 Übersetzung für 'agonizing death' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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agonizing deathqualvolles Sterben {n} [qualvoller Tod]
agonizing {adj}quälerisch [geh.]
agonizing {adj}qualvoll
agonizing {adj}quälend
agonizing {adj} {pres-p}sichAkk. abquälend
agonizing pain
unerträglicher Schmerz {m}
agonizing waitquälendes Warten {n}
agonizing crydurchdringender Schrei {m}
agonizing problemquälendes Problem {n}
agonizing sightpeinlicher Anblick {m}
agonizing pain
quälender Schmerz {m}
in agonizing detail {adv} [fig.]bis ins schmerzhafte Detail [fig.]
All this waiting is agonizing.Das ganze Warten ist eine Qual.
death-watch / deathwatch / death watch beetle [Xestobium rufovillosum, syn.: X. tessellatum]
Scheckiger Pochkäfer {m}
death-watch / deathwatch / death watch beetle [Xestobium rufovillosum, syn.: X. tessellatum]
Buntwürfeliger Nagekäfer {m}
death-watch / deathwatch / death watch beetle [Xestobium rufovillosum, syn.: X. tessellatum]
Scheckiger Klopfkäfer {m}
death-watch / deathwatch / death watch beetle [Xestobium rufovillosum, syn.: X. tessellatum]
Bunter Klopfkäfer {m}
deathTodesfall {m}
deathEnde {n} [geh.] [Tod]
deathTod {m}
deathLebensende {n}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • At the Ravenscroft Institute, an all-girl school for juvenile delinquents, several girls go missing as they are assaulted by a man in a Ronald Reagan mask, who drags them to the basement of the school and immures them into darkened chambers to die a slow and agonizing death by way of entombment.
  • She shares experiences of the other women, including one that was forced to shoot her own daughter, and the slow and agonizing death of her best friend.
  • In summation, opponents argue that the effect of dilution or of improper administration of thiopental is that the inmate dies an agonizing death through suffocation due to the paralytic effects of pancuronium bromide and the intense burning sensation caused by potassium chloride.
  • This epistle, unlike the other two, is written more as a sermon, one to help strengthen people's faith in Jesus, to help them understand why a being as great as the Son of God would have a mortal life and a mortal's agonizing death.
  • Thomas Imbach's dismay at the agonizing death of the freight station prompts him to record the ongoing destruction, the years of standstill and the creation of the new concrete colossus, in order to compose a personal chronicle.

  • In the source text, Ugolino grieves the agonizing death of his children and whether he eats his children's flesh is unclear to the reader, as it is in the sculpture.
  • Authorities confirmed that the nine Italian victims suffered "slow and agonizing death".
  • The College sent their security guards to poison the dogs at a nearby shelter, leading to the slow agonizing death of all of the shelter's dogs and puppies.
  • Ahmad Shah died an agonizing death soon afterwards succumbing to cancer of the face.
  • In 1959, Smith's mother died an agonizing death. Smith became shocked at this occurrence and became one of the foremost leaders of voluntary euthanasia.

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