| born {adj} {past-p} <b.> | geboren <geb.> 2863 | |
| educ. B [grade] [Am.] [Aus.] | gut [Schulnote] 40 | |
| A involves B. | Bei A geht es auch um B. | |
| A involves B. | Bei A handelt es sich auch um B. | |
Verben |
| to B.S. [sl.] | Scheiße erzählen [vulg.] | |
Substantive |
| chem. boron <B> | Bor {n} <B> 108 | |
| comp.unit byte <B> | Byte {n} <B> 88 | |
| automot. B-pillar | B-Säule {f} 68 | |
| traffic B-road [Br.] | Landstraße {f} 45 | |
| B.O. [coll.] [body odor] | Körpergeruch {m} 41 | |
| comm.econ. B-stock | B-Sortiment {n} [B-Ware] 34 | |
| filmtech. B-roll | 24 [Material von den Dreharbeiten zur Verwendung für u. a. Schnittbilder] | |
| plan B | Plan B {m} 19 | |
| drugssports B sample [doping] | B-Probe {f} 16 | |
| mus. B flat <B♭> | B {n} [Ton] 12 | |
| mus. B sharp <B#> | His {n} 12 | |
| biol. B cell | B-Zelle {f} 9 | |
| comp. B-tree | B-Baum {m} 8 | |
| comm. grade B | Güteklasse B {f} 8 | |
| mus. B | H {n} [Ton] 6 | |
| mus. B-side | B-Seite {f} 6 | |
| biochem.tech. A-B process | AB-Verfahren {n} [Adsorptions-Belebungs-Verfahren] | |
| market. A/B testing | A/B-Test {m} | |
| pharm. amphotericin B | Amphotericin B {n} | |
| biochem. apolipoprotein B <ApoB> | Apolipoprotein B {n} <ApoB> | |
| ling.print b [letter] | b {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| ling.print B [letter] | B {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| mus. b [musical note] | h {n} [Ton] | |
| biol. B cells | B-Zellen {pl} | |
| mus. B major <B> | H-Dur {n} <H> | |
| phys. B meson | B-Meson {n} | |
| mus. B minor <b, Bm> | h-Moll {n} <h, Hm> | |
| mus. B string | H-Saite {f} | |
| med. B symptoms | B-Symptome {pl} | |
| med. B symptoms {pl} | B-Symptomatik {f} | |
| sports B team [generally second rate players chosen for unimportant matches] | B-Elf {f} | |
| biochem. B vitamins | B-Vitamine {pl} | |
| biochem. B vitamins {pl} | Vitamin {n} B [Vitamingruppe] | |
| fishT B-A tetra [Am.] [Psalidodon anisitsi, syn.: Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Hemigrammus caudovittatus] | Rautenflecksalmler {m} | |
| fishT B-A tetra [Am.] [Psalidodon anisitsi, syn.: Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Hemigrammus caudovittatus] | Schwarzbandsalmler {m} | |
| telecom. B-box [coll.] [serving area interface cabinet] | Verzweigerkasten {m} | |
| dance B-boy | Breakdancer {m} | |
| phys. B-factory | B-Fabrik {f} | |
| dance B-girl | Breakdancerin {f} | |
| B-girl [Am.] | Animierdame {f} | |
| B-girl [Am.] | Animiermädchen {n} [ugs.] | |
| geol. B-horizon | B-Horizont {m} | |
| B-lister [coll.] | B-Promi {m} [ugs.] | |
| MedTech. B-mode [brightness modulation] | B-Mode {m} [Sonographie] | |
| film B-movie | B-Movie {n} | |
| film B-movie | zweitklassiger Film {m} | |
| film B-picture | zweitklassiger Film {m} | |
| cloth. B.V.D.s | Männer-Unterwäsche {f} [nach Bradley, Voorhees & Day] | |
| phys.unit barn <b> | Barn {n} <b> | |
| phys.unit barye <Ba, ba, b> [dated] [unit of preassure] | Barye {n} <Ba, ba, b> [veraltet] [Einheit des Drucks] | |
| unit bel <B> | Bel {n} <B> | |
| phys. bottomness <B> | Bottomness {f} | |
| geogr. Bournemouth <B'mouth> [Br.] | Bournemouth {n} | |
| libr.publ. Britannica <E.B., EB> [short for: Encyclopædia Britannica] | Britannica {f} <E.B., EB> [kurz für: Encyclopædia Britannica] | |
| relig. Camaldoleses <OSBCam, O.S.B. Cam.> | Kamaldulenser {pl} <OSBCam> | |
| biochem. glycophorin B <GPB> | Glycophorin B {n} <GPB> | |
| biol. influenzavirus B | Influenzavirus B {n} | |
