| NOUN | a cell | cells |
| SYNO | cadre | cell | cellphone | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| telecom. cell {adj} [attr.] [Am.] [coll.] [e.g. number, reception] | Handy- [z. B. Nummer, Empfang] 21 | |
| biol. cell {adj} [attr.] | Zell- 8 | |
| cell {adj} [attr.] [e.g. number, search, window, door] | Zellen- [z. B. Nummer, Durchsuchung, Fenster, Tür] | |
Substantive |
| cell | Zelle {f} 760 | |
| telecom. cell [Am.] [coll.] [cellphone] | Handy {n} 101 | |
| cell [dungeon] | Verlies {n} 50 | |
| cell | Element {n} 45 | |
| archi. cell [small room] | Kammer {f} 40 | |
| tech. cell | Fassung {f} [Optik] 35 | |
| archi. cell | Gewölbekappe {f} 14 | |
| archi. cell | Rippenbogensegment {n} 13 | |
| archi. cell | Tonnengewölbekappe {f} 13 | |
| archi. cell [rib vault] | Rippengewölbekappe {f} 11 | |
| cell | Speicherzelle {f} 10 | |
| biol. B cell | B-Zelle {f} 9 | |
| relig. cell [hermitage] | Klause {f} [Zelle] 8 | |
| cell [Am.] [coll.] [cell phone] | Gurke {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [veraltet] [selten] [Handy] | |
| mus. cell [figure, motif] | (motivische) Zelle {f} | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| biol. cell-based {adj} | zellbasiert | |
| biol. cell-based {adj} [attr.] | auf Zellbasis [nachgestellt] | |
| biochem.biol. cell-biological {adj} | zellbiologisch | |
| biol. cell-free {adj} | zelllos | |
| biol. cell-free {adj} | zellfrei | |
| biol. cell-free {adj} | azellulär | |
| biol. cell-like {adj} | zellähnlich | |
| biol. cell-mediated {adj} | zellvermittelt | |
| biol. cell-rich {adj} | zellreich | |
| cell-shaped {adj} | zellenförmig | |
| biol. cell-specific {adj} | zellspezifisch | |
| biol. cell-specifically {adv} | zellspezifisch | |
| material closed cell {adj} | geschlossenporig | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| biol. (cell) host | Wirtszelle {f} | |
| biol. (cell) monolayer | einschichtiger Zellrasen {m} | |
| biol. (cell) skeleton | Zytoskelett {n} | |
| telecom. (radio) cell | Funkzelle {f} | |
| math. 5-cell <C₅> | 5-Zeller {m} | |
| electr. AA cell | Mignonzelle {f} [fachspr. für: Mignonbatterie] | |
| electr. AAA cell | Microzelle {f} [fachspr.: Microbatterie] | |
| biol. acceptor cell | Akzeptorzelle {f} | |
| accumulator cell | Akkumulatorzelle {f} | |
| electr. accumulator cell | Akkumulatorenzelle {f} | |
| electr. accumulator cell | Akkuzelle {f} [kurz für: Akkumulatorzelle] | |
| electr. accumulator cell | Akku-Zelle {f} [kurz für: Akkumulatorzelle] | |
| biol. acinar cell | Azinuszelle {f} | |
| biol. acinic cell | Azinuszelle {f} | |
| biol. adipose cell | Fettzelle {f} | |
| adjacent cell | angrenzendes Feld {n} | |
| adjacent cell | nachfolgendes Feld {n} | |
| biol. adjacent cell | angrenzende Zelle {f} | |
| air cell | Luftzelle {f} | |
| air cell | Luftspeicher {m} | |
| air cell | Luftbläschen {n} | |
| air cell | (kleine) Luftblase {f} | |
| air cell | Luftsauerstoffzelle {f} | |
| air cell | Luftsauerstoffelement {n} | |
| biol.tech. air cell | Luftkammer {f} | |
| biol. air cell [empty space located at the large end of the chicken egg] | Luftblase {f} [Hühnerei] | |
| bot. alar cell | Alarzelle {f} [Blattflügelzelle] | |
| biol.bot. algal cell | Algenzelle {f} | |
| alkaline cell | Alkalibatterie {f} | |
| alkaline cell | alkalische Zelle {f} | |
| anat.biol. alveolar cell | Alveolarzelle {f} | |
| anat. amacrine cell [Neuronum amacrinum] | Amakrinzelle {f} | |
| anat. amacrine cell [Neuronum amacrinum] | amakrine Zelle {f} | |
| biol. amniotic cell | Amnionzelle {f} | |
| biol. animal cell | Tierzelle {f} | |
| bot. antheridial cell | Antheridienzelle {f} | |
