| Internettelecom. b/c {conj} [short form of "because" in text messages] | weil | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| born circa 1701 <born ca. 1701, born c. 1701, b. c. 1701> | geboren um 1701 <geb. um 1701, * um 1701> | |
| comm. cash before delivery <c.b.d.> | Kasse vor Lieferung | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| comm. cash before delivery <c.b.d.> | Vorauszahlung {f} | |
4 Wörter: Andere |
| pol. All cops are bastards. [pej.] <ACAB, A. C. A. B.> | Alle Bullen sind Schweine. [pej.] | |
| ungeprüft pol. All cops are bastards. [pej.] <ACAB, A. C. A. B.> | A Kiwara is ka Hawara [österr.] [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| pol. All cops are bastards. <ACAB, A.C.A.B.> | [Polizisten sind Schweine.] | |
| before the Christian Era {adv} <BCE, B.C.E.> | vor unserer Zeitrechnung <v. u. Z.> | |
| before the Common Era {adv} <BCE, B.C.E.> | vor unserer Zeitrechnung <v. u. Z.> | |
| pol. Protected A, B or C [Can.] [classified information] | VS - Nur für den Dienstgebrauch <VS-Nur für den Dienstgebrauch, VS-NfD> [Geheimhaltungsstufe] | |
4 Wörter: Substantive |
| cock and ball rings <C&B rings> [erotic product] | Penis-Hoden-Ringe {pl} [Erotikbedarf] | |
5+ Wörter: Andere |
| math. a open bracket b plus c minus e open parenthesis f minus g close parenthesis, close bracket [esp. Am.] <a [b+c-e(f-g)]> | a eckige Klammer auf b plus c minus e runde Klammer auf f minus g runde Klammer zu, eckige Klammer zu <a [b+c-e(f-g)]> | |
| math. d open bracket b plus c close bracket < d(b+c) > | d Klammer auf b plus c Klammer zu < d(b+c) > | |
Fiktion (Literatur und Film) |
| RadioTVF C.B. Strike [Name for 'Strike' in countries other than UK] | Strike | |
| filmF One Million Years B.C. [Don Chaffey] | Eine Million Jahre vor unserer Zeit | |
| lit.F The A.B.C. Murders [Agatha Christie] | Die Morde des Herrn ABC | |
Teiltreffer |
| med. B-cell chronic lymphotic leukemia <B-CLL, B-cell CLL> [Am.] | chronische lymphatische Leukämie {f} vom B-Zell-Typ <B-CLL, BCLL, B-Zellen-CLL> | |
| jobstech. chief constructor <c.c., C.C.> | Chefkonstrukteur {m} | |
| educ. Bachelor of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, B.E.> | Bachelor {m} of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, BE> | |
| travel bed and breakfast house <B&B> | Gästehaus {n} | |
| med. B-cell non-Hodgkin / non-Hodgkin's lymphoma <B-NHL, BNHL, B-cell NHL> | B-Zell-Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom {n} <B-NHL, B-Zell-NHL> | |
| bed-and-breakfast <B&B> | Frühstückspension {f} | |
| phys. bottom quark <b quark, b> | Bottom-Quark {n} <b-Quark, b> | |
| bed and breakfast <B&B> | Frühstückspension {f} | |
| travelTrVocab. bed-and-breakfast <B&B> | Bed and Breakfast {n} <B&B> | |
| bed and breakfast <B&B> | Übernachtung {f} mit Frühstück | |
| black and white {adj} <B&W, b&w, B/W> | schwarz/weiß <sw, s/w> | |
| cost, insurance, freight, commission <cifc, c.i.f.c.> | Kosten, Versicherung, Fracht und Provision inbegriffen | |
| unit counts per second <c/s, c/sec, cps> | Impulse {pl} pro Sekunde <Ips, Imp./Sek.> | |
| relig. Sisters of Christian Charity <SCC, S.C.C.> | Schwestern {pl} der Christlichen Liebe | |
| unit counts per minute <c/m, c/min, cpm> | Impulse {pl} pro Minute <Ipm, Imp./Min.> | |
| unit cycles per second <cps, c/sec, c/s> | Zyklen {pl} pro Sekunde <cps, c/sec, c/s> | |
| law United States Court of Federal Claims <Fed. Cl., C.F.C.> | oberstes Bundesverwaltungsgericht {n} der USA [Ansprüche gegen die USA] | |
| mus. bass C <c0, c> [also: tenor C] | kleines C {n} <c0, c> | |
| mil. commander-in-chief <C.-in-C., C in C> | Oberbefehlshaber {m} | |
| math. set of complex numbers <ℂ, C> | Menge {f} der komplexen Zahlen <ℂ, C> | |
36 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'b c' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- b/c {conj} [short form of "because" in text messages]
- weilInternettelecom.
