| care of ... <c/o> | wohnhaft bei ... | |
| care of <c/o> | bei | |
| care of <c/o> | per Adresse <p. A., p. Adr.> | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| sb. takes care of | jd. kümmert sich um | |
3 Wörter: Verben |
| to take care of | besorgen [versorgen] | |
| to take care of sb./sth. | Obacht auf jdn./etw. geben [österr.] [südd.] | |
| to take care of sb./sth. [idiom] | für jdn./etw. sorgen | |
| to take care of sb./sth. [idiom] | auf jdn./etw. achtgeben | |
| to take care of sb./sth. [idiom] | auf jdn./etw. Acht geben [Rsv. von "achtgeben"] | |
| to take care of sb./sth. [idiom] | zu jdm./etw. schauen [schweiz.] [sich kümmern] | |
| to take care of sb./sth. [idiom] | nach jdm./etw. schauen [südd.] [sich kümmern] | |
| to take care of sb./sth. [idiom] | sichAkk. vor etw.Dat. in Acht nehmen [Redewendung] | |
| to take care of sb./sth. [idiom] | jdn./etw. schonen [Rücksicht nehmen, pfleglich behandeln] | |
| to take care of sb./sth. [idiom] [look after, provide for] | jdn./etw. versorgen [Kind, Haustier etc.] | |
| to take care of sb./sth. [idiom] [look after] | sichAkk. um jdn./etw. kümmern | |
| to take care of sb./sth. [idiom] [thoroughly deal with] | sichDat. jdn./etw. vorknöpfen [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| to take care of sth. | auf etw.Akk. achten | |
| to take care of sth. | sichDat. etw.Akk. angelegen sein lassen [geh.] [Redewendung] | |
| to take care of sth. [deal with situation or task] | etw. regeln | |
| to take care of sth. [see to sth.] | für etw.Akk. Sorge tragen [geh.] [Redewendung] | |
| to take care of sth. [to deal with sth.] | etw.Akk. erledigen | |
| to take care of sth. [to tend / attend to sth.] | etw. übernehmen [sich um etw. kümmern] | |
| to take care of sth. [treat with care] | etw. pfleglich behandeln | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| burden of care | Last {f} der Sorge | |
| care of alcoholics [institutionalized] | Trinkerfürsorge {f} [veraltet] | |
| care of graves | Grabpflege {f} [kommerziell] | |
| care of health | Gesundheitsvorsorge {f} | |
| relig. care of souls | Seelsorge {f} | |
| dent. care of teeth | Zahndiätetik {f} | |
| law duty of care | Obhutspflicht {f} | |
| law duty of care | Fürsorgepflicht {f} | |
| law duty of care | Sorgfaltspflicht {f} | |
| ease of care | Pflegeleichtigkeit {f} | |
| med. level of care | Pflegestufe {f} | |
| principle of care | Fürsorgeprinzip {n} | |
| med. quality of care | Versorgungsqualität {f} | |
| med. quality of care | Qualität {f} der Versorgung | |
| standard of care | Sorgfaltsmaßstab {m} | |
| med. type of care | Versorgungsform {f} | |
| med. type of care [in hospitals etc.] | Pflegeart {f} [in Kliniken etc.] | |
| want of care | mangelnde Sorgfalt {f} | |
4 Wörter: Andere |
| in need of care {adj} [postpos.] | pflegebedürftig | |
| Take care of him. | Kümmere dich um ihn. | |
| Take care of him. | Kümmern Sie sich um ihn. [formelle Anrede] | |
| Take care of him. [said to two or more people] | Kümmert euch um ihn. | |
| Take care of yourself! | Pass auf dich auf! | |
| Take care of yourselves! | Passt auf euch auf! | |
4 Wörter: Verben |
| to take care of itself | sich von selbst erledigen | |
| to take care of itself | sich von alleine / allein machen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [sich von selbst / ohne eigenes Zutun erledigen] | |
| to take care of oneself | auf sichAkk. aufpassen | |
| to take care of oneself | für sichAkk. selbst sorgen | |
| to take care of oneself [idiom] | sichAkk. schonen | |
4 Wörter: Substantive |
| care of old people | Pflege {f} alter Leute | |
| care of old people | Pflege {f} alter Menschen | |
| care of the body | Körperpflege {f} | |
| care of the clothes | Kleiderpflege {f} | |
| care of the disabled | Behindertenpflege {f} | |
