Übersetzung für '
azure' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | azure | - |
| VERB | to azure | azured | azured azuring | azures |
| SYNO | azure | bright blue | cerulean | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| azure {adj} | himmelblau 106 | |
| azure {adj} | azurblau 8 | |
| azure {adj} | azurn [geh.] 8 | |
Substantive |
| herald. azure | Blau {n} 17 | |
| azure | Azur {m} [poet.] [Himmelsblau] 9 | |
| azure | Azurblau {n} | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| azure blue {adj} | azurblau | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| EU azure blue [RAL 5009] | Azurblau {n} [RAL 5009] | |
4 Wörter: Substantive |
| hist. Temple of Azure Clouds | Tempel {m} der Azurblauen Wolken | |
Fiktion (Literatur und Film) |
| comicsF Azure Blue [Disney] | Berengar Bläulich | |
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze) |
| bot.T azure (blue) sage [Salvia azurea, syn.: S. azurea var. grandiflora, S. pitcheri] | Herbst-Salbei / Herbstsalbei {m} {f} | |
| bot.T azure (blue) sage [Salvia azurea, syn.: S. azurea var. grandiflora, S. pitcheri] | Prärie-Salbei / Präriesalbei {m} {f} | |
| bot.T azure (blue) sage [Salvia azurea, syn.: S. azurea var. grandiflora, S. pitcheri] | Blauer Salbei {m} [Blaue Salbei {f}] | |
| bot.T azure (blue) sage [Salvia azurea, syn.: S. azurea var. grandiflora, S. pitcheri] | Spätherbst-Salbei / Spätherbstsalbei {m} {f} | |
| bot.T azure blue pea [Lathyrus sativus] | Deutsche Kichererbse {f} | |
| bot.T azure blue pea [Lathyrus sativus] | Saat-Platterbse / Saatplatterbse {f} | |
| bot.T azure blue pea [Lathyrus sativus] | Kicherling {m} [Saat-Platterbse] | |
| bot.T azure blue pea [Lathyrus sativus] | Futter-Platterbse / Futterplatterbse {f} | |
| orn.T azure bluebird [Sialia sialis] | Rotkehl-Hüttensänger {m} | |
| entom.T azure bluet [Coenagrion puella] | Hufeisen-Azurjungfer {f} | |
| bot.T azure bluet [Houstonia caerulea] | Porzellansternchen {n} | |
| fishT azure damsel [Chrysiptera parasema] | Goldschwanz-Riffbarsch {m} | |
| fishT azure damsel [Chrysiptera parasema] | Goldschwanz-Demoiselle {f} | |
| fishT azure damselfish [Chrysiptera hemicyanea] | Azur-Demoiselle {f} | |
| entom.T azure damselfly [Coenagrion puella] | Hufeisen-Azurjungfer {f} [Libellenart] | |
| orn.T azure dollarbird [Eurystomus azureus] | Azurroller {m} | |
| bot.T azure flowered garlic [Allium caeruleum, syn.: A. azureum, A. viviparum] | Flieder-Lauch {m} | |
| bot.T azure flowered garlic [Allium caeruleum, syn.: A. azureum, A. viviparum] | Blauer Kugel-Lauch {m} | |
| bot.T azure flowered garlic [Allium caeruleum, syn.: A. azureum, A. viviparum] | Blau-Lauch / Blaulauch {m} | |
| bot.T azure flowered garlic [Allium caeruleum, syn.: A. azureum, A. viviparum] | Sibirischer Enzianlauch {m} | |
| orn.T azure gallinule [Porphyrio flavirostris] | Azursultanshuhn {n} | |
| entom.T azure hawker [Aeshna caerulea] | Alpen-Mosaikjungfer {f} [Großlibelle] | |
| orn.T azure jay [Cyanocorax caeruleus] | Azurblaurabe {m} | |
| orn.T azure kingfisher [Ceyx azureus, syn.: Alcedo azurea, Alcedo azureus] | Azurfischer {m} | |
| orn.T azure nuthatch [Sitta azurea] | Schwarzbauchkleiber {m} | |
| orn.T azure roller [Eurystomus azureus] | Azurroller {m} | |
| orn.T azure tit [Cyanistes cyanus, syn.: Parus cyanus] | Lasurmeise {f} | |
| orn.T azure-breasted pitta [Pitta steerii] | Blaubauchpitta {f} | |
| orn.T azure-crowned hummingbird [Amazilia cyanocephala] | Blaukopfamazilie {f} | |
