 Übersetzung für 'azeotropic' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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ADJ   azeotropic | more azeotropic | most azeotropic
azeotropic {adj}
azeotropic distillation
azeotrope Destillation {f}
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'azeotropic' von Englisch nach Deutsch

azeotropic {adj}

azeotropic distillation
azeotrope Destillation {f}chem.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • , heptanal can be converted into ("Z")-2-pentyl-2-nonenal virtually quantitatively in the presence of aqueous boric acid upon azeotropic removal of water.
  • Drying can also be achieved by the use of "in situ" desiccants such as molecular sieves, or the use of azeotropic distillation techniques e.g. with a Dean-Stark apparatus.
  • Derived data are also not collected with the main exception of the azeotropic data bank which is built partly from evaluated vapor–liquid equilibrium data.
  • Azeotropic and zeotropic mixtures have different dew and bubble curves characteristics in a temperature-composition graph.
  • This piece of equipment is usually used in azeotropic distillations.

  • by azeotropic distillation, molecular sieves or titanium tetrachloride.
  • The reaction can be driven to the acetal when water is removed from the reaction system either by azeotropic distillation or trapping water with molecular sieves or aluminium oxide.
  • The ester is first produced as a hydrate, which is dehydrated by azeotropic distillation with toluene to the final product.
  • The azeotropic concentrations are unstable operation points, as any small change in temperature will cause a shift in molar concentration through reactivity ratio effects and cause subsequent composition drift.
  • Residue curve maps are typically used for examining ternary mixtures which can't be easily separated by distillation because of azeotropic points or too small relative volatilities.

  • Pentafluoroethane in a near azeotropic mixture with difluoromethane is known as R-410A, a common replacement for various chlorofluorocarbons (commonly known as "Freon") in new refrigerant systems.
  • The only difference is that the compositions of the two phases are equal exactly at the azeotropic composition.
  • By exposing an azeotrope to a vacuum or positive pressure, it's possible to bias the boiling point of one component away from the other by exploiting the differing vapor pressure curves of each; the curves may overlap at the azeotropic point, but are unlikely to remain identical further along the pressure axis to either side of the azeotropic point.
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