| care of the elderly | Altenpflege {f} | |
| care of the elderly | Altenbetreuung {f} | |
| care of the elderly | Altersfürsorge {f} | |
| law care of the elderly | [pflegerische] Versorgung {f} im Alter | |
| care of the feet | Fußpflege {f} | |
| care of the grave | Grabpflege {f} | |
| care of the hair | Haarpflege {f} | |
| care of the handicapped | Behindertenpflege {f} | |
| care of the health | Gesundheitspflege {f} | |
| dent. care of the mouth | Mundpflege {f} | |
| care of the poor | Armenfürsorge {f} | |
| care of the sick | Krankenpflege {f} | |
| med. care of the sick | Krankenversorgung {f} [Pflege] | |
| cosmet. care of the skin | Hautpflege {f} | |
| dent. care of the teeth | Zahnpflege {f} | |
| law Duty of Care Act | Sorgfaltspflichtgesetz {n} <SPG> | |
| end-of-life care | Sterbebegleitung {f} | |
| med. end-of-life care | Pflege {f} am Lebensende | |
| med. end-of-life care | Versorgung {f} am Lebensende [hausärztlich, palliativ usw.] | |
| med. intensive care of children | Kinderintensivpflege {f} | |
| lack of proper care | Mangel {m} an ordentlicher Fürsorge | |
| med. optimal level of care | Optimalversorgung {f} [von Patienten, Pflegebedürftigen] | |
| relig.travel pastoral care of tourists | Touristenseelsorge {f} | |
| med. point-of-care-testing <POCT> | Vor-Ort-Diagnose {f} | |
| provision of medical care | medizinische Versorgung {f} | |
5+ Wörter: Andere |
| med. Cure of maladies; care when cure is not possible [Hastings Report] | Heilen von Krankheiten; Fürsorge, wenn eine Heilung nicht möglich ist | |
| Has been taken care of. | Hat sich erledigt. | |
| in spite of our great care {adv} | trotz unserer großen Vorsicht | |
| idiom more of sth. than sb. would care for | mehr von etw., als jdm. lieb sein kann | |
| So, did you take care of your business? | Und, hast du dich um deine Geschäfte / Angelegenheiten gekümmert? | |
| proverb Take care of the pence / pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves. | Wer den Pfennig nicht ehrt, ist des Talers nicht wert. | |
| idiom That takes care of it! | Das wär abgehakt! [fig.] | |
| When will you take care of that? | Wann erledigst du das? | |
| without having to take care of it yourself {adv} | ohne sich selbst darum kümmern zu müssen | |
| Would you care for a cup of coffee? | Möchten Sie gerne eine Tasse Kaffee? [formelle Anrede] | |
5+ Wörter: Verben |
| to be able to take care of oneself | für sich selbst sorgen können | |
| to be left to take care of oneself | sichDat. selbst überlassen werden | |
| to commit sb. to the care of God | jdn. der Güte des Herrn übergeben | |
| to commit sb. to the care of sb. | jdn. in jds. Obhut übergeben | |
| to spend a lot of care | viel Mühe aufbringen | |
| med. to take care of a patient | einen Patienten betreuen | |
| to take care of one's business [idiom] | seine Geschäfte besorgen [erledigen] | |
5+ Wörter: Substantive |
| breach of duty of care | Sorgfaltspflichtverletzung {f} | |
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Übersetzung für 'care of' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- care of ... <c/o>
- wohnhaft bei ...
- care of <c/o>
- bei
per Adresse <p. A., p. Adr.>
- sb. takes care of
- jd. kümmert sich um
- to take care of
- besorgen [versorgen]
- to take care of sb./sth.
- Obacht auf jdn./etw. geben [österr.] [südd.]
- to take care of sb./sth. [idiom]
- für jdn./etw. sorgen
auf jdn./etw. achtgeben
auf jdn./etw. Acht geben [Rsv. von "achtgeben"]
zu jdm./etw. schauen [schweiz.] [sich kümmern]
nach jdm./etw. schauen [südd.] [sich kümmern]
sichAkk. vor etw.Dat. in Acht nehmen [Redewendung]
jdn./etw. schonen [Rücksicht nehmen, pfleglich behandeln]
- to take care of sb./sth. [idiom] [look after, provide for]
- jdn./etw. versorgen [Kind, Haustier etc.]
