgehen | |
| to act carelessly | fahrlässig handeln | |
| to act carelessly | gedankenlos vorgehen | |
| to act cautiously | umsichtig handeln | |
| to act cautiously | umsichtig vorgehen | |
| to act cautiously | vorsichtig handeln | |
| to act cautiously | mit Vorsicht vorgehen | |
| to act clumsily | sich täppisch anstellen | |
| to act clumsily | sichAkk. unbeholfen anstellen | |
| math. to act continuously | stetig operieren | |
| to act cool | sichAkk. gelassen geben | |
| to act correctly | korrekt handeln | |
| to act corruptly | korrupt handeln | |
| to act coyly | sich zieren [schüchtern tun; Mädchen etc.] | |
| to act craftily | in gerissener Weise handeln | |
| to act cruelly | grausam vorgehen | |
| to act cunningly | schlau vorgehen | |
| to act deaf | sich taub stellen | |
| to act deliberately | vorsätzlich handeln | |
| math. to act densely | dicht operieren | |
| to act difficult | schwierig tun [schweiz.] [sich aufführen, sich anstellen] | |
| to act discreetly | diskret vorgehen | |
| to act dumb | sichAkk. dumm stellen | |
| to act dumb [coll.] | sich blöd stellen [ugs.] | |
| to act fast | rasch handeln | |
| to act fast | schnell handeln | |
| to act firmly | resolut vorgehen | |
| to act foolishly | sich töricht verhalten | |
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Übersetzung für 'act' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- to act
- handeln [agieren]
schauspielern [ugs.]filmtheatre
handeln [Maßnahmen ergreifen]
schauspielen [selten]filmtheatre
in Tätigkeit treten [Mensch]
Theater spielentheatre
- to act sth. [pretend]
- etw. vorspielen [vorgeben]
- to act [take action, do something; perform a role (actor)]
- agieren [geh.] [handeln, tätig sein; als Schauspieler auftreten]
- to act sth.
- etw. spielenfilmtheatre
auftreten als etw.
- to act [work]
- arbeiten
- to act [work, have the function]
- wirken [Wirkung auf etw. haben]
- to act [proceed, take action]
- verfahren [vorgehen]
vorgehen [verfahren]
- to act sth. [a play]
- etw. aufführentheatre
- to act sb./sth.
- jdn./etw. darstellenfilmtheatre
- to act sth. [Br.] [pretend]
- etw. markieren [ugs.] [spielen, vorgeben]
- to act [behave]
- sich verhalten
sich aufführen [sich benehmen]
sich gerieren [geh.] [sich benehmen, auftreten]
- to act [conduct oneself]
- sich benehmen
- to act [dumb, clumsy]
- sich anstellen [ugs.] [dumm, ungeschickt]
- to act [engage in]
- sich betätigen
- to act [function]
- tätig sein
- to act [influence]
- Einfluss haben
- to act [sick, dumb, etc.]
- sich stellen [krank, dumm, etc.]
- to act [take action]
- in Aktion treten
- act
- Verordnung {f}admin.
Tat {f} [Einzeltat]
Akt {m}
Handlung {f}
Aufzug {m} [Akt]lit.theatre
Rechtshandlung {f}law
Nummer {f} [Teil einer Vorstellung / Show]theatre
Akt {m} eines Dramaslit.theatre
- act [achievement]
- Leistung {f} [Tat]
- act [performance]
- Darbietung {f}theatre
- act [report]
- Bericht {m}
- act [activity]
- Betätigung {f}
- act [performer]
- Darsteller {m}theatre
- act [pretence, pose]
- Gepose {n} [ugs.]
- act [pretence]
- Show {f} [ugs.]
Pose {f} [Getue, Theater]
Schau {f} [ugs.]
Theater {n} [ugs.] [fig.]
Shownummer {f} [ugs.] [fig.]
- act [deed, action]
- Werk {n} [Handlung, Tat]
- act [decree]
- (verabschiedetes) Gesetz {n}lawpol.
- Act accordingly!
- Handle dementsprechend!
- Act natural! [coll.]
- Benimm dich unauffällig!
- Act naturally!
- Benimm dich unauffällig!
- Act normal! [coll.]
- Benimm dich unauffällig!
- Act normally!
- Benimm dich unauffällig!
- one-act {adj}
- einaktigtheatre
- three-act {adj} [attr.]
- dreiaktiglit.mus.theatre
- to act (as sth.)
- (als etw.) amtieren [vorübergehend]
- to act arbitrarily
- willkürlich handeln
- to act as sb. [e.g. as a spokesman]
- als jd. auftreten [z. B. als Sprecher]
- to act as sb./sth.
- als jd./etw. fungieren
- to act as sb./sth. [act in the role of sb./sth.]
