 Übersetzung für 'coccus' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a coccus | cocci
SYNO cocci | coccus
coccus [spherical bacterium]
Kokke {f} [Kugelbakterie]
coccus [spherical bacterium]
Kokkus {m} [kugelförmige Bakterie]
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'coccus' von Englisch nach Deutsch

coccus [spherical bacterium]
Kokke {f} [Kugelbakterie]biol.med.

Kokkus {m} [kugelförmige Bakterie]biol.med.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Coccoid means shaped like or resembling a coccus, that is, spherical.
  • Trophozoites of "Acanthamoeba" hosting these strains were isolated from asymptomatic women in Germany and also in an outbreak of humidifier fever (‘Hall’s coccus’) in Vermont USA.
  • A diplococcus (plural diplococci) is a round bacterium (a coccus) that typically occurs in the form of two joined cells.
  • The name "Planococcus" is derived from the Greek noun "planes", translating into "a wanderer" and the Latin term "coccus." Together, "Planococcus" can be translated as a motile coccus.
  • The name "Alkalicoccus" is derived from the prefix "-alkali" (from the Arabic article "al", which translates to "the" and the Arabic noun "galiy", referring to the ashes of saltwort) and the suffix "-coccus" (from the Latin "coccus", referring to a sphere).

  • "Glutamicibacter ardleyensis" is a psychrotrophic and rod-coccus bacterium from the genus "Glutamicibacter".
  • "Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides" is an intrinsically vancomycin-resistant, Gram-positive, coccus-shaped bacterium, with type strain NCDO 768.
  • This species of coccus stains Gram-negative, is non-motile, cannot form spores, and forms short chains. Its size ranges from 1.0 to 1.3 μm in diameter.
  • "Paeniglutamicibacter antarcticus" is a species of bacteria. It is Gram-positive, motile, aerobic and has a rod–coccus cycle.
  • "D. coccus" apparently has a disjunct distribution today, occurring in Mexico and also in Peru, but not in the region between.

  • "Vagococcus penaei" is a species of bacteria. It is Gram-positive, catalase-negative and coccus-shaped. Its type strain is CD276T (=LMG 24833T =CIP 109914T).
  • "Dactylopius coccus" is native to tropical and subtropical South America and North America in Mexico, where their host cacti grow natively.
  • They are roughly spherical (coccus) in shape and measure approximately [...] in diameter.
  • The name "Aerococcus" derives from the Greek "aer, aeros" (ἀήρ, ἀέρος), air; New Latin "coccus" (from Greek"kokkos" (κόκκος)), a berry; New Latin "Aerococcus", air coccus.
  • "Salinicoccus jeotgali" is a bacterium, first isolated from jeotgal, hence its name.

  • "Nosocomiicoccus" is a genus of gram-positive cocci.
  • Greek noun "agros", field or soil; New Latin masculine gender noun "coccus" (from Greek masculine gender noun [...] , grain, seed), coccus; New Latin masculine gender noun "Agrococcus" a coccus from soil.
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