| VERB | to be | [I / he / she / it] was / wis [Scot.] / / [you / we / they] were | been being | is |
| SYNO | atomic number 4 | Be | beryllium | ... |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| [thou] be'st [archaic, poet.] | [du] bist 12 | |
Verben |
| to be | sein 2676 | |
| to be [e.g. name, question] | lauten [z. B. Name, Frage] 301 | |
| to be [exist] | bestehen [vorhanden sein] 266 | |
| to be | stehen [sich befinden; geschrieben, gedruckt sein] 94 | |
| to be | stecken [ugs.] [sich befinden] 67 | |
| to be [form] | bilden 33 | |
| to be [exist] | existieren 16 | |
| to be | sich befinden [konkret an einem bestimmten Ort] | |
| to be [to consist of] | bestehen aus | |
| to be [to feel] | sich fühlen | |
Substantive |
| geogr. Belgium <.be> | Belgien {n} 280 | |
| chem. beryllium <Be> | Beryllium {n} <Be> 22 | |
| educ. bioengineering <BE> | Bioingenieurwesen {n} 7 | |
| acad. bioengineering <BE> | Bioingenieurwissenschaft {f} <BIW> 7 | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| -to-be {adj} [bride, father etc.] [postpos.] | zukünftige [attr.] | |
| ...-to-be {adj} | angehende | |
| ...-to-be {adj} | ... in spe | |
| [you] would be | [ihr] wärt [wäret] | |
| Be brave! | Nur Mut! | |
| Be brave! | Sei tapfer! | |
| Be brave! | Halt dich tapfer! | |
| Be brief! | Mach es kurz! [ugs.] | |
| Be brief! | Fassen Sie sich kurz! [formelle Anrede] | |
| Be calm! | Sei still! | |
| Be careful! | Pass auf! | |
| Be careful! | Sei vorsichtig! | |
| Be careful! | Passen Sie auf! [formelle Anrede] | |
| Be content! | Sei zufrieden! | |
| Be creative. | Sei kreativ. | |
| Be gone! | Fort mit dir! | |
| Be good! | Sei brav! | |
| Be good! | Sei artig! | |
| Be honest! | Hand aufs Herz! [Redewendung] | |
| Be prepared. [motto of the Boy Scout movement] | Allzeit bereit. [Motto der Pfadfinderbewegung] | |
| Be quiet! | Sei still! | |
| Be quiet! | Schweig still! | |
| Be quiet! | Bi staad! [bayer.] [Sei still] | |
| Be safe! [parting phrase] | Fahr vorsichtig! [Abschiedsgruß] | |
| Be safe! [parting phrase] | Pass gut auf Dich auf! [Abschiedsgruß] | |
| Be warned! | Lass dich warnen! | |
| Be yourself! | Sei du selbst! | |
| Be yourself! | Sei natürlich! | |
| Be yourself! | Nimm dich zusammen! | |
| Could be! | Mag sein! | |
| if sb. be [archaic] | wenn jd. sei | |
| math. Let ... (be) | Sei ... | |
| sb. must be ... [logical deduction] | jd. ist sicher ... | |
| sb. would be | jd. wäre | |
| sb./sth. would be [future in the past] | jd./etw. würde sein | |
| would-be {adj} | vermeintlich | |
| would-be {adj} | potenziell [auch: potentiell] | |
| would-be {adj} [attr.] [budding, soon-to-be] | angehend [attr.] | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| to be ... intentioned | ... Absichten haben | |
| to be 404 [sl.] | keine Ahnung haben | |
| to be abducted | entführt werden | |
| to be abeyant | in der Schwebe sein [Redewendung] [österr.: in Schwebe] | |
| to be ablaze | in Flammen stehen [Redewendung] | |
| to be ablaze [house, etc., also fig.: heart] | lichterloh brennen [Haus etc.; auch fig.: Herz] | |
| to be able | imstande sein | |
| to be aboard | an Bord sein | |
| to be abolished | fortfallen [abgeschafft werden] | |
| to be abolished | in Fortfall kommen [Amtssprache] [wegfallen] | |
| to be about | da sein [sich an diesem Ort aufhalten, leben] | |
| to be about [Br.] [to be near] | hier sein | |
| to be about sb./sth. | sich um jdn./etw. handeln | |
| filmlit. to be about sb./sth. [film, book, opera, etc.] | von jdm./etw. handeln [Film, Buch, Oper etc.] | |
| filmlit. to be about sth. [film, book] | über etw.Akk. handeln [Film, Buch] | |
| to be above sth. [sublimely superior] | über etw. erhaben sein | |
| to be above sth. [think oneself too good for sth.] | sichDat. für etw.Akk. zu schade sein | |
| to be abroad [ghost] | sein Wesen treiben [Gespenst] [geh.] | |
| to be absent | ausbleiben | |
| to be absent | abwesend sein | |
| to be absent | nicht da sein | |
