21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- "Zaxxon" was the first game to employ axonometric projection, which lent its name to the game ("AXXON" from "AXON"ometric projection).
- It is shown like a three-dimensional object. Auxiliary views tend to make use of axonometric projection. When existing all by themselves, auxiliary views are sometimes known as "pictorials".
- It is an axonometric projection in which the three coordinate axes appear equally foreshortened and the angle between any two of them is 120 degrees.
- "Axonometry" should not be confused with "axonometric projection", which in English literature usually refers to "orthogonal axonometry".
- There are three main divisions of axonometric projection: "isometric" (equal measure), "dimetric" (symmetrical and unsymmetrical), and "trimetric" (single-view or only two sides).
- Examples of games that make use of pseudo-3D techniques include "Zaxxon", "The Sims" and "Diablo" (isometric/axonometric projection); "Ultima VII" and "Paperboy" (oblique projection); "Sonic the Hedgehog" and "Street Fighter II" (parallax scrolling); "Fonz" and "Space Harrier" (scaling); and "Half-Life 2" (skyboxes).
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