| archaeo.ling. Linear B | Linear B {f} [auch {n}] | |
| chem. molality <b, m> | Molalität {f} <b, m> | |
| chem. rhodamine B | Rhodamin B {n} | |
| mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
| mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
| chem. Zyklon B [hydrogen cyanide] | Zyklon B {n} | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| A and B interact. | A und B wirken aufeinander (ein). | |
| A and B interact. | A und B beeinflussen sich gegenseitig. | |
| archi. A fronted by B | A, dem B vorgesetzt ist | |
| B for Benjamin [Br.] | B wie Berta | |
| mil. B for Bravo [NATO phonetic alphabet] | B wie Bravo [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] | |
| electr. B-type encoded {adj} | B-kodiert | |
| Internettelecom. b/c {conj} [short form of "because" in text messages] | weil | |
| nota bene {adv} <N.B.> [Am.] | notabene [geh.] <NB> | |
| sb. learnt A from B [esp. Br.] | jd. entnahm AAkk. BDat. [auch: jd. entnahm BDat. AAkk.] | |
| sb. mistook A for B | jd. hielt A irrtümlich für B | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| to add A to B [which may result in reduced quality of B] | BAkk. mit ADat. versetzen | |
| educ. to get a B | eine Zwei bekommen | |
| educ. to get a B | die Note 2 bekommen | |
| educ. to get a B | eine Zwei / 2 kriegen [ugs.] | |
| to match A with B [adjust] | AAkk. BDat. anpassen | |
| to match A with B [adjust] | AAkk. an BAkk. anpassen | |
| to prefer A to B | A (gegenüber) B vorziehen | |
| to stick A over B | B mit A überkleben | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| (certified) B corporation [Am.] [private certification] | [Unternehmen, das sich verpflichtet hat, bestimmte ökolog. und soziale Standards zu erfüllen] | |
| A-not-B error | A-non-B-Suchfehler {m} | |
| A-not-B error | A-nicht-B-Suchfehler {m} | |
| psych. A-not-B error | A-nicht-B-Fehler {m} | |
| econ. B (class) items [ABC analysis] | B-Teile {pl} [ABC-Analyse] | |
| mus. B double flat <Bbb> | Heses {n} | |
| mus. B double flat <Bbb> | Bes {n} [selten, richtig: Heses] | |
| mus. B double sharp <Bx> | Hisis {n} | |
| mus. B flat major | B-Dur {n} | |
| mus. B flat minor | b-Moll {n} | |
| mus. B sharp major | His-Dur {n} | |
| mus. B sharp minor | his-Moll {n} | |
| b-boying [breakdance] | B-Boying {n} [Breakdance] | |
| b-day [birthday] [sl.] | Geburtstag {m} | |
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Übersetzung für 'b&w' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- born {adj} {past-p} <b.>
- geboren <geb.>
- B [grade] [Am.] [Aus.]
- gut [Schulnote]educ.
- A involves B.
- Bei A geht es auch um B.
Bei A handelt es sich auch um B.
- to B.S. [sl.]
- Scheiße erzählen [vulg.]
- boron <B>
- Bor {n} <B>chem.
- byte <B>
- Byte {n} <B>comp.unit
- B-pillar
- B-Säule {f}automot.
- B-road [Br.]
- Landstraße {f}traffic
- B.O. [coll.] [body odor]
- Körpergeruch {m}
- B-stock
- B-Sortiment {n} [B-Ware]comm.econ.
- B-roll
- [Material von den Dreharbeiten zur Verwendung für u. a. Schnittbilder]filmtech.
- plan B
- Plan B {m}
- B sample [doping]
- B-Probe {f}drugssports
- B flat <B♭>
- B {n} [Ton]mus.
- B sharp <B#>
- His {n}mus.
- B cell
- B-Zelle {f}biol.
- B-tree
- B-Baum {m}comp.
- grade B
- Güteklasse B {f}comm.
- B
- H {n} [Ton]mus.
- B-side
- B-Seite {f}mus.
- A-B process
- AB-Verfahren {n} [Adsorptions-Belebungs-Verfahren]biochem.tech.
- A/B testing
- A/B-Test {m}market.
- amphotericin B
- Amphotericin B {n}pharm.
- apolipoprotein B <ApoB>
- Apolipoprotein B {n} <ApoB>biochem.