- als jd./etw. handeln
- to act as sth.
- als etw. wirken
wie etw. wirken
als etw. tätig sein
- to act as sth. [be used as sth.]
- als etw.Nom. in Verwendung sein [als etw. dienen]
- to act as sth. [serve as sth.]
- als etw.Nom. dienen
- to act awkwardly
- sich täppisch anstellen
- to act big
- den großen Mann spielen
- to act bizarrely
- merkwürdig agieren
sich merkwürdig verhalten
- to act by sth.
- nach etw.Dat. verfahren
- to act calculatingly
- aus Berechnung handeln [auf eigenen Vorteil bedacht]
- to act carefully
- mit Sorgfalt vorgehen
- to act carelessly
- fahrlässig handeln
gedankenlos vorgehen
- to act cautiously
- umsichtig handeln
umsichtig vorgehen
vorsichtig handeln
mit Vorsicht vorgehen
- to act clumsily
- sich täppisch anstellen
sichAkk. unbeholfen anstellen
- to act continuously
- stetig operierenmath.
- to act cool
- sichAkk. gelassen geben
- to act correctly
- korrekt handeln
- to act corruptly
- korrupt handeln
- to act coyly
- sich zieren [schüchtern tun; Mädchen etc.]
- to act craftily
- in gerissener Weise handeln
- to act cruelly
- grausam vorgehen
- to act cunningly
- schlau vorgehen
- to act deaf
- sich taub stellen
- to act deliberately
- vorsätzlich handeln
- to act densely
- dicht operierenmath.
- to act difficult
- schwierig tun [schweiz.] [sich aufführen, sich anstellen]
- to act discreetly
- diskret vorgehen
- to act dumb
- sichAkk. dumm stellen
- to act dumb [coll.]
- sich blöd stellen [ugs.]
- to act fast
- rasch handeln
schnell handeln
- to act firmly
- resolut vorgehen
- to act foolishly
- sich töricht verhalten
- ACT {n} [Australian Capital Territory] = Australian Capital Territory <ACT> [formerly: The Territory for the Seat of Government, Federal Capital Territory]
- Pop-Act {m} = pop act
- Aspartat-Carbamoyl-Transferase {f} <ACT> = aspartate carbamoyltransferase <ACT>
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The Prostitution Reform Act 2003 is an Act of Parliament that decriminalised prostitution in New Zealand.
- In the Gas Undertakings Act 1929, unless the context otherwise required, the expression "enactment" included any public general Act, any special Act, and any provisional order confirmed by an Act.
- This act and others before as Municipal (Corporation) Act are linked back to Baldwin Act, 1849, which replaced the ineffective District Council Act by establishment of responsible government.
- The "Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999" replaced the "National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975", after this legislation was repealed by the "Environmental Reform (Consequential Provisions) Act 1999".
- The term "metalocutionary act" originated as "metalocution" (Gibbon 1976, 1983) in functional descriptions of intonation in English and German, by analogy with "locution" (locutionary act), "illocution" (illocutionary act) and "perlocution" (perlocutionary act) in speech act theory.
- The Illicit Drug Anti-Proliferation Act of 2003 is a United States federal law enacted as a rider within the PROTECT Act on April 30, 2003.
- AMS also enforces the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA), Federal Seed Act, Organic Foods Production Act, and Packers and Stockyards Act.
- The Welsh Church Act and the Government of Ireland Act were (together with the Parliament Act 1949) the only Acts enacted by invoking the Parliament Act 1911 until the War Crimes Act in 1991.
- A flurry of major environmental legislation, including the "Canadian Environmental Protection Act", "National Marine Conservation Areas Act", "Pest Control Products Act", and the "Species at Risk Act" were enacted.
- The "LH 5 Act" aimed at preventing speculation has been passed or is being passed by the National Assembly.
- The "Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016" ("BC Act") is a state-based act of parliament in New South Wales (NSW).
- The Penal Servitude Act 1864 is an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.
- The IJA supported acts of the U.S. Congress, including: Social Security Act, Wagner Labor Relations Act, Norris-LaGuardia Anti-Injunction Act, Tennessee Valley Authority, and Fair Labor Standards Act.
- Before the Advocates Act 1961, there had existed various professions.
- The Metropolis Water Act 1852 was followed by four more Metropolis Water Acts enacted over the next 50 years: the Metropolis Water Act 1871, the Metropolis Water Act 1897, the Metropolis Water Act 1899, and the Metropolis Water Act 1902.
- Republic Act No. 8183 “An act repealing Republic Act numbered five hundred twenty nine, as amended entitled an “Act to repeal the Uniform Currency Act”.
- The Gujarat Local Authorities Laws (Amendment) Act, 2009 is a law passed by the Gujarat Assembly in December 2009.
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