- to take care of sb./sth. [idiom] [look after]
- sichAkk. um jdn./etw. kümmern
- to take care of sb./sth. [idiom] [thoroughly deal with]
- sichDat. jdn./etw. vorknöpfen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
- to take care of sth.
- auf etw.Akk. achten
sichDat. etw.Akk. angelegen sein lassen [geh.] [Redewendung]
- to take care of sth. [deal with situation or task]
- etw. regeln
- to take care of sth. [see to sth.]
- für etw.Akk. Sorge tragen [geh.] [Redewendung]
- to take care of sth. [to deal with sth.]
- etw.Akk. erledigen
- to take care of sth. [to tend / attend to sth.]
- etw. übernehmen [sich um etw. kümmern]
- to take care of sth. [treat with care]
- etw. pfleglich behandeln
- burden of care
- Last {f} der Sorge
- care of alcoholics [institutionalized]
- Trinkerfürsorge {f} [veraltet]
- care of graves
- Grabpflege {f} [kommerziell]
- care of health
- Gesundheitsvorsorge {f}
- care of souls
- Seelsorge {f}relig.
- care of teeth
- Zahndiätetik {f}dent.
- duty of care
- Obhutspflicht {f}law
Fürsorgepflicht {f}law
Sorgfaltspflicht {f}law
- ease of care
- Pflegeleichtigkeit {f}
- level of care
- Pflegestufe {f}med.
- principle of care
- Fürsorgeprinzip {n}
- quality of care
- Versorgungsqualität {f}med.
Qualität {f} der Versorgungmed.
- standard of care
- Sorgfaltsmaßstab {m}
- type of care
- Versorgungsform {f}med.
- type of care [in hospitals etc.]
- Pflegeart {f} [in Kliniken etc.]med.
- want of care
- mangelnde Sorgfalt {f}
- in need of care {adj} [postpos.]
- pflegebedürftig
- Take care of him.
- Kümmere dich um ihn.
Kümmern Sie sich um ihn. [formelle Anrede]
- Take care of him. [said to two or more people]
- Kümmert euch um ihn.
- Take care of yourself!
- Pass auf dich auf!
- Take care of yourselves!
- Passt auf euch auf!
- to take care of itself
- sich von selbst erledigen
sich von alleine / allein machen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [sich von selbst / ohne eigenes Zutun erledigen]
- to take care of oneself
- auf sichAkk. aufpassen
für sichAkk. selbst sorgen
- to take care of oneself [idiom]
- sichAkk. schonen
- care of old people
- Pflege {f} alter Leute
Pflege {f} alter Menschen
- care of the body
- Körperpflege {f}
- care of the clothes
- Kleiderpflege {f}
- care of the disabled
- Behindertenpflege {f}
- care of the elderly
- Altenpflege {f}
Altenbetreuung {f}
Altersfürsorge {f}
[pflegerische] Versorgung {f} im Alterlaw
- care of the feet
- Fußpflege {f}
- care of the grave
- Grabpflege {f}
- care of the hair
- Haarpflege {f}
- care of the handicapped
- Behindertenpflege {f}
- care of the health
- Gesundheitspflege {f}
- care of the mouth
- Mundpflege {f}dent.
- care of the poor
- Armenfürsorge {f}
- care of the sick
- Krankenpflege {f}
Krankenversorgung {f} [Pflege]med.
- care of the skin
- Hautpflege {f}cosmet.
- care of the teeth
- Zahnpflege {f}dent.
- Duty of Care Act
- Sorgfaltspflichtgesetz {n} <SPG>law
- end-of-life care
- Sterbebegleitung {f}
Pflege {f} am Lebensendemed.
Versorgung {f} am Lebensende [hausärztlich, palliativ usw.]med.
- intensive care of children
- Kinderintensivpflege {f}med.
- lack of proper care
- Mangel {m} an ordentlicher Fürsorge
- optimal level of care
- Optimalversorgung {f} [von Patienten, Pflegebedürftigen]med.
- pastoral care of tourists
- Touristenseelsorge {f}relig.travel
- point-of-care-testing <POCT>
- Vor-Ort-Diagnose {f}med.
