 Übersetzung für 'amount brought forward' von Englisch nach Deutsch
amount brought forwardÜbertrag {m}
amount brought forward
Vortrag {m}
brought forward {adj} {past-p}übertragen
brought forward {past-p}vorgebracht
profit brought forwardGewinnvortrag {m}
account brought forwardSaldovortrag {m}
balance brought forwardSaldovortrag {m}
balance brought forward
Saldoübertrag {m}
brought forward <b/f>Übertrag {m}
amount brought inÜbertrag {m}
balance to be brought forwardSaldovortrag {m}
amount carried forwardÜbertrag {m}
to bring forward an amountmit einem Betrag herausrücken
brought {past-p}gebracht
brought {past-p}mitgebracht
brought about {adj} {past-p}verursacht
brought along {past-p}mitgebracht
brought in {past-p}eingebracht
sb. broughtjd. brachte
brought together {past-p}zusammengebracht
brought about {adj} {past-p}bewirkt
brought up {adj} {past-p}aufgezogen
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Although a small amount of coal was being cut from the new colliery, brought to the surface at Birley West, it was not until 1890 when a new winding engine was installed that it fully came on stream.
  • Furthermore, the end of SNMG1's participation in the operation was brought forward from June to May.
  • In 2011, the school settled a lawsuit brought forward by an anonymous former employee after negligently hiring a known sexual predator to its campus police department.
  • The Liberals however cancelled a tax rebate on energy costs brought forward by the previous government which they had said they would maintain.
  • Forte was eventually brought to trial for the Nightstalker cases.

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