 Übersetzung für 'bed and breakfast' von Englisch nach Deutsch
SYNO bed-and-breakfast | bed and breakfast
bed and breakfastZimmer {n} mit Frühstück
bed and breakfast
Unterkunft {f} mit Bett und Frühstück
bed and breakfast <B&B>Frühstückspension {f}
bed and breakfast <B&B>Übernachtung {f} mit Frühstück
bed-and-breakfast <B&B>Frühstückspension {f}
bed-and-breakfast <B&B>
Bed and Breakfast {n} <B&B>
4 Wörter
bed and breakfast establishment <B&B establishment>Hotel garni {n}
bed and breakfast establishmentsHotels garni {pl}
bed and breakfast house <B&B>
Gästehaus {n}
bed and breakfast inn
Gästehaus {n}
breakfast in bedim Bett serviertes Frühstück {n}
to bring sb. breakfast in bedjdm. Frühstück ans Bett bringen
to share your bed and boardBett und Tisch teilen [Redewendung]
to toss and turn (in bed)sich (im Bett) herumwerfen
separated from bed and board
getrennt von Tisch und Bett [fig.]
to toss and turn (sleeplessly) in bedsich (schlaflos) im Bett herumwälzen
to put sb. to bed with a pick-axe and shovel [idiom]jdn. unter die Erde bringen [töten]
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. [Benjamin Franklin]
Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund.
bedbugs / bed-bugs / bed bugs [family Cimicidae]
Plattwanzen {pl}
bedbugs / bed-bugs / bed bugs [family Cimicidae]
Bettwanzen {pl}
Frühstück {n}
breakfastMorgenessen {n} [schweiz.]
breakfastZmorge {m} {n} [schweiz.]
breakfastZmorgen {m} {n} [schweiz.]
after breakfast {adv}nach dem Frühstück
breakfast lounge
Frühstücksraum {m} [z. B. im Hotel]
over breakfast {adv}beim Frühstück
had breakfast {past-p}gefrühstückt
working breakfastArbeitsessen {n} [am Anfang des Arbeitstages]
hasty breakfastFrühstück {n} in Eile
30 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'bed and breakfast' von Englisch nach Deutsch

bed and breakfast
Zimmer {n} mit Frühstück

Unterkunft {f} mit Bett und FrühstücktravelTrVocab.
bed and breakfast <B&B>
Frühstückspension {f}

Übernachtung {f} mit Frühstück
bed-and-breakfast <B&B>
Frühstückspension {f}

Bed and Breakfast {n} <B&B>travelTrVocab.

bed and breakfast establishment <B&B establishment>
Hotel garni {n}
bed and breakfast establishments
Hotels garni {pl}
bed and breakfast house <B&B>
Gästehaus {n}travel
bed and breakfast inn
Gästehaus {n}travel

breakfast in bed
im Bett serviertes Frühstück {n}
to bring sb. breakfast in bed
jdm. Frühstück ans Bett bringen
to share your bed and board
Bett und Tisch teilen [Redewendung]
to toss and turn (in bed)
sich (im Bett) herumwerfen
separated from bed and board
getrennt von Tisch und Bett [fig.]law
to toss and turn (sleeplessly) in bed
sich (schlaflos) im Bett herumwälzen
to put sb. to bed with a pick-axe and shovel [idiom]
jdn. unter die Erde bringen [töten]
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. [Benjamin Franklin]
Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund.proverbquote
bedbugs / bed-bugs / bed bugs [family Cimicidae]
Plattwanzen {pl}entom.T

Bettwanzen {pl}entom.T
Frühstück {n}gastr.

Morgenessen {n} [schweiz.]

Zmorge {m} {n} [schweiz.]