| bot. antheridial cell | antheridiale Zelle {f} | |
| biol. apical cell | Apikalzelle {f} | |
| bot. apical cell | Scheitelzelle {f} | |
| audio auditory cell | (akustische) Haarzelle {f} | |
| auxiliary cell | Hilfszelle {f} | |
| entom. axillary cell | Axillarzelle {f} | |
| biol. bacterial cell | Bakterienzelle {f} | |
| bot. bark cell | Rindenzelle {f} | |
| med. basal cell | Basalzelle {f} | |
| biol. basal cell <BC, Ceb> [Cellula basalis] | basale Zelle {f} | |
| base cell | Basiszelle {f} | |
| mus. basic cell [figure, motif] | Grundgestalt {f} | |
| mycol. basidial cell | Basidienzelle {f} | |
| med. basket cell | Korbzelle {f} | |
| tech. battery cell | Batteriezelle {f} | |
| electr. Becquerel cell | Becquerel-Zelle {f} | |
| biol.med. berry cell | Traubenzelle {f} | |
| biol. beta cell <β-cell, B cell> | Betazelle {f} <β-Zelle, B-Zelle> | |
| biol.med. Betz cell | Betz-Zelle {f} | |
| biol.med. Betz cell | betzsche Riesenpyramide {f} | |
| biol.med. Betz cell | Betz'sche Riesenpyramide {f} | |
| binary cell | Binärzelle {f} | |
| binary cell | binäre Speicherzelle {f} | |
| biol. biological cell | biologische Zelle {f} | |
| biol. bipolar cell | Bipolarzelle {f} | |
| biol. bipolar cell | bipolare Zelle {f} | |
| bit cell | Bitzelle {f} | |
| biol. blast cell | Blastzelle {f} | |
| biol.zool. blastemal cell | Blastemzelle {f} | |
| biol. blood cell | Blutzelle {f} | |
| biol. blood cell | Blutkörperchen {n} | |
| bomb cell | Bombenkasten {m} | |
| biol. bone cell | Knochenzelle {f} | |
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Übersetzung für 'cell' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- cell {adj} [attr.] [Am.] [coll.] [e.g. number, reception]
- Handy- [z. B. Nummer, Empfang]telecom.
- cell {adj} [attr.]
- Zell-biol.
- cell {adj} [attr.] [e.g. number, search, window, door]
- Zellen- [z. B. Nummer, Durchsuchung, Fenster, Tür]
- cell
- Zelle {f}
Element {n}
Fassung {f} [Optik]tech.
Gewölbekappe {f}archi.
Rippenbogensegment {n}archi.
Tonnengewölbekappe {f}archi.
Speicherzelle {f}
- cell [Am.] [coll.] [cellphone]
- Handy {n}telecom.
- cell [dungeon]
- Verlies {n}
- cell [small room]
- Kammer {f}archi.
- cell [rib vault]
- Rippengewölbekappe {f}archi.
- B cell
- B-Zelle {f}biol.
- cell [hermitage]
- Klause {f} [Zelle]relig.
- cell [Am.] [coll.] [cell phone]
- Gurke {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [veraltet] [selten] [Handy]
- cell [figure, motif]
- (motivische) Zelle {f}mus.
- cell-based {adj}
- zellbasiertbiol.
- cell-based {adj} [attr.]
- auf Zellbasis [nachgestellt]biol.
- cell-biological {adj}
- zellbiologischbiochem.biol.
- cell-free {adj}
- zelllosbiol.
- cell-like {adj}
- zellähnlichbiol.
- cell-mediated {adj}
- zellvermitteltbiol.
- cell-rich {adj}
- zellreichbiol.
- cell-shaped {adj}
- zellenförmig
- cell-specific {adj}
- zellspezifischbiol.
- cell-specifically {adv}
- zellspezifischbiol.
- closed cell {adj}
- geschlossenporigmaterial
- (cell) host
- Wirtszelle {f}biol.
- (cell) monolayer
- einschichtiger Zellrasen {m}biol.
- (cell) skeleton
- Zytoskelett {n}biol.
- (radio) cell
- Funkzelle {f}telecom.
- 5-cell <C₅>
- 5-Zeller {m}math.
- AA cell
- Mignonzelle {f} [fachspr. für: Mignonbatterie]electr.
- AAA cell
- Microzelle {f} [fachspr.: Microbatterie]electr.
- acceptor cell
- Akzeptorzelle {f}biol.
- accumulator cell
- Akkumulatorzelle {f}
Akkumulatorenzelle {f}electr.
Akkuzelle {f} [kurz für: Akkumulatorzelle]electr.
Akku-Zelle {f} [kurz für: Akkumulatorzelle]electr.
- acinar cell
- Azinuszelle {f}biol.
- acinic cell
- Azinuszelle {f}biol.
- adipose cell
- Fettzelle {f}biol.
- adjacent cell
- angrenzendes Feld {n}
nachfolgendes Feld {n}
angrenzende Zelle {f}biol.
