Übersetzung für '
actinometry' von Englisch nach Deutsch
1 Übersetzung
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Potassium ferrioxalate is used in chemical actinometry and along with its sodium salt undergoes photoreduction applied in old-style photographic processes.
- The formation of Hg can be used to calculate the number of photons in the light beam, by the technique of actinometry.
- Chemical actinometry involves measuring radiant flux via the yield from a chemical reaction. This process requires a chemical with a known quantum yield and easily analyzed reaction products.
- This reaction is the basis of the technique called actinometry.
- This reaction provides an efficient chemical method for photometry and actinometry, the measurement of light and higher-energy electromagnetic radiation.
- After studying physics, chemistry and astronomy in Berlin, he moved to Göttingen, where in 1889 he received his doctorate for a thesis on the actinometry of photographic astronomic fixed star exposures.
- Potassium ferrooxalate is believed to be formed when the related compound potassium ferrioxalate [...] is decomposed by light in solution (a common method of actinometry) or heated above 296 °C.
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