 Übersetzung für 'chi' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a chi | chis
SYNO ch'i | chi | khi | ...
chi <Χ, χ> [Greek letter]Chi {n} <Χ, χ> [griechischer Buchstabe]
2 Wörter
Chi Rho <XP, ☧> [monogram of Christ]
Christusmonogramm {n} <XP, ☧> [aus griechisch X+P (chi+rho)]
Chi Rho <XP, ☧> [monogram of Christ]
konstantinisches Kreuz {n} <XP, ☧> [aus griechisch X+P (chi+rho)]
Chi Rho <XP, ☧> [monogram of Christ] [ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ]
Chi-Rho-Zeichen {n} <XP, ☧> [Christusmonogramm] [ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ]
Chiquadrat {n}
t'ai chi [short for: t'ai chi ch'uan]
Tai-Chi {n} [kurz für: Taijiquan]
tai chi
Tai-Chi {n}
3 Wörter
chi-square distributionChi-Square-Verteilung {f}
chi-square distributionChi-Quadrat-Verteilung {f}
chi-square test
Chi-Quadrat-Test {m}
chi-square test
Chi-2-Unabhängigkeitstest {m}
chi-squared test
Chi-Quadrat-Test {m}
t'ai chi ch'uan
Taijiquan {n}
t'ai chi ch'uan
Tai-Chi-Chuan {n}
tai chi instructor
Tai-Chi-Lehrer {m}
tai chi instructor [female]
Tai-Chi-Lehrerin {f}
4 Wörter
Ho Chi Minh City
Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt {n}
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
gray chi [Am.] [Antitype chi] [moth]
Chi-Eule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grey chi [Br.] [Antitype chi] [moth]
Chi-Eule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grey chi [Br.] [Antitype chi] [moth]
Graueule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grey chi [Br.] [Antitype chi] [moth]
Saudistel-Steineule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
21 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!

  • Chi {n} <Χ, χ> [griechischer Buchstabe] = chi <Χ, χ> [Greek letter]
  • Tai-Chi {n} = tai chi
  • Tai-Chi {n} = taiji
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In many extant t'ai chi classic writings the dependence of t'ai chi ch'uan on Chinese philosophy is acknowledged.
  • The second season of "Chi's Sweet Home", called "Chi's Sweet Home: New Address" (チーズスイートホーム あたらしいおうち "Chi's Sweet Home: Atarashii Ouchi"), began airing 30 March 2009.
  • She attended to the affairs of the Chien-ch'uan Tai Chi Chuan Association while training her students and disciples. She became known as a specialist with the t'ai chi sword and t'ai chi spear.
  • The stripe-throated wren's song is "a tuneless repetition of 2–3 notes, 'chi-chi-chi'".
  • Its call is a weak "chi-chi-chu-chui". It will readily join mixed-species feeding flocks.

  • What is thought to be the stripe-breasted starthroat's song is "a subdued, buzzy scratchy warble 'bzzzrrrr..bzzzrrr..chi-chi-chi-chi..bzrrr'." It also makes "a liquid 'tsik'" call.
  • The contact call is "pin", the alarm is "chi-chi-chi", and the song is a soft twittering.
  • It follows from the definition of the chi-squared distribution that the sum of independent chi-squared variables is also chi-squared distributed.
  • Taoist Tai Chi has several principles of movement that are meant to be a part of every posture, these principles are what defines Taoist Tai Chi as a unique tai chi practice.
  • Chi-Chi, sometimes written as Chi Chi, is a fictional character from the "Dragon Ball" media franchise.

  • In further support of the profession of Pharmacy, in 1922 Phi Delta Chi was instrumental in the foundation of the Rho Chi International Honor Society for Pharmacy, also formed at Michigan.
  • Surprisingly, the mastermind of the whole thing is Huang Chi-Long.
  • OKW/Chi also collaborated with the Agents section of "OKH/Chi" on the solution of Soviet agent traffic.
  • Colonel Hugo Kettler was an administrator who had commanded OKW/Chi from October 1943.
  • When two models are nested, models can also be compared using a chi-square difference test.

  • Chi va, chi sta, chi vien.
  • In statistics, the term chi-squared or [...] has various uses, including the chi-squared distribution, the chi-squared test, and chi-squared target models.
  • So the probable start positions for the "chi" wheels are: "&chi;"1 = 36, "&chi;"2 = 21, "&chi;"3 = 01, "&chi;"4 = 19, "&chi;"5 = 04.
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