Übersetzung für '
burial' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN1 | a burial | burials |
| NOUN2 | burial | - |
| SYNO | burial | burying | entombment | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| burial {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cave, chamber, cloth, crown, mound, plot] | 26 Grab- [z. B. Höhle, Kammer, Tuch, Krone, Hügel, Parzelle] | |
Substantive |
| burial | Beerdigung {f} 1206 | |
| burial | Bestattung {f} 289 | |
| burial | Begräbnis {n} 172 | |
| burial | Beisetzung {f} [geh.] 45 | |
| burial [in the earth, in a grave] | Erdbestattung {f} 24 | |
| burial | Begraben {n} 20 | |
| burial | Verschüttung {f} 20 | |
| burial | Leichenbegängnis {n} [geh.] | |
| burial | Erdbegräbnis {n} [Erdbestattung] | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| animal burial | Tierbestattung {f} | |
| avalanche burial | Lawinenverschüttung {f} | |
| burial act [law] | Bestattungsgesetz {n} | |
| burial case | Sarg {m} | |
| burial case | Totenschrein {m} [geh.] [veraltet] | |
| archaeo. burial cave | Grabhöhle {f} | |
| burial ceremony | Begräbniszeremonie {f} | |
| burial ceremony | Bestattungszeremonie {f} | |
| burial ceremony | Beerdigungszeremonie {f} | |
| burial ceremony | Beisetzungszeremonie {f} | |
| burial ceremony | Totenfeier {f} [Beerdigung] | |
| archaeo. burial chamber | Grabkammer {f} | |
| archi.relig. burial chapel [sepulchral chapel] | Grabkapelle {f} | |
| archi.relig. burial church [church where a particular person or group is buried] | Grabeskirche {f} | |
| burial cloth | Grabtuch {n} | |
| cloth. burial cloth | Leichentuch {n} | |
| burial club | Begräbnisverein {m} | |
| hist. burial crown | Grabkrone {f} | |
| burial custom | Bestattungsbrauch {m} | |
| ethn. burial customs | Bestattungssitten {pl} | |
| ethn. burial customs | Bestattungsbräuche {pl} | |
| archaeo.relig. burial customs {pl} [collectively] | Totenbrauchtum {n} | |
| burial deposit | Sterbekasseneinlage {f} | |
| archaeo. burial equipment | Grabausstattung {f} [Beigaben] | |
| fin. burial fund | Sterbekasse {f} | |
| burial funds | Sterbekassen {pl} | |
| cloth. burial garment | Leichenhemd {n} | |
| archaeo. burial goods {pl} | Grabausstattung {f} [Beigaben] | |
| cloth. burial gown | Leichenhemd {n} | |
| burial ground | Friedhof {m} | |
| burial ground | Grabstätte {f} | |
| burial ground | Begräbnisplatz {m} | |
| burial ground | Kirchhof {m} [veraltend] | |
| burial ground | Begräbnisstätte {f} [geh.] | |
| archaeo. burial ground | Gräberfeld {n} | |
| burial ground [for nuclear waste] | Entsorgungsplatz {m} | |
| archaeo. burial hoard | Grabschatz {m} | |
| insur. burial insurance | Sterbeversicherung {f} | |
| burial method | Bestattungsart {f} | |
| archaeo. burial mound | Kurgan {m} | |
| archaeo. burial mound | Grabhügel {m} | |
| archaeo. burial mound | Hügelgrab {n} | |
| archaeo. burial mounds | Grabhügel {pl} | |
| Burial Museum | Bestattungsmuseum {n} | |
| archaeo. burial object | Grabbeigabe {f} | |
| archaeo. burial pit | Grabgrube {f} | |
| burial place | Grablage {f} | |
| burial place | Grabstätte {f} | |
| burial place | Zömeterium {n} | |
| burial place | Begräbnisort {m} | |
| burial place | Bestattungsort {m} | |
| burial place | Begräbnisstadt {f} | |
| burial place | Bestattungsplatz {m} | |
| burial place | Begräbnisstätte {f} [geh.] | |
| burial place [hereditary] | Grablege {f} | |
| burial plot | Grabstätte {f} | |
| burial plot | Grabparzelle {f} | |
