 Übersetzung für 'baa' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a baa | baas
VERB   to baa | baaed | baaed
baaing | baas
SYNO to baa | to blat | to blate | ...
to baablöken
to baa
mähen [blöken]
baaGeblök {n}
baa-lamb [child's name for a lamb or sheep]
Bähschaf {n} [Kindersprache] [Schaf]
Baa Baa Black Sheep [Season 1] / Black Sheep Squadron [Season 2]
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6 Übersetzungen
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  • Bauchaortenaneurysma {n} <BAA> = abdominal aortic aneurysm <AAA>
  • Bauchaortenaneurysmen {pl} <BAA> = abdominal aortic aneurysms <AAAs>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • There were further monkey baa productions staged at several venues in Sydney Theatres in April - May 2015.
  • During special occasions men play "Kolata" - a group dance using sticks, and women do perform folk dances and folk songs like "Bhaagyada balegaara hogi baa nanna tawarige" are noteworthy.
  • Jane's reported in 2001 that the UWSA had acquired HN-5N Surface-to-air missile (SAMs) from China as part of the build-up near the Thai border where they were reported to be operating 40–50 laboratories manufacturing "yaa baa".
  • The household rice is thus kept in the house in a central cellar protected by a rice spirit as the head of the house ("njoh baa").
  • The poem Dhurwaa Ariga Eebaa Leh by Dhiqle tsarts name-checking the two sons of Garad Ali IV as "Laba ilmo-Garad baa leh" i.e., whimsically telling certain hyenas these livestock belong to his two sons i.e.

  • Father ("baa")'s senior brother is referred to as "Tuh-baa".
  • She did an audio music album "Zindagi Jhand baa, Phir bhi ghamand baa" rap song, sung by herself and Raju Singh Mahi it was released by Worldwide Bhojpuri music company.
  • At the disastrous Chemin des Dames offensive of 1917 under General Robert Nivelle, they were said to have gone into no man's land making baa'ing noises—a collective bit of gallows humour signalling the idea that they were being sent as lambs to the slaughter.
  • Then Ranveer's brother come to take revenge. Fai baa and Ranveer's brother Shambhu take revenge from shamsher.
  • While walking in the park with Annette Tison, Talus Taylor thought he heard a child ask his parents for something called "Baa baa baa baa".

  • For the first time, the "Baa-baas", played against Portugal, the winners of the 2003–04 European Nations Cup First Division.
  • For build that bridge they carried the tree trunks, in sinhala dandu (දඬු) via the river and collected, in Sinhala baa (බෑ) them in some place, in Sinhala gama (ගම).
  • For example, a short syllable such as "ba" consists of one mora ("monomoraic"), while a long syllable such as "baa" consists of two ("bimoraic"); extra-long syllables with three moras ("trimoraic") are relatively rare.
  • Several scholars have identified Baa‘li-maanzer, the king of Tyre who gave tribute to Shalmaneser III in 841 BC, with [...] "Ba‘al-'azor" (Phoenician form of the name) or "Baal-Eser/Balazeros" (Greek form of the name), Dido's grandfather.
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