Übersetzung für '
cabalistic' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| ADJ | cabalistic | more cabalistic | most cabalistic |
| SYNO | cabalistic | cryptic | cryptical | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
2 Übersetzungen
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- This thread takes place prior to the main one. It depicts a group of Dominicans sent by the Pope to the Castle of Montiel in a mission to use demonology against cabalistic magic .
- Ayllon left a cabalistic work, a manuscript of which is preserved in the library of the Jews' College in London.
- He settled early in Italy, and at one time seems to have attended the lectures on Cabala and philosophy at the University of Bologna, devoting himself to the interpretation of cabalistic and scientific works.
- Riccio wrote besides these works about ten others, all in Latin, on various religious, philosophical, and cabalistic subjects, which appeared in Augsburg in 1546 and were reprinted in Basel in 1597.
- There he devoted himself to the Kabbalah, and collected a large library of cabalistic literature.
- In addition to the halachic rulings collected in Piskei Recanati (his only halachic work), Recanati wrote a cabalistic commentary on the Torah, a commentary on the siddur, and discussions of the commandments.
- Most of Schiff's notes on the four Ṭurim, as well as his cabalistic works and Talmudic decisions, were destroyed during the conflagration at Frankfort-on-the-Main in 1711.
- His most voluminous written work is the set of Sabian lessons on philosophy, the Bible, astrology and cabalistic pattern, at which he labored for decades.
- In October 1681 Lord Manchester decided to go abroad because he had become too closely involved with cabalistic men in Northamptonshire.
- This style is realistic in principle, but often uses magical subject matter, with imagery drawn from a range of traditions including the cabalistic and the tantric.
- His novels, written for the most part anonymously, take place in the wake of two of the great 18th century's philosophical movements of Rationalism and Illuminism, and often mix scientific considerations with cabalistic, magical and alchemical ones.
- Among Blake's inspirations were John Milton's "Paradise Lost" and "Paradise Regained", the visions of Emanuel Swedenborg and the near-cabalistic writings of Jakob Böhme.
- One of his most relevant contributions has been the cabalistic theory in the design of the Eixample quarter of Barcelona.
- According to John Aubrey in "Miscellanies" beryl has also been employed for mystical and cabalistic practices.
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