 Übersetzung für 'adze' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   an adze | adzes
VERB   to adz [Am.] / adze | adzed | adzed
adzing | adzes
SYNO adz | adze
Dechsel {f} [auch {m}]
Queraxt {f}
Haue {f}
Deichsel {f} [kleine Hacke]
Dexel {f}
Krummaxt {f} des Zimmermanns
2 Wörter
adze-cut {adj}
gedechselt [mit der Dechsel behauen]
adze hammer [Br.]
Axthammer {m}
adze hammer [Br.]
axtähnlicher Zimmererhammer {m}
9 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In firefly form, the adze would travel through keyholes, cracks in walls, or under closed doors at night. There is no defense against an adze.
  • The Historic Preservation Office (HPO) did an investigation of the Tatagamatau adze quarry site in Leone, and revealed the site to be the oldest and largest of its kind in western Polynesia.
  • The district of Neuensorg, whose residents were employed in forestry, were symbolized through the inclusion of wood cutting tools, the felling axe and the adze.
  • The cutting shape of a gouge may also be held in an adze, roughly as the shape of a modern-day mattock.
  • Chapman-Taylor believed that a hand finished technique using an adze gave a "woody character" emphasised the handmade nature of the work, reflecting light to add "interest and beauty" to the wood with no further need for decoration or embellishment.

  • Clay pellets found on-site indicate that slingshots or pellet bows were in use at this site, likely for hunting or warfare. An adze fragment was also recovered from Prei Khmeng.
  • On 7 May 1999 a pounamu adze valued at $25,000, gifted to the gallery after being found in 1998 in 12 Mile Creek north of Greymouth, was stolen from a secured display case.
  • 1980 Leach, H.M. and Leach, B.F. The Riverton site: an Archaic adze manufactory in western Southland, "New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Archaeology" 2: 99–140.
  • The burnt wood was then removed using an adze. Another method using tools is to chop out parallel notches across the interior span of the wood, then split out and remove the wood from between the notches.
  • In 2010, he went so far as to propose the adoption of a “national” ending for Azerbaijani surnames, like the Russian “-ov” or the Georgian “-adze.” He suggested “-az,” but it never caught on.

  • An adze in the burial is the earliest securely dated polished adze or axe found in Europe.
  • The ancient Egyptian Adze on a Wood Block, or "Axe in a Block of Wood" hieroglyph, Gardiner sign listed no.
  • The police discover a historic Maori battle adze that belonged to the local chief's grandfather.
  • Similar to the pickaxe, it has a long handle and a stout head which combines either a vertical axe blade with a horizontal adze (cutter mattock), or a pick and an adze (pick mattock).
  • Phonolite tuff was used as a source of flint for adze heads and such by prehistoric people from Hohentwiel and Hegau, Germany.

  • One end is formed into a chisel; the opposite end has a 90 degree adze.
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