| orn.T azure-hooded jay [Cyanolyca cucullata] | Blaukappenhäher {m} | |
| orn.T azure-naped jay [Cyanocorax heilprini] | Fliederblaurabe {m} | |
| orn.T azure-rumped parrot [Tanygnathus sumatranus] | Blaurückenpapagei {m} | |
| orn.T azure-rumped tanager [Tangara cabanisi] | Cabanistangare {f} | |
| orn.T azure-shouldered tanager [Thraupis cyanoptera] | Violettschultertangare {f} | |
| orn.T azure-winged magpie [Cyanopica cyanus] | Blauelster {f} | |
| orn.T azure-winged tanager [Thraupis cyanoptera, syn.: Tangara cyanoptera] | Violettschultertangare {f} [auch: Violettschulter-Tangare] | |
| entom.T spring azure [Am.] [Celastrina argiolus] [butterfly] | Faulbaum-Bläuling {m} [Tagfalterart] | |
| entom.T spring azure [Am.] [Celastrina argiolus] [butterfly] | Buschheideland-Bläuling {m} [Tagfalterart] | |
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Giemsa stain is composed of "Azure II" and eosin Y with methanol and glycerol as the solvent.
- Blazon: Per fess low or and azure. Above a sun rising in his splendour gules, accompanied by five eight-pointed mullets azure. Below a herring argent swimming to the left.
- The municipality's arms might be described thus: Per fess Or a demilion gules armed and langued azure and azure an anchor of the first.
- The municipality's arms might be described thus: Per bend sinister Or a lion rampant sinister gules armed and langued azure and azure a handpump-well argent.
- The municipality's arms might in English heraldic language be described thus: Per fess argent a demilion azure armed and langued gules, and azure a garb of rye Or.
- The coat of arms displayed by the princes of Biscari is: "Royal arms of Aragon differenced by a bendlet azure" ("Or, four pallets gules overall a bendlet azure") (House of Paternò), impaling the canting arms of Castello: "Azure, a castle double-towered argent supported by two dragons".
- Blazon: Or, chevron gules, base flower rose gules, seeded or barbed vert, chief dexter brick tower azure, chief sinister plowshare azure.
- Feldatal's civic coat of arms might heraldically be described thus: Or a virgin-headed spreadeagle gules crowned azure, therein an inescutcheon argent a hammer and four nails azure.
- Kreuztal's civic coat of arms might heraldically be described thus: Party per fess, above, in Or a horn azure, below, in azure a saltire Or.
- Azure in fess three mullets-of-six-points or. The Helm mantled azure doubled or, crested is that?.
- The town's arms might be described thus: Party per fess Or a lion rampant gules armed and langued azure and azure three waterlily leaves argent.
- "Ogyris genoveva", the genoveva azure or southern purple azure, is a butterfly of the family Lycaenidae. It is found in Australia.
- "Celastrina lucia", the lucia azure, northern azure, eastern spring azure or northern spring azure, is a species of butterfly of the family Lycaenidae.
- 1845: Azure between two mullets or a bend argent. Mantling: azure and or. Crest: three ostrich feathers, azure-argent-azure.
- The adult azure typically lives for a few weeks from mid-May to late June.
- "Chrysiptera hemicyanea", known commonly as the azure damselfish, azure demoiselle, half-blue demoiselle, and yellow-dipped damsel, is a species of damselfish.
- Blazon: "Per pale argent and azure; argent an eagle wings elevated and displayed azure, armed and langued gules, azure an iron sign argent.
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