| to be absent | ausfallen [fehlen] | |
| to be absent | nicht dasein [alt] | |
| to be absent | fehlen [nicht anwesend sein] | |
| to be abstinent | enthaltsam sein | |
| to be abundant | reichlich vorhanden sein | |
| to be abundant | Legion sein [geh.] [in großer Zahl vorhanden sein] | |
| to be abusable [able to be abused] | dem Missbrauch ausgesetzt sein | |
| to be acceptable | angehen [zulässig sein] | |
| to be accommodating | sich kulant zeigen | |
| to be accommodating | entgegenkommend sein | |
| to be accompanied | begleitet sein | |
| to be accountable | verantwortlich sein | |
| to be accurate | zutreffen [richtig sein] | |
| to be accursed | unter einem bösen Zauber stehen | |
| to be accursed [poet.] | unter einem Fluch stehen | |
| to be accurst [archaic or poet.] | unter einem Fluch stehen | |
| to be ace [coll.] | abgefahren sein [ugs.] [veraltend] | |
| to be achieved | zustande kommen | |
| to be achieved | erreicht werden | |
| to be acted | gespielt werden | |
| to be active [in sports, on the market, as a pilot, etc.] | tätig sein [beruflich oder geschäftlich] | |
| to be added | hinzugefügt sein | |
| to be added | dazukommen [hinzugefügt werden] | |
| to be added [More will be added.] | hinzukommen [Es kommt mehr hinzu. / Es wir mehr hinzukommen.] | |
| to be addictive | süchtig machen | |
| to be adenoidal | näseln | |
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Übersetzung für 'be' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- [thou] be'st [archaic, poet.]
- [du] bist
- to be
- sein
stehen [sich befinden; geschrieben, gedruckt sein]
stecken [ugs.] [sich befinden]
sich befinden [konkret an einem bestimmten Ort]
- to be [e.g. name, question]
- lauten [z. B. Name, Frage]
- to be [exist]
- bestehen [vorhanden sein]
- to be [form]
- bilden
- to be [to consist of]
- bestehen aus
- to be [to feel]
- sich fühlen
- Belgium <.be>
- Belgien {n}geogr.
- beryllium <Be>
- Beryllium {n} <Be>chem.
- bioengineering <BE>
- Bioingenieurwesen {n}educ.
Bioingenieurwissenschaft {f} <BIW>acad.
- -to-be {adj} [bride, father etc.] [postpos.]
- zukünftige [attr.]
- ...-to-be {adj}
- angehende
... in spe
- [you] would be
- [ihr] wärt [wäret]
- Be brave!
- Nur Mut!
Sei tapfer!
Halt dich tapfer!
- Be brief!
- Mach es kurz! [ugs.]
Fassen Sie sich kurz! [formelle Anrede]
- Be calm!
- Sei still!
- Be careful!
- Pass auf!
Sei vorsichtig!
Passen Sie auf! [formelle Anrede]
- Be content!
- Sei zufrieden!
- Be creative.
- Sei kreativ.
- Be gone!
- Fort mit dir!
- Be good!
- Sei brav!
Sei artig!
- Be honest!
- Hand aufs Herz! [Redewendung]
- Be prepared. [motto of the Boy Scout movement]
- Allzeit bereit. [Motto der Pfadfinderbewegung]
- Be quiet!
- Sei still!
Schweig still!
Bi staad! [bayer.] [Sei still]
- Be safe! [parting phrase]
- Fahr vorsichtig! [Abschiedsgruß]
Pass gut auf Dich auf! [Abschiedsgruß]
- Be warned!
- Lass dich warnen!
- Be yourself!
- Sei du selbst!
Sei natürlich!
Nimm dich zusammen!
- Could be!
- Mag sein!
- if sb. be [archaic]
- wenn jd. sei
- Let ... (be)
- Sei ...math.
- sb. must be ... [logical deduction]
- jd. ist sicher ...
- sb. would be
- jd. wäre
- sb./sth. would be [future in the past]
- jd./etw. würde sein
- would-be {adj}
- vermeintlich
potenziell [auch: potentiell]
- would-be {adj} [attr.] [budding, soon-to-be]
- angehend [attr.]
- to be ... intentioned
- ... Absichten haben
- to be 404 [sl.]
- keine Ahnung haben
- to be abducted
- entführt werden
- to be abeyant
- in der Schwebe sein [Redewendung] [österr.: in Schwebe]
- to be ablaze
- in Flammen stehen [Redewendung]
- to be ablaze [house, etc., also fig.: heart]
- lichterloh brennen [Haus etc.; auch fig.: Herz]
- to be able
- imstande sein
- to be aboard
- an Bord sein
- to be abolished
- fortfallen [abgeschafft werden]
in Fortfall kommen [Amtssprache] [wegfallen]
- to be about
- da sein [sich an diesem Ort aufhalten, leben]
- to be about [Br.] [to be near]
- hier sein
- to be about sb./sth.
