sports pacemaker | Tempomacher {m} |
sports pacemaker | Zugläufer {m} |
med.MedTech. pacemaker <PM> | Herzschrittmacher {m} <HSM> |
med.MedTech. pacemaker battery | Herzschrittmacherbatterie {f} | pacemaker cells | Schrittmacherzellen {pl} |
biochem. pacemaker enzyme | Schrittmacherenzym {n} |
med. pacemaker identification card <pacemaker ID card> | Herzschrittmacherpass {m} [auch: Herzschrittmacher-Pass] |
med. pacemaker lead | Schrittmacherelektrode {f} |
pacemaker's role | Schrittmacherrolle {f} |
pacemaking | Schrittmachen {n} |
pacemaking | Schrittmacherdienst {m} |
pacer | Schreitender {m} |
sports pacer | Zugläufer {m} |
pacer [female] | Schreitende {f} |
med. pacer [pacemaker] | Herzschrittmacher {m} |
equest. paces | Gangarten {pl} |
paces | Schritte {pl} |
pacesetter | Passgänger {m} |
pacesetter | Schrittmacher {m} |
sports pacesetter | Tempomacher {m} |
pacey [Br.] | temporeich |
dance pachanga | Pachanga {m} |
orn.VetMed. Pacheco's disease | Pachecos Krankheit {f} |
games pachisi [traditional Indian board game] | [Variante von Mensch ärgere dich nicht] |
mineral. pachnolite [CaNa [AlF6]·H2O] | Pachnolith {m} |
mineral. pachnolite [NaCaAlF6·H2O] | Pachnolit {m} | pachometer [pachymeter] | Pachometer {n} [Pachymeter] |
med.spec. pachometry | Pachometrie {f} |
hist.relig. Pachomian | pachomianisch |
hist.relig. Pachomius the Great | Pachomios {m} der Große |
bot.T pachouli [Pogostemon cablin] | Indisches Patschuli {n} |
med. pachyacria | Pachyakrie {f} |
med. pachyakria | Pachyakrie {f} |
bot. pachycaulous | dickstengelig [alt] |
bot. pachycaulous | pachycaul |
zool.T pachycephalosaurs [Pachycephalosauria] [extinct] | Pachycephalosaurier {pl} [ausgestorben] |
med. pachycheilia | Pachycheilie {f} |
zool.T pachychilids [family Pachychilidae] | Dicklippenschnecken {pl} |
med. pachydactyly | Pachydaktylie {f} |
pachyderm | Dickhäuter {m} |
zool. pachydermatous | dickhäutig |
med. pachydermia | Pachydermie {f} |
zool. pachydermial | dickhäutig |
med. pachydermoperiostosis <PDP> | Pachydermoperiostose {f} <PDP> |
med. pachygyria | Pachygyrie {f} |
MedTech. pachymeter | Pachymeter {n} |
med.spec. pachymetry | Pachymetrie {f} |
zool. pachyodont | pachyodont |
zool. pachyodont hinge | pachyodontes Schloss {n} |
med. pachyonychia | Nagelverdickung {f} |
zool. pachyosteosclerotic | pachyosteosklerotisch |
zool. pachyostosis | Pachyostose {f} |
zool. pachyostotic | pachyostotisch |
med. pachyotia | Ohrverdickung {f} |
biochem. pachypodol | Pachypodol {n} |
entom.T Pachyta quadrimaculata [species of longhorn beetle] | Gelber Vierfleckbock {m} [Bockkäferart] |
biol. pachytene | Pachytän {n} |
biol. pachytene bivalent | Pachytänbivalente {f} |
biochem. pachytene stage | Pachytänstadium {n} |
entom.T Pachytodes erraticus [syn.: Judolia erratica] [species of longhorn beetle] | Fleckenbindiger Halsbock {m} [Bockkäferart] |
pacifiable | leicht zu beruhigen [nur prädikativ] |
pacific | friedfertig |
pacific | friedlich |
pacific | friedliebend |
geogr. Pacific | Pazifik {m} |
