 Übersetzung für 'autochthonous' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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ADJ   autochthonous | more autochthonous | most autochthonous
SYNO autochthonal | autochthonic | autochthonous | ...
autochthonous {adj}bodenständig
autochthonous {adj}
autochthonous {adj}autochthon
autochthonous {adj}einheimisch
autochthonous {adj}
ortsständig [autochthon]
autochthonous minorities
autochthone Minderheiten {pl}
6 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Vandicholai has few (if any) traditional/autochthonous inhabitants.
  • The presence of an autochthonous horse breed in the Jura traces to the year 1619.
  • Carbon sources from within the system, such as algae and the microbial breakdown of aquatic particulate organic carbon, are "autochthonous".
  • The scrubland is formed mainly of autochthonous species, like gorse, broom, asparagus, spurge flax ("Thymelaea") or rockrose ("Cistaceae").
  • Energy sources can be autochthonous or allochthonous.

  • Kamwe also spelt Kamue) is a Chadic language autochthonous to Adamawa State, Borno State of Nigeria and North Western Cameroon.
  • Slovenian breeds: Some autochthonous breeds are cross-border and have been developed in various countries, meaning they can be recognized as autochthonous in multiple countries.
  • The rich biodiversity of dendroflora features black pines, chestnuts, downy oaks and other spontaneous autochthonous species typical of the reserve woods.
  • Also on 26 November, Mexico reports its first three cases of Zika infection, two autochthonous and one travel related (from Columbia).
  • Municipalities with significant presence of the autochthonous Slovene minority are as following.

  • With regards to Papuan influence, autochthonous haplogroups support the hypothesis of a long history in Near Oceania, with some lineages suggesting a time depth of 60 thousand years.
  • Another relevant game is the pigeon sport, with an autochthonous dove race being trained, the "gavatxut valencià".
  • This [...] reserve was established in 1954 to preserve the last autochthonous population of Oryx gazella.
  • The Croatian Coldblood ([...] , [...]) is an autochthonous medium-heavy horse breed of draught horse originating from Croatia.
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