Zmorgen {m} {n} [schweiz.]
after breakfast {adv}
nach dem Frühstück
breakfast lounge
Frühstücksraum {m} [z. B. im Hotel]gastr.
over breakfast {adv}
beim Frühstück
had breakfast {past-p}
working breakfast
Arbeitsessen {n} [am Anfang des Arbeitstages]
hasty breakfast
Frühstück {n} in Eile
  • Bed and Breakfast {n} <B&B> = bed-and-breakfast <B&B>
  • Breakfast on Pluto = Breakfast on Pluto [novel: Patrick McCabe, film: Neil Jordan]
  • binäres Entscheidungsdiagramm {n} <BED> = binary decision diagram <BDD>
  • Breakfast of Champions – Frühstück für Helden = Breakfast of Champions [Alan Rudolph]
  • In Bed with Madonna / Im Bett mit Madonna = Madonna: Truth or Dare [US title] [Alek Keshishian] [In Bed with Madonna]
  • AND-Aussage {f} = logic product
  • Sweet and Lowdown = Sweet and Lowdown [Woody Allen]
  • Pick-and-place- = pick-and-place
  • Blood and Chocolate = Blood and Chocolate [Katja von Garnier]
  • Lost and Delirious = Lost and Delirious [Léa Pool]
  • Hide and Creep = Hide and Creep [Chuck Hartsell, Chance Shirley]
  • Andromeda {f} <And> [Sternbild] = Andromeda <And> [constellation]
  • Crime and Punishment = Crime and Punishment [Aki Kaurismäki]
  • Masked and Anonymous = Masked and Anonymous [Larry Charles]
  • Rock and Roll {m} = rock and roll
  • Call and Response {m} = call and response
  • Tyne and Wear {n} = Tyne and Wear
  • Automation and Robotics [Studiengangsbezeichnung] = automation and robotics
  • Plug-and-Play-Unterstützung {f} = plug-and-play support
  • Arts-and-Crafts-Bewegung {f} = Arts and Crafts movement
  • Pick-and-Place-Anwendung {f} = pick-and-place application
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • While in Rochdale during the week, he stayed in a bed-and-breakfast in the area of Milkstone Road and Drake Street, and developed long-term associations with the town as the years progressed.
  • This became the first hotel in the city to open in over 40 years, though it is well-supplied with bed and breakfast establishments.
  • The countryside around Sedgwick is a haven for birdwatchers, as well as an out-of-the-way tourist stop with several bed and breakfast locations.
  • Natchitoches, a popular tourism area of the state, is equipped to serve visitors with 11 national chain hotels, and 27 bed-and-breakfast inns, including the Steel Magnolia House.
  • Many of its brick homes date from the antebellum period, including Hollyhill and Myrtledene Bed and Breakfast.

  • The Taylor Home Inn in Clear Lake, Wisconsin, is a bed-and-breakfast modeled after the Taylor Home.
  • The interior of the bed and breakfast room that Bill Murray's character stays in, in the 1993 film Groundhog Day, was built in a warehouse in Cary.
  • The Dorminy-Massee House is now operated as a bed and breakfast.
  • More than 160 businesses, including restaurants, bed and breakfast establishments, small industry/manufacturing plants, retail stores and service-oriented businesses, reside in Gentry.
  • The community has a store, a "lodge" (similar to a bed and breakfast with shared bathrooms), a school, and a Washeteria.

  • Visitor accommodation includes camping, bed and breakfast, guesthouse and farmstay.
  • It is now a private residence and bed and breakfast.
  • Hotels and bed and breakfast establishments are available on both sides of the German-Polish border.
  • East Brother Light Station on East Brother Island (one of the Brother Islands) is host to an exclusive bed and breakfast.
  • The city features an array of lodging options, including hotels such as the historic Hotel Galvez and Tremont House, vintage bed and breakfast inns, and beachfront condominiums.

  • The campaign unified many themes and targets, including business meetings; scholarly conventions; recreational vehicle dealers; parks and campgrounds; convention and visitors bureaus; hotels; bed and breakfast inns; casinos; and hotels.
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