Übersetzung für '
broad-nosed' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| anat.zool. broad-nosed {adj} | breitnasig | |
| anat.zool. broad-nosed {adj} | flachnasig | |
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze) |
| fishT broad-nosed / broadnosed pipefish [Syngnathus typhle, syn.: S. argentatus, S. ponticus, S. rotundatus, S. viridis, Siphonostoma typhle, Siphostoma typhle, Tiphle hexagonus] | Grasnadel {f} | |
| fishT broad-nosed / broadnosed pipefish [Syngnathus typhle, syn.: S. argentatus, S. ponticus, S. rotundatus, S. viridis, Siphonostoma typhle, Siphostoma typhle, Tiphle hexagonus] | Pfeifenfisch {m} [Grasnadel] | |
| fishT broad-nosed / broadnosed pipefish [Syngnathus typhle, syn.: S. argentatus, S. ponticus, S. rotundatus, S. viridis, Siphonostoma typhle, Siphostoma typhle, Tiphle hexagonus] | Hochschnauzen-Seenadel {f} [Grasnadel] | |
| fishT broad-nosed / broadnosed pipefish [Syngnathus typhle, syn.: S. argentatus, S. ponticus, S. rotundatus, S. viridis, Siphonostoma typhle, Siphostoma typhle, Tiphle hexagonus] | Schmalschnäuzige Seenadel {f} [Grasnadel] | |
| zool.T broad-nosed bamboo lemur [Prolemur simus] | Großer Halbmaki {m} | |
| zool.T broad-nosed bamboo lemur [Prolemur simus] | Großer Bambuslemur {m} | |
| zool.T broad-nosed bamboo lemur [Prolemur simus] | Breitschnauzen-Halbmaki {m} | |
| zool.T broad-nosed gentle lemur [Prolemur simus] | Großer Halbmaki {m} | |
| zool.T broad-nosed gentle lemur [Prolemur simus] | Großer Bambuslemur {m} | |
| zool.T broad-nosed gentle lemur [Prolemur simus] | Breitschnauzen-Halbmaki {m} | |
| entom.T broad-nosed grain weevil [Caulophilus latinasus] | Breitrüsseliger Kornkäfer {m} | |
| zool.T broad-nosed Sumatran maxomys [Maxomys inflatus] | Breitnasen-Rajah-Ratte {f} | |
| zool.T Heller's broad-nosed bat [Platyrrhinus helleri] | Heller-Streifenfruchtvampir {m} | |
| zool.T Recife broad-nosed bat [Platyrrhinus recifinus, syn.: Vampyrops recifinus] | Morcego-Streifenfruchtvampir {m} | |
| zool.T Rüppell's broad-nosed bat [Scoteanax rueppellii] | Große Breitnasenfledermaus {f} | |
17 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The genus was erected by Ellis Troughton in his 1943 volume on Australian mammals, having previously identified new taxa of "broad-nosed bats".
- "Bangasternus fausti" is a species of true weevil known as the broad-nosed seed head weevil.
- "Trigonoscuta" is a genus of broad-nosed weevils in the family of beetles known as Curculionidae. There are at least 60 described species in "Trigonoscuta".
- Heller's broad-nosed bat ("Platyrrhinus helleri") is a bat species from South and Central America.
- The greater bamboo lemur ("Hapalemur simus"), also known as the broad-nosed bamboo lemur and the broad-nosed gentle lemur, is a species of lemur endemic to the island of Madagascar.
- "Polydrusus formosus" the green immigrant leaf weevil, is a species of broad-nosed weevil belonging to the family Curculionidae, subfamily Entiminae.
- "Phyllobius arborator" is a species of "broad-nosed weevils" belonging to the family Curculionidae, subfamily Entiminae.
- "Otiorhynchus armadillo" is a species of broad-nosed weevil belonging to the family Curculionidae, subfamily Entiminae.
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