| burial pole [Aus.] [Aboriginal] | Grabpfahl {m} | |
| burial register | Begräbnisregister {n} | |
| burial right [cemetery] | Grabrecht {n} [Nutzungsrecht an der Grabstätte] | |
| relig. burial ritual | Begräbnisritual {n} [Bestattungsritual] | |
| archaeo.relig. burial ritual | Bestattungsritual {n} | |
| archaeo.ethn.relig. burial rituals | Begräbnisrituale {pl} | |
| cloth. burial robe | Leichengewand {n} | |
| burial service | Beerdigung {f} | |
| burial service | Leichengottesdienst {m} | |
| burial services {pl} | Bestattungswesen {n} | |
| burial shroud | Totenhemd {n} | |
| burial shroud | Leichentuch {n} | |
| burial site | Grabstätte {f} | |
| burial site | Beisetzungsort {m} | |
| burial site | Begräbnisstätte {f} [geh.] | |
| archaeo. burial site | Grabanlage {f} | |
| archaeo. burial site | Gräberfeld {n} | |
| relig. burial society | Beerdigungsverein {m} | |
| geol. burial soil | fossiler Boden {m} | |
| burial space | Begräbnisplatz {m} | |
| archaeo.relig. burial tradition | Begräbnistradition {f} | |
| archaeo.relig. burial tradition | Bestattungstradition {f} | |
| archi. burial vault | Grabgewölbe {n} | |
| celestial burial | Himmelsbestattung {f} | |
| archaeo.ethn. child burial | Kinderbegräbnis {n} | |
| Christian burial | kirchliche Bestattung {f} | |
| Christian burial | christliche Beerdigung {f} | |
| Christian burial | christliches Begräbnis {n} | |
| church burial | kirchliches Begräbnis {n} | |
| hist.relig. church burial | Kirchenbestattung {f} | |
| cremation burial | Brandbestattung {f} | |
| archaeo. crouched burial | Hockergrab {n} | |
| archaeo. double burial | Doppelbestattung {f} | |
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Übersetzung für 'burial' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- burial {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cave, chamber, cloth, crown, mound, plot]
- Grab- [z. B. Höhle, Kammer, Tuch, Krone, Hügel, Parzelle]
- burial
- Beerdigung {f}
Bestattung {f}
Begräbnis {n}
Beisetzung {f} [geh.]
Begraben {n}
Verschüttung {f}
Leichenbegängnis {n} [geh.]
Erdbegräbnis {n} [Erdbestattung]
- burial [in the earth, in a grave]
- Erdbestattung {f}
- animal burial
- Tierbestattung {f}
- avalanche burial
- Lawinenverschüttung {f}
- burial act [law]
- Bestattungsgesetz {n}
- burial case
- Sarg {m}
Totenschrein {m} [geh.] [veraltet]
- burial cave
- Grabhöhle {f}archaeo.
- burial ceremony
- Begräbniszeremonie {f}
Bestattungszeremonie {f}
Beerdigungszeremonie {f}
Beisetzungszeremonie {f}
Totenfeier {f} [Beerdigung]
- burial chamber
- Grabkammer {f}archaeo.
- burial chapel [sepulchral chapel]
- Grabkapelle {f}archi.relig.
- burial church [church where a particular person or group is buried]
- Grabeskirche {f}archi.relig.
- burial cloth
- Grabtuch {n}
Leichentuch {n}cloth.
- burial club
- Begräbnisverein {m}
- burial crown
- Grabkrone {f}hist.
- burial custom
- Bestattungsbrauch {m}
- burial customs
- Bestattungssitten {pl}ethn.
Bestattungsbräuche {pl}ethn.
- burial customs {pl} [collectively]
- Totenbrauchtum {n}archaeo.relig.
- burial deposit
- Sterbekasseneinlage {f}
- burial equipment
- Grabausstattung {f} [Beigaben]archaeo.
- burial fund
- Sterbekasse {f}fin.
- burial funds
- Sterbekassen {pl}
- burial garment
- Leichenhemd {n}cloth.
- burial goods {pl}
- Grabausstattung {f} [Beigaben]archaeo.
- burial gown
- Leichenhemd {n}cloth.
- burial ground
- Friedhof {m}
Grabstätte {f}
Begräbnisplatz {m}
Kirchhof {m} [veraltend]
Begräbnisstätte {f} [geh.]
