drugs L [Am.] [sl.] | Joint {m} |
ling.print l [letter] | l {n} [Buchstabe] |
ling.print L [letter] | L {n} [Buchstabe] |
drugs L [sl.] | Joint {m} |
L [sl.] [blunt] | [aus einer Zigarre hergestellter Joint] |
idiom L as in Love [Am.] | L wie Ludwig |
comp.filmtech. L cut | L-Schnitt {m} |
idiommil. L for Lima [NATO phonetic alphabet] | L wie Lima [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] |
idiom L for Lucy [Br.] | L wie Leopold [schweiz.] |
idiom L for Lucy [Br.] | L wie Ludwig |
dent.tools L forceps {pl} [one pair] | Zahnextraktionszange {f} für die linke Seite |
dent.tools L forceps {pl} [one pair] | Zahnzange {f} für die linke Seite |
biochem. L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine <L-DOPA> | L-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanin {n} <L-DOPA> |
entom.T l-album wainscot [Mythimna l-album, syn.: Aletia l-album, Hyphilare l-album] [moth] | Weißes L {n} [Nachtfalterspezies] |
biochem. L-amino acid oxidase <LAAO> | L-Aminosäureoxidase {f} <LAAO> |
L-blade | Winkelmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse] |
constr.material L-box test | L-Kasten-Versuch {m} |
chem.FoodInd. L-cysteine [E-920] | L-Cystein {n} |
biochem. L-fucose [C6H12O5] | L-Fucose {f} |
biochem. L-homocitrulline | L-Homocitrullin {n} |
chem. L-isomer | L-Isomer {n} |
med. L-kidney | L-Niere {f} |
L-plate [Br.] | L-Schild {n} [schweiz.] |
L-plate [Br.] | L-Taferl {n} [österr.] [ugs.] |
tech. L-section | L-Profil {n} |
biochem. L-selectin | L-Selectin {n} |
biochem. L-selectin | L-Selektin {n} |
biochem. L-selectin molecule | L-Selectinmolekül {n} |
biochem. L-selectin molecule | L-Selektinmolekül {n} |
biochem. L-selectin molecules | L-Selectinmoleküle {pl} |
biochem. L-selectin molecules | L-Selektinmoleküle {pl} |
biochem. L-selectins | L-Selektine {pl} |
biochem. L-selenomethionine | L-Selenomethionin {n} |
L-shaped | L-förmig |
L-shaped blade | Winkelmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse] |
math. L-system | L-System {n} |
geogr. L. A. [abbr.: Los Angeles] | L. A. {n} |
filmF L.A. Confidential [Curtis Hanson] | L.A. Confidential |
lit.F L.A. Confidential [James Ellroy] | Stadt der Teufel |
filmF L.A. Law - The Movie [Michael Schultz] | L.A Law - Der Film |
lit.F L.A. Requiem [Robert Crais] | Stunde der Rache |
filmF L.I.E. [Michael Cuesta] | L.I.E. – Long Island Expressway |
lit.F L.T.s Theory of Pets [Stephen King] | L.T.s Theorie der Kuscheltiere |
pol. L'Étoile du Nord [USA] [Minnesota state motto: The Star of the North] | Der Stern des Nordens [Motto des US-Staates Minnesota] |
zool.T L'Hoest's guenon [Allochrocebus lhoesti, syn.: Cercopithecus lhoesti] | Östliche Vollbartmeerkatze {f} |
zool.T L'Hoest's monkey [Cercopithecus lhoesti] | Östliche Vollbartmeerkatze {f} |
math. l'Hôpital's rule | l'Hôpital'sche Regel {f} [auch: l'Hopital'sche/ l'Hospital'sche Regel] |
math. l'Hôpital's rule | l'hôpitalsche Regel {f} [auch: l'hospitalsche Regel] |
math. l'Hôpital's rule | Regel {f} von l'Hospital |
math. l'Hôpital's rules | Regeln {pl} von de l'Hôpital [auch: ... de l'Hospital] |
math. l'Hospital's rule | Regel {f} von l'Hospital |
geogr. LA [abbr.: Los Angeles] | L. A. {n} |
geogr. La Amistad International Park | Nationalpark {m} La Amistad |
mus.F La bohème [Giacomo Puccini] | La Bohème |
geogr. La Bruyère | Heide {n} |