- born circa 1701 <born ca. 1701, born c. 1701, b. c. 1701>
- geboren um 1701 <geb. um 1701, * um 1701>
- cash before delivery <c.b.d.>
- Kasse vor Lieferungcomm.
Vorauszahlung {f}comm.
- All cops are bastards. [pej.] <ACAB, A. C. A. B.>
- Alle Bullen sind Schweine. [pej.]pol.
ungeprüft A Kiwara is ka Hawara [österr.] [ugs.] [pej.]pol.
- All cops are bastards. <ACAB, A.C.A.B.>
- [Polizisten sind Schweine.]pol.
- before the Christian Era {adv} <BCE, B.C.E.>
- vor unserer Zeitrechnung <v. u. Z.>
- before the Common Era {adv} <BCE, B.C.E.>
- vor unserer Zeitrechnung <v. u. Z.>
- Protected A, B or C [Can.] [classified information]
- VS - Nur für den Dienstgebrauch <VS-Nur für den Dienstgebrauch, VS-NfD> [Geheimhaltungsstufe]pol.
- cock and ball rings <C&B rings> [erotic product]
- Penis-Hoden-Ringe {pl} [Erotikbedarf]
- a open bracket b plus c minus e open parenthesis f minus g close parenthesis, close bracket [esp. Am.] <a [b+c-e(f-g)]>
- a eckige Klammer auf b plus c minus e runde Klammer auf f minus g runde Klammer zu, eckige Klammer zu <a [b+c-e(f-g)]>math.
- d open bracket b plus c close bracket < d(b+c) >
- d Klammer auf b plus c Klammer zu < d(b+c) >math.
- C.B. Strike [Name for 'Strike' in countries other than UK]
- StrikeRadioTVF
- One Million Years B.C. [Don Chaffey]
- Eine Million Jahre vor unserer ZeitfilmF
- The A.B.C. Murders [Agatha Christie]
- Die Morde des Herrn ABClit.F
- B-cell chronic lymphotic leukemia <B-CLL, B-cell CLL> [Am.]
- chronische lymphatische Leukämie {f} vom B-Zell-Typ <B-CLL, BCLL, B-Zellen-CLL>med.
- chief constructor <c.c., C.C.>
- Chefkonstrukteur {m}jobstech.
- Bachelor of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, B.E.>
- Bachelor {m} of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, BE>educ.
- bed and breakfast house <B&B>
- Gästehaus {n}travel
- B-cell non-Hodgkin / non-Hodgkin's lymphoma <B-NHL, BNHL, B-cell NHL>
- B-Zell-Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom {n} <B-NHL, B-Zell-NHL>med.
- bed-and-breakfast <B&B>
- Frühstückspension {f}
Bed and Breakfast {n} <B&B>travelTrVocab.
- bottom quark <b quark, b>
- Bottom-Quark {n} <b-Quark, b>phys.
- bed and breakfast <B&B>
- Frühstückspension {f}
Übernachtung {f} mit Frühstück
- black and white {adj} <B&W, b&w, B/W>
- schwarz/weiß <sw, s/w>
- cost, insurance, freight, commission <cifc, c.i.f.c.>
- Kosten, Versicherung, Fracht und Provision inbegriffen
- counts per second <c/s, c/sec, cps>
- Impulse {pl} pro Sekunde <Ips, Imp./Sek.>unit
- Sisters of Christian Charity <SCC, S.C.C.>
- Schwestern {pl} der Christlichen Lieberelig.
- counts per minute <c/m, c/min, cpm>
- Impulse {pl} pro Minute <Ipm, Imp./Min.>unit
- cycles per second <cps, c/sec, c/s>
- Zyklen {pl} pro Sekunde <cps, c/sec, c/s>unit
- United States Court of Federal Claims <Fed. Cl., C.F.C.>
- oberstes Bundesverwaltungsgericht {n} der USA [Ansprüche gegen die USA]law
- bass C <c0, c> [also: tenor C]
- kleines C {n} <c0, c>mus.
- commander-in-chief <C.-in-C., C in C>
- Oberbefehlshaber {m}mil.
- set of complex numbers <ℂ, C>
- Menge {f} der komplexen Zahlen <ℂ, C>math.