- air cell
- Luftzelle {f}
Luftspeicher {m}
Luftbläschen {n}
(kleine) Luftblase {f}
Luftsauerstoffzelle {f}
Luftsauerstoffelement {n}
Luftkammer {f}biol.tech.
- air cell [empty space located at the large end of the chicken egg]
- Luftblase {f} [Hühnerei]biol.
- alar cell
- Alarzelle {f} [Blattflügelzelle]bot.
- algal cell
- Algenzelle {f}biol.bot.
- alkaline cell
- Alkalibatterie {f}
alkalische Zelle {f}
- alveolar cell
- Alveolarzelle {f}anat.biol.
- amacrine cell [Neuronum amacrinum]
- Amakrinzelle {f}anat.
amakrine Zelle {f}anat.
- amniotic cell
- Amnionzelle {f}biol.
- animal cell
- Tierzelle {f}biol.
- antheridial cell
- Antheridienzelle {f}bot.
antheridiale Zelle {f}bot.
- apical cell
- Apikalzelle {f}biol.
Scheitelzelle {f}bot.
- auditory cell
- (akustische) Haarzelle {f}audio
- auxiliary cell
- Hilfszelle {f}
- axillary cell
- Axillarzelle {f}entom.
- bacterial cell
- Bakterienzelle {f}biol.
- bark cell
- Rindenzelle {f}bot.
- basal cell
- Basalzelle {f}med.
- basal cell <BC, Ceb> [Cellula basalis]
- basale Zelle {f}biol.
- base cell
- Basiszelle {f}
- basic cell [figure, motif]
- Grundgestalt {f}mus.
- basidial cell
- Basidienzelle {f}mycol.
- basket cell
- Korbzelle {f}med.
- battery cell
- Batteriezelle {f}tech.
- Becquerel cell
- Becquerel-Zelle {f}electr.
- berry cell
- Traubenzelle {f}biol.med.
- beta cell <β-cell, B cell>
- Betazelle {f} <β-Zelle, B-Zelle>biol.
- Betz cell
- Betz-Zelle {f}biol.med.
betzsche Riesenpyramide {f}biol.med.
Betz'sche Riesenpyramide {f}biol.med.
- binary cell
- Binärzelle {f}
binäre Speicherzelle {f}
- biological cell
- biologische Zelle {f}biol.
- bipolar cell
- Bipolarzelle {f}biol.
bipolare Zelle {f}biol.
- bit cell
- Bitzelle {f}
- blast cell
- Blastzelle {f}biol.
- blastemal cell
- Blastemzelle {f}biol.zool.
- blood cell
- Blutzelle {f}biol.
Blutkörperchen {n}biol.
- bomb cell
- Bombenkasten {m}
- bone cell
- Knochenzelle {f}biol.
- Live-Cell-Imaging {n} = live-cell imaging
- Master Cell Bank {f} <MCB> [auch: Master-Cell-Bank] = master cell bank <MCB>
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- When a plant cell is placed in a solution that is hypertonic relative to the cytoplasm, water moves out of the cell and the cell shrinks.
- In cellular biology, a somatic cell (...), or vegetal cell, is any biological cell forming the body of a multicellular organism other than a gamete, germ cell, gametocyte or undifferentiated stem cell.
- Serine/threonine kinases play a role in the regulation of cell proliferation, programmed cell death (apoptosis), cell differentiation, and embryonic development.
- There are four rectifications of the 120-cell, including the zeroth, the 120-cell itself.
- "Curcuma mangga" extracts have shown cytotoxic activities on the human cancer cell lines MCF-7 (a hormone-dependent breast cell line), KB (a nasopharyngeal epidermoid cell line), A549 (a lung cell line), Ca Ski (a cervical cell line), and HT-29 (a colon cell line).
- With 6-cell, 7-cell or 8-cell cages, correlating the combinations with their 3-cell, 2-cell, or 1-cell complements usually simplifies things.
- Less common subtypes of mature T-cell lymphoma include cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma, enteropathy-type T-cell lymphoma, nasal NK/T-cell lymphoma, hepatosplenic gamma-delta T-cell lymphoma, etc.
- Alternatively, cell junctions can be categorised into two main types according to what interacts with the cell: cell–cell junctions, mainly mediated by cadherins, and cell–matrix junctions, mainly mediated by integrins.
- Cell–cell fusogens are glycoproteins that facilitate the fusion of cell to cell membranes.
- Spontaneous cell transformation: karyoplasts derived from multinucleated cells produce new cell growth in senescent human epithelial cell cultures.
- Other types of carcinomas are rare and may include small-cell, Merkel-cell, clear-cell, sebaceous-cell or basal-cell tumors.
- The launchers come in eight-cell modules, except A-35 available in four-cell modules, with each eight-cell module occupying [...] of deck space.
- CD47 interacts with signal-regulatory protein alpha (SIRPα), an inhibitory transmembrane receptor present on myeloid cells.
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