zool.T La Carbonera spindle snake [Atractus taphorni] | La-Carbonera-Spindelnatter {f} |
zool.T La Chorrera spindle snake [Atractus heliobelluomini] | La-Chorrera-Spindelnatter {f} |
geogr. La Clouse | Klause {n} |
zool.T La Digue day gecko [Phelsuma sundbergi, syn.: P. pulchra, P. sundbergi ladiguensis, P. sundbergi sundbergi] | Großer Seychellen-Taggecko {m} |
orn.T La Fayette's junglefowl [Gallus lafayetii, syn.: G. lafayetti] | Ceylonhuhn {n} |
orn.T La Fayette's junglefowl [Gallus lafayetii, syn.: G. lafayetti] | Dschungelhuhn {n} |
orn.T La Fayette's junglefowl [Gallus lafayetii, syn.: G. lafayetti] | Gelbes Kammhuhn {n} |
orn.T La Fayette's junglefowl [Gallus lafayetii, syn.: G. lafayetti] | Lafayettehuhn {n} |
RadioTVF La Femme Nikita | Nikita |
zool.T La Gomera gecko [Tarentola gomerensis] | Gomera-Gecko {m} |
zool.T La Gomera giant lizard [Gallotia bravoana] | La-Gomera-Rieseneidechse {f} |
zool.T La Gomera skink [Chalcides coeruleopunctatus] | Südlicher Kanarenskink {m} |
zool.T La Hotte blindsnake / blind snake [Typhlops agoralionis] | La-Hotte-Blindschlange {f} |
filmF La Jetée ["The Jetty"] [Chris Marker] | Am Rande des Rollfelds |
filmF La La Land [Damien Chazelle] | La La Land |
La Leche League International <LLLI> | (Internationale) La Leche Liga {f} |
zool.T La Loma earth snake [Geophis tectus] | La-Loma-Erdnatter {f} |
meteo. La Niña | La Niña {n} [Klimaanomalie westlich Perus und Equadors] |
entom.T La Palma brimstone [Gonepteryx palmae] | La-Palma-Zitronenfalter {m} |
zool.T La Palma giant lizard [Gallotia auaritae] | La-Palma-Rieseneidechse {f} |
bot.T La Palma sow-thistle [Sonchus palmensis] | La-Palma-Gänsedistel {f} |
zool.T La Pedrera spindle snake [Atractus franciscopaivai] | La-Pedrera-Spindelnatter {f} |
geogr. La Pérouse Strait | La-Pérouse-Straße {f} |
orn.T La Perouse's megapode [Megapodius laperouse] | Lapérousehuhn {n} [auch: Lapérouse-Huhn] |
zool.T La Plata dolphin [Pontoporia blainvillei] | La-Plata-Delfin {m} |
zool.T La Plata three-banded armadillo [Tolypeutes matacus] | Südliches Dreibindengürteltier {n} |
zool.T La Plata three-banded armadillo [Tolypeutes matacus] | Südliches Kugelgürteltier {n} |
hist.lit. La Pléiade | La Pléiade {f} |
geogr. La Rioja [in Argentina and Spain] | La Rioja {n} [in Argentinien und Spanien] |
geogr. La Roche-en-Ardenne | Welschfels {n} |
lit.F La Ronde [play] | Reigen [Arthur Schnitzler] |
filmF La Rose de Fer [Jean Rollin] | Die eiserne Rose |
orn.T La Sagra's flycatcher [Myiarchus sagrae] | Kubaschopftyrann {m} |
orn.T La Sagra's flycatcher [Myiarchus sagrae] | Sagratyrann {m} |
zool.T La Salle's shadow snake [Synophis lasallei] | Cundinamarca-Schattennatter {f} |
archi.mus. La Scala [opera house in Milan, Italy] | die (Mailänder) Scala {f} |
zool.T La Selle blindsnake / blind snake [Typhlops proancylops] | La-Selle-Blindschlange {f} |
orn.T La Selle thrush [Turdus swalesi] | Haitidrossel {f} |
hist.journ.pol. La Solidaridad | La Solidaridad {f} |
filmF La Strada [also: The Road] [Federico Fellini] | La Strada - Das Lied der Straße |
archaeo. La Tène culture | La-Tène-Kultur {f} |
archaeo. La Tène period | La-Tène-Zeit {f} |
orn.T La Touche's leaf-warbler [Phylloscopus yunnanensis, syn.: Phylloscopus sichuanensis] | Yunnanlaubsänger {m} |
geogr. La Union Province | Provinz {f} La Union |
filmF La Vie de bohème [Aki Kaurismäki] | Das Leben der Bohème |