- b [letter]
- b {n} [Buchstabe]ling.print
- B [letter]
- B {n} [Buchstabe]ling.print
- b [musical note]
- h {n} [Ton]mus.
- B cells
- B-Zellen {pl}biol.
- B major <B>
- H-Dur {n} <H>mus.
- B meson
- B-Meson {n}phys.
- B minor <b, Bm>
- h-Moll {n} <h, Hm>mus.
- B string
- H-Saite {f}mus.
- B symptoms
- B-Symptome {pl}med.
- B symptoms {pl}
- B-Symptomatik {f}med.
- B team [generally second rate players chosen for unimportant matches]
- B-Elf {f}sports
- B vitamins
- B-Vitamine {pl}biochem.
- B vitamins {pl}
- Vitamin {n} B [Vitamingruppe]biochem.
- B-A tetra [Am.] [Psalidodon anisitsi, syn.: Hyphessobrycon anisitsi, Hemigrammus caudovittatus]
- Rautenflecksalmler {m}fishT
Schwarzbandsalmler {m}fishT
- B-box [coll.] [serving area interface cabinet]
- Verzweigerkasten {m}telecom.
- B-boy
- Breakdancer {m}dance
- B-factory
- B-Fabrik {f}phys.
- B-girl
- Breakdancerin {f}dance
- B-girl [Am.]
- Animierdame {f}
Animiermädchen {n} [ugs.]
- B-horizon
- B-Horizont {m}geol.
- B-lister [coll.]
- B-Promi {m} [ugs.]
- B-mode [brightness modulation]
- B-Mode {m} [Sonographie]MedTech.
- B-movie
- B-Movie {n}film
zweitklassiger Film {m}film
- B-picture
- zweitklassiger Film {m}film
- B.V.D.s
- Männer-Unterwäsche {f} [nach Bradley, Voorhees & Day]cloth.
- barn <b>
- Barn {n} <b>phys.unit
- barye <Ba, ba, b> [dated] [unit of preassure]
- Barye {n} <Ba, ba, b> [veraltet] [Einheit des Drucks]phys.unit
- bel <B>
- Bel {n} <B>unit
- bottomness <B>
- Bottomness {f}phys.
- Bournemouth <B'mouth> [Br.]
- Bournemouth {n}geogr.
- Britannica <E.B., EB> [short for: Encyclopædia Britannica]
- Britannica {f} <E.B., EB> [kurz für: Encyclopædia Britannica]libr.publ.
- Camaldoleses <OSBCam, O.S.B. Cam.>
- Kamaldulenser {pl} <OSBCam>relig.
- glycophorin B <GPB>
- Glycophorin B {n} <GPB>biochem.
- influenzavirus B
- Influenzavirus B {n}biol.
- Linear B
- Linear B {f} [auch {n}]archaeo.ling.
- molality <b, m>
- Molalität {f} <b, m>chem.
- rhodamine B
- Rhodamin B {n}chem.
- rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
- Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>mus.
Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>mus.
- Zyklon B [hydrogen cyanide]
- Zyklon B {n}chem.
- A and B interact.
- A und B wirken aufeinander (ein).
A und B beeinflussen sich gegenseitig.
- A fronted by B
- A, dem B vorgesetzt istarchi.
- B for Benjamin [Br.]
- B wie Berta
- B for Bravo [NATO phonetic alphabet]
- B wie Bravo [NATO-Buchstabiertafel]mil.
- B-type encoded {adj}
- B-kodiertelectr.
- b/c {conj} [short form of "because" in text messages]
- weilInternettelecom.
- nota bene {adv} <N.B.> [Am.]
- notabene [geh.] <NB>
- sb. learnt A from B [esp. Br.]
- jd. entnahm AAkk. BDat. [auch: jd. entnahm BDat. AAkk.]
- sb. mistook A for B
- jd. hielt A irrtümlich für B
- to add A to B [which may result in reduced quality of B]
- BAkk. mit ADat. versetzen
- to get a B
- eine Zwei bekommeneduc.
die Note 2 bekommeneduc.
eine Zwei / 2 kriegen [ugs.]educ.
- to match A with B [adjust]
- AAkk. BDat. anpassen
AAkk. an BAkk. anpassen
- to prefer A to B
- A (gegenüber) B vorziehen
- to stick A over B
- B mit A überkleben
- (certified) B corporation [Am.] [private certification]
- [Unternehmen, das sich verpflichtet hat, bestimmte ökolog. und soziale Standards zu erfüllen]
- A-not-B error
- A-non-B-Suchfehler {m}
A-nicht-B-Suchfehler {m}
A-nicht-B-Fehler {m}psych.