- sich um jdn./etw. handeln
- to be about sb./sth. [film, book, opera, etc.]
- von jdm./etw. handeln [Film, Buch, Oper etc.]filmlit.
- to be about sth. [film, book]
- über etw.Akk. handeln [Film, Buch]filmlit.
- to be above sth. [sublimely superior]
- über etw. erhaben sein
- to be above sth. [think oneself too good for sth.]
- sichDat. für etw.Akk. zu schade sein
- to be abroad [ghost]
- sein Wesen treiben [Gespenst] [geh.]
- to be absent
- ausbleiben
abwesend sein
nicht da sein
ausfallen [fehlen]
nicht dasein [alt]
fehlen [nicht anwesend sein]
- to be abstinent
- enthaltsam sein
- to be abundant
- reichlich vorhanden sein
Legion sein [geh.] [in großer Zahl vorhanden sein]
- to be abusable [able to be abused]
- dem Missbrauch ausgesetzt sein
- to be acceptable
- angehen [zulässig sein]
- to be accommodating
- sich kulant zeigen
entgegenkommend sein
- to be accompanied
- begleitet sein
- to be accountable
- verantwortlich sein
- to be accurate
- zutreffen [richtig sein]
- to be accursed
- unter einem bösen Zauber stehen
- to be accursed [poet.]
- unter einem Fluch stehen
- to be accurst [archaic or poet.]
- unter einem Fluch stehen
- to be ace [coll.]
- abgefahren sein [ugs.] [veraltend]
- to be achieved
- zustande kommen
erreicht werden
- to be acted
- gespielt werden
- to be active [in sports, on the market, as a pilot, etc.]
- tätig sein [beruflich oder geschäftlich]
- to be added
- hinzugefügt sein
dazukommen [hinzugefügt werden]
- to be added [More will be added.]
- hinzukommen [Es kommt mehr hinzu. / Es wir mehr hinzukommen.]
- to be addictive
- süchtig machen
- to be adenoidal
- näseln
- Berlin {n} <Bn., Bln., Berl., BE> = Berlin
- Be {n} [Vorzeichen] = flat
- Beryllium {n} <Be> = beryllium <Be>
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- EAS can be a flat rate, message or measured and also it can be zoned as well. It can be optional or be mandated by government regulations.
- These fish should be kept in well-oxygenated aquarium with a high current.
- Candidates must be in good standing with the Church, be willing to accept that belonging to Solus Christi means a lifelong commitment to the monastic way of life, be at least 21 years of age and be proven to be of sound physical, psychological, spiritual and moral health.
- "Mitzvot" that must be performed during the day may no longer be performed "ab initio." Minchah should not be delayed past now. Maariv may be recited now, although many wait until after nightfall.
- Let S be subjective time, R be real time, and define both to be zero at birth.
- 5: A church will be built equidistant from all estates.
- For example, Japanese would be considered an OV language, and English would be considered to be VO. A basic sentence demonstrating this would be as follows.
- A catwalk may also be placed upstage of the proscenium as part of the fly system. These may be fixed, or they may be able to be raised and lowered.
- Some families traditionally considered to be Rhabditida seem to be closer to the Tylenchida. If the Tylenchia are to be maintained as separate, they probably will be included therein.
- Similarly, "G" cannot be abelian, otherwise it would be solvable. As "G" is simple, its center must therefore be trivial.
- The scope of the problem is to find all possible dependencies between "S1" and "S2". To be conservative, any dependence which cannot be proven false must be assumed to be true.
- Digital genetic sequences obtained from DNA sequencing may be stored in sequence databases, be analyzed (see Sequence analysis), be digitally altered or be used as templates for creating new actual DNA using artificial gene synthesis.
- The term of the contract should be included in this section, detailing a specific time after which the contract will be terminated or no longer be enforceable.
- In order to increase train speeds and frequency to meet these goals, a number of incremental track improvement projects must be completed.
- If scaffolds are unable to be removed from the animal tissue, they must be edible to ensure consumer safety. It would be beneficial if they were to be made out of nutritious ingredients.
- The existence should not merely be asserted, should be proven rigorously.
- Pistols may be carried openly without a license, or concealed with a license. Long guns must be unloaded while the motor is running; they are not required to be encased, but must be in plain sight.
- Let [...] be heat, [...] be work, [...] be kinetic energy and [...] be potential energy.
- For limited classes of target distributions, the optimal acceptance rate for this algorithm can be shown to be [...]; if it is discovered to be substantially different in practice, [...] should be modified accordingly.
- To Elders be Respectful; To Juniors be Kind; With All Humanity be Harmonious; In all Endeavours be True.
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