 Übersetzung für 'balloon basket' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a balloon basket | balloon baskets
balloon basketBallonkorb {m}
basket / basket-weave winding
Korbwicklung {f}
basket / basket-weave winding
Korbbodenwicklung {f} [selten]
common basket-shell / basket shell [Corbula gibba]
Korbmuschel {f}
common basket-shell / basket shell [Corbula gibba]
(Kleine) Körbchenmuschel {f}
balloonLuftballon {m}
to balloonin die Höhe treiben
balloonBallon {m}
to balloonin die Höhe schießen
gastric balloon
Magenballon {m}
reconnaissance balloon
Aufklärungs­ballon {m}
meteorological balloon
Wetterballon {m}
nasal balloon
Nasenballon {m}
balloon skirt
Ballonrock {m}
balloon dress
Ballonkleid {n}
party balloonPartyballon {m} [auch: Party-Ballon]
balloon trip
Ballonfahrt {f}
balloon satelliteBallonsatellit {m}
balloon silk
Ballonseide {f}
hydrogen balloonWasserstoffballon {m}
Balloon paymentSchlussrate {f}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • A search of the National Air and Space Museum Collections Database reveals that four of the engines were given to the Smithsonian in 1972, followed by a World War I USMC balloon basket in 1974.
  • Gray, an aviation record holder, died in a balloon-basket mishap over Sparta in 1927, and Lansing Colton Holden Jr., a World War I flying ace, crashed his plane near Sparta in 1938.
  • The platform was a large balloon basket, capable of holding 200 viewers, with rigging, ballast, and the lower part of a huge gas bag.
  • The pilot stood in a small balloon basket at the front.
  • Special technical solutions had to be designed for the accommodations for three adults to be confined in a small balloon basket for up to 30 days.

  • This is a rope or webbing of 20–30 meters in length attached to the balloon basket with a quick-release connection at one end.
  • Élisa rented chairs and sold seats in the balloon basket to the more daring.
  • On 18 February 1897, Süring took rabbits as experimental animals in the balloon basket to research acute altitude sickness (balloonist's disease), and corresponded about this with the Austrian physiologist and flight physician Hermann von Schrötter.
  • Wilson was similar to that of being in a balloon basket.
  • Marvey has created seven different flying illusions, as well as the Flying Coach, the Levitating Spectators, the Haunted Balloon Basket, the Flying Screen and other levitation tricks.

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