 Übersetzung für 'bw' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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backward {adv} <bwd, bwrd, bw>rückwärts <rw>
biowarfare <BW>
biologische Kriegsführung {f}
Botswana <.bw>
Botswana {n}
Botswana <.bw>
Botsuana {n}
2 Wörter
body weight <BW>Körpergewicht {n}
body weight <BW> [body mass]
Körpermasse {f} <KM> [Körpergewicht]
3 Wörter
black-and-white {adj} <bw, b/w, BW, B/W>Schwarz-Weiß- <SW, S/W>
black-and-white {adj} <bw, b/w>schwarz-weiß <sw, s/w>
biological warfare agents <BW agents>
biologische Kampfmittel {pl}
Republic of Botswana <.bw>
Republik {f} Botswana
Republic of Botswana <.bw>
Republik {f} Botsuana [amtliche deutsche Schreibweise]
11 Übersetzungen
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  • Bauingenieurwesen {n} <BIW, BW, Bauing.-Wesen> [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung] = civil engineering <CE>
  • Bauwirtschaft {f} <BW> = building industry <BI>
  • Betriebswerk {n} <Bw> = depot
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In 1978, the Longo Brothers had a single " Sun Side Up" bw "Looking For Love" released on People City Music PCM 123.
  • Janne Løseth started a solo career, releasing singles including "Take Me Down" (bw. ...
  • Most current registrations are at the third level beneath second-level names such as co.bw and org.bw, but some second-level registrations also exist, such as Botswana Telecommunications Corporation's website.
  • In addition to "Canada" bw "Rain" on Capitol 72679, the other single released that year was the Latin flavored "Get It Together" bw "Can’t Wait Until Tomorrow" on Capitol 72687.
  • 9 mg/kg bw in mice whereas the intraperitonal, subcutaneous and intravenous routes of exposure gave LD50 values of 5–10 mg/kg bw.

  • Before the year of 1971 was out, the group had released the singles, "My Lady" bw "Stepping Thru" and "Something About You" bw "Driving Me Crazy". Both of them were on the Libra Records label.
  • The single "Girls Make Me Nervous" bw "Love Is Gone" was released on the Wynne label in 1958.
  • Among the recordings he produced were "I Got A Gal" bw "Bewitched" for The Mowhawks which was released on Val-Ue 211 in 1960, and Davenport Sisters with their single, "I Was Teasin'" bw "Our Summer Vacation Is Over", released on Vida DV 0108 in 1963.
  • He produced a single for Bob Correll "Piano Man" bw "Don't Knock It "Until You Try It", released on Vistone 2069.
  • Deane Waretini had two singles released on the label, "Trouble In My Life" bw "The Long Road" and "Melody Butterfly" bw "Trouble in My Life.

  • She also recorded as a solo artist with two singles on Fontana, "Heimwee naar Soerabaya" bw "Droomschilderij" in 1960, and "Carolina melodie" bw "Cowboy Jimmy Jo" in 1961.
  • One was "Heimwee naar Soerabaja" bw "'n Droomschilderij" which was released on the Fontana label in 1961.
  • Signed to Powertree Records, Gossett's single, "Hooka' Dooka'", "Green Green" bw "Goodmornin' Captain" was released in early 1964. Later in May, "Red Rosy Bush" bw "See See Rider" was released.
  • In 1960 his single, "Cradle Of Love" bw "Brush Those Tears From Your Eyes" was released on the La Gloria label.
  • In 1967, his productions included "Crystal Ball" bw "Didn't I" for Guy Darrell, "Come Back Baby Come Back" bw "Since My Baby Said Goodbye" for Romeo Z and "Leave It To Me" bw "Anyway That You Want Me" for Gary Bell.

  • Emanuel Obedekah released a some solo singles himself. One was "Romeo" bw "Mama Don't Go" in 1971. Another was "Oh Balutujeh" bw "Let Summer Come Again" in 1972.
  • In 1961, they released two singles, "Intoxica" bw "Tequila" and "Rampage" bw "Comanche", both on Impact. Then there was "It's Party Time" bw "Soft Top", released on Impact 13-IM, 13-IMX.
  • Gotham records also had a Capris group of their own which would release their debut single "God Only Knows" bw "That's What You're Doing To Me", Gotham 304 in 1954.
  • In rats the cholinesterase activity fell down to 50 percent of the control values in 27 days where the dose applied in their diet was 2 mg/ kg bw in the first three days and 4 mg/kg bw for the next 24 days.
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