Gräberfeld {n}archaeo.
- burial ground [for nuclear waste]
- Entsorgungsplatz {m}
- burial hoard
- Grabschatz {m}archaeo.
- burial insurance
- Sterbeversicherung {f}insur.
- burial method
- Bestattungsart {f}
- burial mound
- Kurgan {m}archaeo.
Grabhügel {m}archaeo.
Hügelgrab {n}archaeo.
- burial mounds
- Grabhügel {pl}archaeo.
- Burial Museum
- Bestattungsmuseum {n}
- burial object
- Grabbeigabe {f}archaeo.
- burial pit
- Grabgrube {f}archaeo.
- burial place
- Grablage {f}
Grabstätte {f}
Zömeterium {n}
Begräbnisort {m}
Bestattungsort {m}
Begräbnisstadt {f}
Bestattungsplatz {m}
Begräbnisstätte {f} [geh.]
- burial place [hereditary]
- Grablege {f}
- burial plot
- Grabstätte {f}
Grabparzelle {f}
- burial pole [Aus.] [Aboriginal]
- Grabpfahl {m}
- burial register
- Begräbnisregister {n}
- burial right [cemetery]
- Grabrecht {n} [Nutzungsrecht an der Grabstätte]
- burial ritual
- Begräbnisritual {n} [Bestattungsritual]relig.
Bestattungsritual {n}archaeo.relig.
- burial rituals
- Begräbnisrituale {pl}archaeo.ethn.relig.
- burial robe
- Leichengewand {n}cloth.
- burial service
- Beerdigung {f}
Leichengottesdienst {m}
- burial services {pl}
- Bestattungswesen {n}
- burial shroud
- Totenhemd {n}
Leichentuch {n}
- burial site
- Grabstätte {f}
Beisetzungsort {m}
Begräbnisstätte {f} [geh.]
Grabanlage {f}archaeo.
Gräberfeld {n}archaeo.
- burial society
- Beerdigungsverein {m}relig.
- burial soil
- fossiler Boden {m}geol.
- burial space
- Begräbnisplatz {m}
- burial tradition
- Begräbnistradition {f}archaeo.relig.
Bestattungstradition {f}archaeo.relig.
- burial vault
- Grabgewölbe {n}archi.
- celestial burial
- Himmelsbestattung {f}
- child burial
- Kinderbegräbnis {n}archaeo.ethn.
- Christian burial
- kirchliche Bestattung {f}
christliche Beerdigung {f}
christliches Begräbnis {n}
- church burial
- kirchliches Begräbnis {n}
Kirchenbestattung {f}hist.relig.
- cremation burial
- Brandbestattung {f}
- crouched burial
- Hockergrab {n}archaeo.
- double burial
- Doppelbestattung {f}archaeo.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Alternatives to ground burials include burial in a coral reef, sky burial, burial at sea, hybrid cemeteries and human composting.
- All of the Western Han Dynasty imperial burial grounds contain multiple tombs, often with their own burial mounds.
- Burial 9 represents the burial of an adult male, although skeletal remains were fragmentary. The burial included an iron objects, glass and stone beads, bronze bangles, and a fragmentary ceramic pot.
- Very little is known about the burial practices of Brushed Pottery culture, as no graves dated to this culture have been found.
- Clermont Cemetery is among the earlier surviving public cemeteries in central Queensland, others being located at St Lawrence (earliest burial 1857), South Rockhampton Cemetery (established 1860), Marlborough (earliest burial 1860) and Nebo (earliest burial 1866).
- Burial No. 15: A bundle burial not in anatomical order.
- Burial 18: Infant female burial, from the Early Classic Period, buried with Burial 19.
- A burial site remains and is used for burial rites.
- A Roman period burial ground with twelve burial mounds has been identified near the settlement.
- Along with the Van Buskirk Family Burial Ground, the Sandford Family Burial Ground and others, the Abel I. Smith Burial Ground is one of a few recognized family burial grounds in Hudson County.
- An extensive Roman-period burial ground with sixty burial mounds has been identified near the settlement.
- This scandal contributed to burial reform in the Burial Act 1852, [...] which closed burial grounds within metropolitan London and allowed the establishment of large cemeteries in the then surrounding countryside in the mid-19th century.
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