 Übersetzung für 'almond-shaped' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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SYNO almond-shaped | amygdaliform | amygdaloid | ...
almond-shaped {adj}mandelförmig
almond-shaped eye
mandelförmiges Auge {n} [Mandelauge]
almond-shaped eyesmandelförmige Augen {pl}
almond-shaped objectmandelförmiger Gegenstand {m}
4 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Some of the characteristics of the style include marked, almond-shaped eyes, and symmetrically arranged folds in the clothing.
  • The eyes are almond shaped and dark coloured and should be full of life and intelligence.
  • Snuffy's original puppet was skinny and sunken, with an almond-shaped head and bulging green-and-yellow eyes.
  • Under the Sasanians, a short almond shaped lute from Bactria came to be called the barbat or barbud, which was developed into the later Islamic world's "oud" or "ud".
  • It can also have almond-shaped or "hooded" eyes. The mane and tail are usually sparse.

  • The large, slightly pointed, and deep cupped ears together with the large almond-shaped eyes are characteristics of the breed.
  • Commonly, Westies have bright, deep-set, almond-shaped eyes that are dark in colour.
  • Slim and elegant, with bone structure and muscles showing through thin skin. Eyes are almond-shaped.
  • Interviewer: Yeah, I'm often being told I'm Tatar and have the Tatar almond-shaped eyes.
  • Alvin, Theodore and Simon were depicted as somewhat realistic, nearly identical anthropomorphic rodents with almond-shaped eyes.

  • The were-jaguar figure is characterized by a distinctive down-turned mouth with fleshy lips, almond-shaped eyes, and a cleft head similar – it is said – to that of the male jaguar which has a cleft running vertically the length of its head.
  • Their technical name (biface) comes from the fact that the archetypical model is a generally bifacial (with two wide sides or faces) and almond-shaped (amygdaloidal) lithic flake.
  • Under the Sasanians, a short almond-shaped lute from Bactria came to be called the barbat or barbud, which was developed into the later Islamic world's "oud" or "ud".
  • The eyes of the Alaskan Malamute are almond-shaped and are varied shades of brown; however, the darker eye is preferred.
  • Wills cut a dashing figure with "impossibly wavy" hair and blue, almond-shaped eyes that "[...] with a pale light".

  • The English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan) has almond-shaped eyes and 'candle-flame' ears.
  • The hairy five-chambered seed capsules are egg-shaped, 7–9 mm long; seeds are almond-shaped.
  • In the center of the flag is the seal; an almond-shaped emblem, which depicts a proa sailing in Hagåtña Bay near Hagåtña, and "GUAM" colored in red letters.
  • The Cowper's gland is white, almond-shaped and lacks seminal vesicles; the prostate gland is dark yellow, disc-shaped and divided into two lobes.
  • Their eyes are almond-shaped, vary in color from hazel to chestnut – dark brown is preferred – medium-sized, and neither deep-set nor protruding.

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