 Übersetzung für 'antedating' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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VERB   to antedate | antedated | antedated
antedating | antedates
antedating {adj} {pres-p}vordatierend
antedatingVorausdatierung {f}
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'antedating' von Englisch nach Deutsch

antedating {adj} {pres-p}

Vorausdatierung {f}
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In a document antedating Henry Tudor's rule, Brackenbury was charged with having "assembled to them at Leicester ...
  • In lexicography, antedating is finding earlier citations of a particular term than those already known.
  • The Ranchero, introduced in 1957, was the first coupe utility pickup sold in North America, antedating the Chevrolet El Camino by two years.
  • History and researchers, as well as records of the National Historical Commission, tells that the "Kakarong Republic" was the first and truly organized revolutionary government established in the country to overthrow the Spaniards antedating event the famous Malolos Republic and the Biak-na-Bato Republic.
  • The term has been used since around 1972 in Texas, antedating the trademark on "Jalapeño Poppers".

  • In 1878, he successfully inoculated syphilis in monkeys, antedating Élie Metchnikoff and Émile Roux by 25 years.
  • While pinto coloration has yet to be identified as a wildtype by DNA studies or seen in cave art antedating horse domestication, images from pottery and other art of ancient antiquity show horses with flashy, spotted patterns, indicating that they may have been desirable traits and selectively bred for.
  • The Owenite movement of the 1820s was one of the four primary branches of secular utopian socialism in the US during the 19th century, antedating Fourierism (1843–1850), Icarianism (1848–1898), and Bellamyism (1889–1896).
  • The history of the town has its ancient beginning antedating far back with the advent of the Marinduque settlers in the early part of the 18th century who landed on the shores of the old settlement at Lumang-bayan.
  • Dating in 2021 of bones of animals, possibly hunted and eaten, found in the cave to 30,000 years BP may lead to antedating the previously-accepted arrival date of humans in the Americas.

  • In the El Liberal, a Spanish newspaper, journalist and literary critic Enrique Gómez Carrillo published an interview with Pierre Reverdy where he accuses Huidobro of antedating the edition of "El espejo de agua" and claims that he himself created "creacionismo".
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