| meteo. cloudy {adj} <cl, c> | bewölkt 1304 | |
| relig. Catholic {adj} <Cath, C> | katholisch <kath.> 219 | |
| educ. C [grade] [Am.] [Aus.] | befriedigend [Schulnote] 60 | |
| unit centi- {prefix} <c> [10 ^ -2] | Zenti- <c> 37 | |
| &c. [et cetera] [dated] | etc. [et cetera] [usw.] 17 | |
| circa {adv} {prep} <ca., c.> [abbreviation "c." often with dates, e.g. born c. 1701] | circa <ca.> 16 | |
| med. subcutaneously {adv} <s.c. / SC> | subkutan <s.c.> 10 | |
| med.pharm. preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, a.c.> | präprandial <pp, ac, a.c.> 8 | |
| C'mere. [coll.] [come here] | Komm her. | |
| C'mon! [Come on!] | Komm schon! | |
| mus. coll'arco {adv} <c.a.> | coll'arco <c.a.> | |
| pharm. postcenal {adj} <p.c., PC> [Am.] | nach dem Essen <n. d. E.> [nachgestellt] [auch auf Rezepten] | |
| med.pharm. postcoenal {adj} <p.c., PC> | nach dem Essen <n. d. E.> [nachgestellt] [auch auf Rezepten] | |
| med.pharm. postprandial {adj} <pc, PC, p.c.> | nach der / einer Mahlzeit <pc, PC, p.c.> | |
| med.pharm. postprandial {adj} <pc, PC, p.c.> | nach dem Essen [nachgestellt] <n.d.E., pc, PC, p.c.> | |
| med.pharm. preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, AC, a.c.> [before the meal] | vor dem Essen [nachgestellt] <v.d.E., ac, AC, a.c.> | |
| med.pharm. preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, AC, a.c.> [before the meal] | vor der / einer Mahlzeit [nachgestellt] <ac, AC. a.c.> | |
Substantive |
| century <c, cent.> | Jahrhundert {n} <Jh., Jhd., Jhdt., Jahrh.> 3653 | |
| chem. carbon <C> | Kohlenstoff {m} <C> 1956 | |
| acc.fin. account <acct., a/c> | Konto {n} <Kto.> 1547 | |
| percent <%, p/c, pc., p.c.> [Am.] | Prozent {n} <%> 1296 | |
| cent <c, ct.> | Cent {m} 183 | |
| unit Celsius <C> [centigrade] | Celsius {n} <C> 74 | |
| unit carat <C, ct> [measure of the purity of gold] | 14 Karat {n} <C, kt> [Maßeinheit für den Goldgehalt einer Legierung] | |
| biochem. cytosine <C, Cyt> [C4H5N3O] | Cytosin {n} <C, Cyt> 14 | |
| biochem. cysteine <Cys, C> [C3H7NO2S] | Cystein {n} <Cys, C> [fachspr.] 13 | |
| naut. fo'c's'le [coll.] [forecastle] | Vorschiff {n} 10 | |
| naut. fo'c's'le | Vorderdeck {n} 9 | |
| ling.mus.print c [letter, musical note] | c {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] 8 | |
| electr.unit coulomb <C> | Coulomb {n} <C> 8 | |
| ling.mus.print C [letter, musical note] | C {n} [Buchstabe, Ton] | |
| mineral. chaoite <C> | Chaoit {m} <C> | |
| phys. chargino <C͂> [hypothetical elementary particle] | Chargino {n} <C͂> [hypothetisches Elementarteilchen] | |
| relig. Clarissines [Poor Clares] <OSC, O.S.C., OSCL, OSCl> | Klarissen {pl} <OSC, O.S.C., OSCL, OSCl> | |
| biochem. cysteine <Cys, C> [C3H7NO2S] | Zystein {n} <Cys, C> | |
| educ.relig. Doctrinaries [Congregatio Patrum Doctrinae Christianae] <D.C.> | Doktrinarier {pl} <DC> | |
| naut. fo'c'sle [coll.] [forecastle] | Vorschiff {n} | |
| relig. Lazarists [Congregation of the Mission] <C.M.> | Lazaristen {pl} | |
| chem. molarity <c> [molar concentration] | Molarität {f} <c> [veraltet] [Stoffmengenkonzentration] | |
| relig. Oratorians <C.O.> [members of the Oratory congregation] | Oratorianer {pl} | |
| phys. radiocarbon [also: radio carbon] <carbon-14, C-14, 14C> | Radiokohlenstoff {m} <Carbon-14, C-14, 14C> | |
| relig. Redemptorists <C.Ss.R, CSSR> | Redemptoristen {pl} <C.Ss.R, CSSR> | |
| sigma <Σ, σ, ς, C> [Greek letter] | Sigma {n} <Σ, σ, ς, C> [griechischer Buchstabe] | |
| relig. Theatines <C.R.> | Theatiner {pl} | |
| relig. Theatines <C.R.> | Chietiner {pl} [Theatiner] | |