geogr. Pacific | pazifisch |
zool.T Pacific (cupped) oyster [Crassostrea gigas] | Pazifische Felsenauster {f} |
orn.T Pacific (imperial) pigeon [Ducula pacifica] | Pazifik-Fruchttaube {f} |
fishT Pacific albacore [Thunnus alalunga] | Langflossenthun {m} |
fishT Pacific albacore [Thunnus alalunga] | Weißer Thun {m} |
bot.pharm. Pacific algae | Pazifikalgen {pl} [auch: Pazifische Algen] |
bot.T Pacific anemone [Anemone multifida, syn.: A. magellanica] | Pazifisches Windröschen {n} |
fishT Pacific angel shark [Squatina californica] | Pazifischer Engelshai {m} |
fishT Pacific angelshark [Squatina californica] | Pazifischer Engelhai {m} |
orn.T Pacific antwren [Myrmotherula pacifica] | Westlicher Strichelameisenschlüpfer {m} |
games Pacific Avenue [Am.] [Monopoly] | Rathausplatz {m} [Monopoly] |
bot.T Pacific azolla [Am.] [Azolla filiculoides] | Feenmoos {n} [Großer Algenfarn] |
bot.T Pacific azolla [Am.] [Azolla filiculoides] | Großer Algenfarn {m} |
bot.T Pacific azolla [Am.] [Azolla filiculoides] | Lebermoosfarn {m} |
zool.T Pacific bananaslug / banana slug [Ariolimax columbianus] | Pazifische Bananenschnecke {f} |
orn.T Pacific black duck [Anas superciliosa] | Augenbrauenente {f} |
orn.T Pacific black-hawk [Buteogallus subtilis] | Mangrovebussard {m} |
bot.T Pacific bleeding heart [Dicentra formosa] | Amerikanische Herzblume {f} |
bot.T Pacific bleeding heart [Dicentra formosa] | Pazifische Herzblume {f} |
RadioTVF Pacific Blue | Pacific Blue - Die Strandpolizei |
zool.T Pacific blue mussel [Mytilus trossulus, syn.: M. edulis declivis, M. edulis normalis, M. ficus, M. glomeratus, M. pedroanus, M. septentrionalis] | Pazifische Miesmuschel {f} |
fishT Pacific blue-eye [Pseudomugil signifer] | Celebes-Ährenfisch {m} |
fishT Pacific blue-eye [Pseudomugil signifer] | Pazifisches Blauauge {n} |
fishT Pacific bluefin tuna [Thunnus orientalis] | Nordpazifischer Blauflossen-Thunfisch {m} |
fishT Pacific bluefin tuna [Thunnus orientalis] | Pazifischer Blauflossen-Thun {m} |
bot.T Pacific bluegrass [Poa secunda] | Sand-Rispengras {n} |
zool.T Pacific bluetail / blue-tailed skink [Emoia caeruleocauda] | Pazifik-Blauschwanzskink {m} |
zool.T Pacific bluetail / blue-tailed skink [Emoia caeruleocauda] | Pazifischer Blauschwanzskink {m} |
fishT Pacific bonito [Sarda chiliensis lineolata] | Pazifik-Bonito {m} |
zool.T Pacific bottlenose dolphin [Truncatus (truncatus) gillii] | Pazifischer Großer Tümmler {m} |
orn.T Pacific brant [Am.] [Branta bernicla nigricans] | Pazifische Ringelgans {f} |
fishT Pacific bream [Aus.] [Girella tricuspidata, syn.: Boops tricuspidatus] | Schwarzer Nagebarsch {m} |
orn.T Pacific brent goose [Branta (bernicla) nigricans] | Lawrence Ringelgans {f} |
orn.T Pacific brent goose [Branta (bernicla) nigricans] | Schwarzbäuchige Ringelgans {f} |
zool.T Pacific bubble [Bulla ampulla, syn.: B. columellaris, B. delorti, B. trifasciata, B. villosa, Quibulla selina] | Ampullen-Blasenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart] |