 Übersetzung für 'charge too much' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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to charge too muchzu viel berechnen
to charge too muchzuviel berechnen [alt]
too much {adv}zuviel [alt]
too much {adv}allzu gern
too much {adv}zu arg [regional] [zu sehr]
too much {adj} {adv}zu viel
too much {adj} {adv}allzuviel [alt]
too much {adj} {adv}allzu viel
too much {adv}allzu sehr
far too much {adj} {adv}viel zu viel
to pay too muchzu viel bezahlen
only too much {adv}allzu gern
too much regulationÜberregulierung {f}
to expect too muchzu viel erwarten
to pay too muchüberbezahlen
much too much {adj} {adv}viel zu viel
much too tight {adj}
viel zu eng
to undertake too muchsich übernehmen
too much contrast
zu kontrastreich
much too big {adj}viel zu groß
to cook too muchzu stark kochen
to ask too muchzu viel erbitten
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • He preferred that the title of the volume be found at the back, saying in a correspondence with Macmillan, "it is picturesque and fantastic—but that is about the only thing I like…" He also wished that the volume would cost less, thinking that the 6 shillings was about 1 shilling too much to charge.
  • At the end of the 15th century the price of ale had become too high in the village and the Bergholt Sackville Manorial Court charged four brewers for charging too much for their beer, as it was an offence to charge above the fixed rate.
  • In response, Martin was accused of claiming too much in meal expenses. He was later cleared of this charge.
  • The director of "Pulstar" thought the original game was too difficult and wanted the new shooter to have a charge shot for an easier challenge.
  • The energy used to charge rechargeable batteries usually comes from a battery charger using AC mains electricity, although some are equipped to use a vehicle's 12-volt DC power outlet.

  • Tsuburaya had been in charge" and that he "was also doing TV work then, so they must have figured I could produce the movie cheaply."
  • He offered Kennedy his design consultation services free of charge.
  • The drawback to Karolina's powers is that they have a finite charge.
  • Now back in charge, Burns re-hires Homer, though he secretly vows revenge for the humiliation he suffered at the bar.
  • This created even further controversy over who would select the decision-makers in charge of the Federal Reserve.

  • It was shown that in the case of hexacoordinated SF6, d-orbitals are not involved in S-F bond formation, but charge transfer between the sulfur and fluorine atoms and the apposite resonance structures were able to account for the hypervalency (See below).
  • As pressure built, Grima resigned leaving Andrew Henderson in charge.
  • When the agent in charge of the local Prohibition Unit office tells him there is no job, Einstein makes a speech: "This is America.
  • Ferreras was in charge of Mestre's lift bag air tank and did not allow any members of the team to check that the tank had been filled.
  • The Higgs condensate in this model has infinitesimal charge, so interactions with the Higgs boson do not violate charge conservation.

  • In 49, after Caesar's Civil War broke out, Bibulus aligned himself with Pompey and was in charge of the fleet tasked with preventing Caesar from shipping his army across the Adriatic.
  • Santiago Nieto, in charge of the [...] (FEPADE), an office in charge of investigating electoral crimes, was controversially fired soon after the Odebrecht scandal began.
  • Southern Satellite Systems initially charged prospective cable systems 10¢ per subscriber to transmit WTCG full-time and 2¢ per subscriber to carry it as an intermediary, post-sign-off timeshare service (from as early as midnight to as late as 6:00 a.m. ...
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