| relig. Trappists <OCSO, O.C.S.O.> | Trappisten {pl} | |
| relig. Vincentians [Congregation of the Mission] <CM, C.M.> | Vinzentiner {pl} | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| hist. ante Christum {adv} <A.C.> [rare] | ante Christum <a. Chr.> | |
| pharm. ante cibum {adv} <a.c., AC, ac> [before meals] | vor dem Essen <v. d. E.> | |
| Internettelecom. b/c {conj} [short form of "because" in text messages] | weil | |
| med.pharm. before meals {adv} <a.c., AC> [ante cibum] | vor den Mahlzeiten <a. c.> | |
| C ya! [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [See you!] | Bis bald! [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| biochem. carboxyl-terminal {adj} <C-terminal> | C-terminal | |
| care of ... <c/o> | wohnhaft bei ... | |
| care of <c/o> | bei | |
| care of <c/o> | per Adresse <p. A., p. Adr.> | |
| transp. carriage paid {adj} <C/P> | frei [frachtfrei] | |
| med. cerebrospinal fluid {adj} [attr.] <CSF, C.S.F.> | Liquor- [z. B. Fistel] | |
| econ.law company's risk <C.R.> | auf Gefahr der Gesellschaft | |
| complete with <c/w> | komplett mit | |
| mus. da capo {adv} <D.C.> [from the beginning] | noch einmal von Anfang an | |
| spec. honoris causa <h.c.> | ehrenhalber <e. h., eh.> | |
| non-consensual {adj} <N/C> | nicht einvernehmlich | |
| electr.tech. not connected {adj} {past-p} <NC, N.C.> | nicht angeschlossen [nicht verbunden, nicht geschaltet usw.] | |
| per cent <pc, p.c.> [Br.] | von / vom Hundert <v. H.> | |
| pharm. post cibos {adv} <p.c., PC> [after meals] | nach den Mahlzeiten | |
| seventeenth-century {adj} [attr.] <17th-century, 17th c.> | aus dem 17. Jahrhundert [nachgestellt] [auch: aus dem siebzehnten Jahrhundert] <aus dem 17. Jh.> | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| chem. (substance) concentration <c, mol/l, M> | Stoffmengenkonzentration {f} <c, mol/l, M> | |
| tech. A/C compressor | Klimakompressor {m} | |
| chem. amount concentration <c, mol/L> | Stoffmengenkonzentration {f} <c, mol/L> | |
| mus. bass C <c0, c> [also: tenor C] | kleines C {n} <c0, c> | |
| electr. C battery | Babybatterie {f} [ugs.] [Babyzelle] | |
| electr. C battery | Baby-Batterie {f} [Rsv.] [ugs.] [Babyzelle] | |
| med. C bile | C-Galle {f} | |
| med. C bile | Gallengangsgalle {f} | |
| electr. C cell | Babyzelle {f} [fachspr.] [Babybatterie] | |
| mus. C clef | C-Schlüssel {m} | |
| mus. C flat <C♭> | Ces {n} <C♭> | |
| mus. C flute | Flöte {f} in C | |
| mus. C flute | [moderne] Querflöte {f} | |
| mus. C major <C> | C-Dur {n} <C> | |
| mus. C minor <c, Cm> | c-Moll {n} <c, Cm> | |
| mus. C sharp <C♯> | Cis {n} <C♯> | |
| mus. C string | C-Saite {f} | |
| MedTech. C-arm | C-Arm {m} | |
| MedTech. C-arm | C-Bogen {m} | |
| engin.tech. C-axis | C-Achse {f} | |
| biol. c-cell [parafollicular cell] | C-Zelle {f} | |
| biol. c-cells [parafollicular cells] | C-Zellen {pl} | |
| tools C-clamp | Schraubzwinge {f} [C-Form] | |
| tech. C-clip [short for: circlip] | Seegerring {m} | |
| tech. C-clip [short for: circlip] | Sprengring {m} | |
| tech. C-clip [short for: circlip] | Sicherungsring {m} | |
| ling. c-command | K-Herrschaft {f} | |
| biochem. C-extein | C-Extein {n} | |
| tools C-frame | Bügel {m} [Bügelmessschraube] | |
| comm.econ. C-goods | C-Güter {pl} | |
| comm.econ. C-goods {pl} | C-Ware {f} [C-Güter] | |
| mus. c-hole [e.g. viols] | C-Loch {n} [Schallloch] | |
| econ. C-level [chief officers] | C-Level {m} [erste Führungsebene eines Unternehmens] | |
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