 Übersetzung für 'broadsheet' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a broadsheet | broadsheets
SYNO bill | broadsheet | broadside | ...
broadsheetFlugblatt {n}
broadsheet [paper size]Großformat {n} [Papier]
[großes Zeitungs­format]
Einblattdruck {m}
2 Wörter
broadsheet (newspaper)
seriöse Zeitung {f}
broadsheet (newspaper)
großformatige Zeitung {f}
broadsheet (newspaper)
Qualitätsblatt {n} [Zeitung]
broadsheet (newspaper)
angesehene Zeitung {f} [großformatig]
broadsheet ballad
Bänkellied {n}
broadsheet journalism [fig.]
seriöser Printjournalismus {m}
broadsheet reporting
seriöser Printjournalismus {m}
pictorial broadsheet
Bilderbogen {m}
satirical broadsheet
Spottblatt {n}
13 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • "Milliyet" is published in broadsheet format.
  • Many rate cards and specification cards refer to the "broadsheet size" with dimensions representing the front page "half of a broadsheet" size, rather than the full, unfolded broadsheet spread.
  • The paper is also one of the "big three" broadsheet-quality newspapers in Denmark along with "Jyllands-Posten" and "Politiken".
  • Newspapers such as "New Straits Times" and "Berita Harian" used to be published in broadsheet, but were published in the smaller size, instead, from 2005 and 2008, respectively.
  • On 10 September 2012, the Herald moved to a compact format for weekday editions, after 150 years publishing in broadsheet format. The broadsheet format was retained for the Saturday edition.

  • RFMC printed 10,000 copies of the campaigning broadsheet "Mobilise for Labour Democracy" which included a statement of aims from Tony Benn, articles setting out the case for democratic reforms of the party and descriptions for how activists could get involved in selling the broadsheet, organising meetings and passing resolutions in their Labour Party and Trade Union branches.
  • In South Africa, the Bloemfontein-based daily newspaper "Volksblad" became the first serious broadsheet newspaper to switch to tabloid, but only on Saturdays.
  • "JydskeVestkysten" is published in broadsheet format.
  • In her absence, the publication changed from a broadsheet format to a magazine format.
  • A broadsheet news article printed in April 1561 describes a mass sighting of celestial phenomena.

  • The newspaper started as a broadsheet before going compact on 1 March 2015.
  • "Népszava" is published in broadsheet format.
  • In 1625 he and Federico Cesi printed in broadsheet (or broadside) form the work "Apiarium" in 1625, marking the first published microscopic revelations of biological structures.
  • Compact format replaced broadsheet in 2009.
  • On 21 March 2021, the Sports section changed from broadsheet to a tabloid but the main paper, Business, Property & Motors sections remain broadsheet all redesigned 1 week later following the reduced size Life Magazine on 4 October 2020 and Living re-branded as People & Culture on 29 November 2020.

  • 63% stake of its sister broadsheet "BusinessWorld" from Hastings Holdings Inc., the subsidiary of "The Star" [...] s parent, MediaQuest.
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