- Basso continuo {m} <B.c., b.c., bc> = figured bass
- Basso continuo {m} <B.c., b.c., bc> = basso continuo
- (Motiv) B-A-C-H {n} [Tonfolge, die den Familiennamen Johann Sebastian Bachs umsetzt] = BACH motif [succession of notes in German musical nomenclature forming Johann Sebastian Bach's family name]
- d Klammer auf b plus c Klammer zu < d(b+c) > = d open bracket b plus c close bracket < d(b+c) >
- 10.000 B.C. = 10,000 BC [Roland Emmerich]
- a-b-c-Formel {f} = quadratic formula
- chronische lymphatische Leukämie {f} vom B-Zell-Typ <B-CLL, BCLL, B-Zellen-CLL> = B-cell chronic lymphotic leukemia <B-CLL, B-cell CLL> [Am.]
- a eckige Klammer auf b plus c minus e runde Klammer auf f minus g runde Klammer zu, eckige Klammer zu <a [b+c-e(f-g)]> = a open bracket b plus c minus e open parenthesis f minus g close parenthesis, close bracket [esp. Am.] <a [b+c-e(f-g)]>
- Zyklen {pl} pro Sekunde <cps, c/sec, c/s> = cycles per second <cps, c/sec, c/s>
- culpa in contrahendo {f} <c. i. c.> = precontractual liability
- Menge {f} der komplexen Zahlen <ℂ, C> = set of complex numbers <ℂ, C>
- culpa in contrahendo {f} <c.i.c.> = culpa in contrahendo
- ohne besonderen Befund <o. b. B.> = no appreciable disease <NAD>
- B-Zell-Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom {n} <B-NHL, B-Zell-NHL> = B-cell non-Hodgkin / non-Hodgkin's lymphoma <B-NHL, BNHL, B-cell NHL>
- Bed and Breakfast {n} <B&B> = bed-and-breakfast <B&B>
- kleines C {n} <c0, c> = tenor C
- eingestrichenes C {n} <c1, c'> = middle C <c1, c'>
- kleines C {n} <c0, c> = bass C <c0, c> [also: tenor C]
- c-Moll {n} <c, Cm> = C minor <c, Cm>
- dreigestrichenes C {n} <c3, c'''> = top C <c3, c'''>
- zweigestrichenes C {n} <c2, c''> = treble C <c2, c''>
- viergestrichenes C {n} <c4, c''''> = double top C <c4, c''''>
- Branch-and-Bound-Algorithmus {m} <BB- / B&B-Algorithmus> [Verzweigung und Schranke] = branch and bound algorithm <BB algorithm>
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- For a multidimensional array, the element with indices "i","j" would have address "B" + "c" · "i" + "d" · "j", where the coefficients "c" and "d" are the "row" and "column address increments", respectively.
- Some authors have suggested that Buddhist stupas were derived from a wider cultural tradition from the Mediterranean to the Indus valley, and can be related to the funeral conical mounds on circular bases that can be found in Lydia or in Phoenicia from the 8th century B.C., such as the tomb of Alyattes.
- Standard-grade erythromycin is primarily composed of four related compounds known as erythromycins A, B, C, and D.
- Wheatstone developed a practical alphabetical system in 1840 called the A.B.C.
- Around 1000 B.C. the Celts arrived in this area and settled.
- These positions are referred to by the letters A, B, C and D respectively.
- The output of this program will be: "A A B C".
- This definition may be extended to a set "A" × "B" × "C" of ordered triples, and more generally to sets of ordered n-tuples for any positive integer "n".
- Adobe architecture has been dated to before 5,100 B.C.
- A full-sized end zone in Canadian football is 20 yards long by 65 yards wide.
- If all layers of an image change regularly but many layers still need to be composited (such as in distributed rendering), the commutativity of a compositing operator can still be exploited to speed up computation through parallelism even when there is no gain from pre-computation.
- However, the product of two or more commutators need not be a commutator.
- It is tempting to think that the notion of function problems is much richer than the notion of decision problems.
- From the mid-4th century BC onwards, evidence of the Greek use of arrow-shooting machines becomes more dense and varied: arrow firing machines ("katapaltai") are briefly mentioned by Aeneas Tacticus in his treatise on siegecraft written around 350 BC.
- ... : analyses) is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it.
- The Dabene Treasure was unearthed from 2004 to 2007 near Karlovo, Plovdiv Province, central Bulgaria.
- A cappella could be as old as humanity itself. Research suggests that singing and vocables may have been what early humans used to communicate before the invention of language.
- The supersonic fighter-bomber F-111/FB-111 was nicknamed the Aardvark because of its long nose resembling the animal.
- It rises from the stylobate without any base; it is from four to six times as tall as its diameter; it has twenty broad flutes; the capital consists simply of a banded necking swelling out into a smooth echinus, which carries a flat square abacus; the Doric entablature is also the heaviest, being about one-fourth the height column.
- They are separated by an arrow (→) which indicates the direction and type of the reaction; the arrow is read as the word "yields".
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