- B (class) items [ABC analysis]
- B-Teile {pl} [ABC-Analyse]econ.
- B double flat <Bbb>
- Heses {n}mus.
Bes {n} [selten, richtig: Heses]mus.
- B double sharp <Bx>
- Hisis {n}mus.
- B flat major
- B-Dur {n}mus.
- B flat minor
- b-Moll {n}mus.
- B sharp major
- His-Dur {n}mus.
- B sharp minor
- his-Moll {n}mus.
- b-boying [breakdance]
- B-Boying {n} [Breakdance]
- b-day [birthday] [sl.]
- Geburtstag {m}
- Bor {n} <B> = boron <B>
- Byte {n} <B> = byte <B>
- B-Säule {f} = B-pillar
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- W. B. Stubbs Progress Works was founded in 1836 by a local blacksmith. Today's W. B. Stubbs (Hawksworth) Ltd makes a variety of equipment for stables.
- William Makepeace Thackeray dedicated "Vanity Fair" to B. W. Procter. Wilkie Collins dedicated "The Woman In White" to B. W. Procter.
- MacKenna's prose style was widely admired and he influenced many of his contemporaries, including W. B. Yeats, W. B. Stanford and J. M. Synge.
- Singles released from the album included "All Touch" (b/w "Baptism of Fire") North TN4-165, "Blood Lust" (b/w "Bodies In Collision") North TN4-170, "For Those Who Think Young" (b/w "Attitude") North TN4-171, all 1981 Canadian releases in picture sleeves, and the 1982 U.S. release of "All Touch" (b/w "The Sacred And The Profane") NB-11-167-7.
- A floatplane variant of the B.II was developed, known as the W.1 or B.II-W, as was a purpose-built trainer with increased wingspan and different engines, designated the B.IIa. Further developments led to the Albatros B.III, which was produced in small numbers.
- B.W. McKeen became owner of the Kingsburg Recorder in 1912. In 1928, B.W. McKeen sold the paper to F.I. Drexler.
- Near villages Malikpur 205/w.b, 195/w.b, 151/w.b, 211/w.b, basti kochhy, 143/w.b.
- Architect W. B. W. Howe, Jr. was his son.
- If I were M and "U" were W, then I could directly attribute to myself the property (1) or M-B-W, while indirectly to "U" the property (2) or W-B-M, "thereby referring to "U". That is, to say (1) is "relatively" to say (2), or to explicate M-B-W is to implicate W-B-M.
- Specht's theorem: Two matrices "A" and "B" are unitarily equivalent if and only if tr "W"("A", "A"*) = tr "W"("B", "B"*) for all words "W".
- 1955-6 New Branch at 18, Nicholson Street, Greenock. Directors now D. C. Black (chairman); B. B. Black; W. R. Henderson; and London director: W. G. S. Nixon.
- Further controversy came in 1995 when former B&W vice president Jeffrey Wigand, a research chemist, revealed that B&W had been adding chemicals to the B&W cigarette brands Kool, Capri and Viceroy to increase smokers' addiction to nicotine.
- If "W" is a subset of "V", then its "orthogonal complement" "W"⊥ is the set of all vectors in "V" that are orthogonal to every vector in "W"; it is a subspace of "V". When "B" is non-degenerate, the radical of "B" is trivial and the dimension of "W"⊥ is [...].
- The "Benjamin Franklin" is propelled by a MAN B&W 11S90ME-C9.2, a low speed, two-stroke diesel engine. The MAN B&W 11S90ME-C9.2 was designed in house by MAN B&W with the goals of the lowest possible operational costs and fuel consumption at any load and any prevailing condition. MAN B&W ME engines have design and performance characteristics in order to comply with International Maritime Organization Tier II emission regulations.
- They released three singles: "Ultrastar" (b/w "Wildfire") on Deram Records in 1973; "Follow That Car" (b/w "Lucinda (Flint n'Tinder Love)") through Mountain Records in 1976; and "Home Town Girls" (b/w "Quicksilver Mail") under another pseudonym, Future, on a small independent record label in 1981.
- There were three singles released from the album; "My Favourite Room" b/w "Blood From A Stone", "Just One Solution" b/w "Drip Out", and "Jessica" (New Version) b/w "Sparks" (Live).
- All three singles contained three additional album tracks as B-sides: "America" b/w "Dance Little Girl"; "Gonna Make You a Star" b/w "Window"; "Stardust" b/w "Miss Sweetness".
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