 Übersetzung für 'cesium' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   cesium | -
SYNO atomic number 55 | caesium | cesium | ...
cesium <Cs> [Am.]
Cäsium {n} <Cs>
cesium <Cs> [Am.]
Zäsium {n} <Cs>
cesium <Cs> [Am.]
Caesium {n} <Cs>
2 Wörter
cesium atom [Am.]
Zäsiumatom {n}
cesium atom [Am.]
Cäsiumatom {n}
cesium atom [Am.]
Caesiumatom {n}
cesium chloride [CsCl] [Am.]
Caesiumchlorid {n}
cesium clock [Am.]Cäsiumuhr {f}
cesium fluoride [CsF] [Am.]
Caesiumfluorid {n}
cesium gas [Am.]
Cäsiumgas {n}
cesium hydroxide [CsOH] [Am.]
Caesiumhydroxid {n}
cesium iodide [CsI] [Am.]
Caesiumiodid {n}
cesium iodide [CsI] [Am.]
Cäsiumjodid {n}
cesium isotope [Am.]
Zäsiumisotop {n}
cesium isotope [Am.]
Zäsium-Isotop {n}
cesium isotope [Am.]
Cäsiumisotop {n} [fachspr.]
cesium isotope [Am.]
Cäsium-Isotop {n} [fachspr.]
cesium isotope [Am.]
Caesiumisotop {n} [auch: Caesium-Isotop] [fachspr.]
cesium oxide [Am.]
Cäsiumoxid {n}
3 Wörter
cesium atomic clock [Am.]Cäsiumatomuhr {f}
cesium atomic clock [Am.]Cäsium-Atomuhr {f}
4 Wörter
cesium (atomic) beam clock [Am.]Cäsiumatomuhr {f}
cesium (atomic) beam clock [Am.]Cäsium-Atomuhr {f}
23 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • NIST-F2 is a cesium fountain atomic clock that, along with NIST-F1, serves as the United States' primary time and frequency standard.
  • Subsequent studies examining the deposition of cesium-137 in the white-tailed deer indicated there was not widespread contamination of cesium in the vicinity of Three Mile Island following the Three Mile Island accident.
  • SWPF will use specific processes that have been developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory using annular centrifugal contactors and that will be the state-of-the-art methods to target the removal of cesium-137, strontium-90, and actinides from SRS salt wastes.
  • The American Cancer Society states that "available scientific evidence does not support claims that non-radioactive cesium chloride supplements have any effect on tumors."
  • Among the most stable frequency references in the world are cesium standards (including cesium fountains) and hydrogen masers.

  • The mineral content of the water includes cesium, hydrogen sulfide, aluminum, rubidium, ammonia, manganese and zinc.
  • The radioactive waste from spent fuel rods consists primarily of cesium-137 and strontium-90, but it may also include plutonium, which can be considered transuranic waste.
  • Robert Henry Kern (died June 4, 2015 in Danvers, Massachusetts) was an American engineer and entrepreneur who is known as the key developer responsible for designing and building the first operational space-borne cesium clock.
  • off the coast of British Columbia to ascertain how long it took traces of cesium 137 and cesium 134 to reach the west coast of North America.
  • The nuclear toroidal moment of cesium was measured in 1997 by Wood "et al.".

  • It is usually generated in the presence of cesium fluoride.
  • In 1964, Leonard Cutler and his colleague Al Bagley invented the first all-solid-state cesium-beam chronometer known as the HP5060A Cesium Beam Clock.
  • After the Fukushima Daiichi accident in 2011, surrounding agricultural areas were contaminated with more than 100,000 MBq km−2 in cesium concentrations.
  • To have a time basis for this, PTB operates several atomic clocks (currently two cesium clocks and, since 1999 and 2009, respectively, two cesium fountain clocks).
  • Work at Lilypad in 2001-2002 focused on defining tantalum resources, but was also successful in identifying widespread occurrences of the cesium ore mineral pollucite in a field of highly fractionated lithium-cesium-tantalum pegmatite dykes.

  • observed such scaling in their cesium atoms as well as a temperature of 2.5 [...] K, 12 times the recoil temperature of 0.198 [...] K for the D2 line of cesium used in the experiment.
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