- provision of medical care
- medizinische Versorgung {f}
- Cure of maladies; care when cure is not possible [Hastings Report]
- Heilen von Krankheiten; Fürsorge, wenn eine Heilung nicht möglich istmed.
- Has been taken care of.
- Hat sich erledigt.
- in spite of our great care {adv}
- trotz unserer großen Vorsicht
- more of sth. than sb. would care for
- mehr von etw., als jdm. lieb sein kannidiom
- So, did you take care of your business?
- Und, hast du dich um deine Geschäfte / Angelegenheiten gekümmert?
- Take care of the pence / pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves.
- Wer den Pfennig nicht ehrt, ist des Talers nicht wert.proverb
- That takes care of it!
- Das wär abgehakt! [fig.]idiom
- When will you take care of that?
- Wann erledigst du das?
- without having to take care of it yourself {adv}
- ohne sich selbst darum kümmern zu müssen
- Would you care for a cup of coffee?
- Möchten Sie gerne eine Tasse Kaffee? [formelle Anrede]
- to be able to take care of oneself
- für sich selbst sorgen können
- to be left to take care of oneself
- sichDat. selbst überlassen werden
- to commit sb. to the care of God
- jdn. der Güte des Herrn übergeben
- to commit sb. to the care of sb.
- jdn. in jds. Obhut übergeben
- to spend a lot of care
- viel Mühe aufbringen
- to take care of a patient
- einen Patienten betreuenmed.
- to take care of one's business [idiom]
- seine Geschäfte besorgen [erledigen]
- breach of duty of care
- Sorgfaltspflichtverletzung {f}
- CRP-Point-of-Care-Testung {f} <CRP POCT> = C-reactive protein point-of-care testing <CRP POCT>
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- He left Rome in the care of Sejanus. This allowed Sejanus to freely attack his rivals.
- Marx also stressed the distinction between the theological care of the soul of sick people from the physical care and medical treatment by doctors.
- Some of the most common endocrine diseases include diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and the metabolic syndrome. Care of diabetes, obesity and other chronic diseases necessitates understanding the patient at the personal and social level as well as the molecular, and the physician–patient relationship can be an important therapeutic process.
- In the earliest years, children are "completely dependent on the care of others".
- The Board of Library Trustees has five members, each of whom serves three-year terms, and has care of the Town's public library at the Endicott Branch and Main Branch.
- Having fallen into ruin by the 1980s, the property fell into the care of the Forestry Commission and was slated for demolition, as many properties in the area were, until being privately purchased.
- Eusociality involves cooperative brood care (including brood care of offspring from other individuals), overlapping generations within a colony of adults, and a division of labor into reproductive and non-reproductive groups.
- In the Golden Dawn and many other magical systems, each element is associated with one of the cardinal points and is placed under the care of guardian Watchtowers.
- A report, republished by CBC News, estimates nearly 6,000 children died in the care of these schools.
- He was put under the care of a "former mule-driver" to keep him disciplined, under the logic that his condition was due to laziness and a lack of willpower.
- During his absence, Delphi was under the care of Dionysus, and no prophecies were given during winters.
- The facilities where eagles are kept must be equipped with adequate caging, as well as workers experienced in the handling and care of eagles.
- ", a reality television show where contestants are placed on a deserted island and have to take care of themselves alone.
- Also, booting usually refers to the process of loading the basic software into the memory of a computer after power-on or general reset, the kernel will load the operating system which will then take care of loading other device drivers and software as needed.
- These rules take care of the base case A(0,n), the alignment (n+3) and the fudge (-3).
- Some aircraft may be placed in the care of museums (see Aviation archaeology) – or perhaps be cannibalized in order to repair a similar aircraft already preserved.
- Aberdour Castle is now in the care of Historic Environment Scotland and open to the public (entrance charge).
- Societies devoted to the care of cultural heritage have been in existence around the world for many years.
- Besides production, WEB also takes care of the water distribution on the island.
- Ramsey says that the doctrine was formulated in the second century in the first of the three senses given by him, originally as a response to Gnostic claims of having received secret teaching from Christ or the apostles; it emphasised the public manner in which the apostles had passed on authentic teaching to those whom they entrusted with the care of the churches they founded and that these in turn had passed it on to their successors.
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