 Übersetzung für 'common metre' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a common metre | common metres
common metre [Br.]
Vagantenstrophe {f} [vierzeilige Aufeinanderfolge von jambischen Tetra- und Trimetern]
seven-metre throw [Br.] <7-metre throw, 7-m throw>
Siebenmeterwurf {m} <7-Meter-Wurf, 7-m-Wurf>
metre [Br.]
Metrum {n}
metre [Br.]
Versmaß {n}
metre [Br.]
Metrik {f}
asymmetrical metre [Br.]
asymmetrisches Metrum {n} [zusammengesetzte Taktart, z. B. 7/8]
ballad metre [Br.]
Balladenform {f}
asymmetrical metre [Br.]
asymmetrische Taktart {f} [z. B. 7/8]
shelf metre [Br.]Regalmeter {m}
Metre Convention [Br.]
Meterkonvention {f}
simple metre [Br.]
einfaches Metrum {n}
running metre [Br.]laufendes Meter {n}
linear metre [Br.]Laufmeter {m} <lfm, Lfm.>
triple metre [Br.]
Dreiertakt {m}
metre <m> [Br.]
Meter {m} [früher fachspr. auch {n}] <m>
additive metre [Br.]
additives Metrum {n}
running metre [Br.]laufender Meter {m}
loading metre [Br.]
Lademeter {m}
International Prototype Metre [Br.]
Urmeter {n}
folding metre stick [Br.]
Meterstab {m}
six-eight metre [Br.]
Sechsachteltakt {m}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Anne" (common metre 86.86) to which the text is most often sung was composed by William Croft in 1708 whilst he was the organist of St Anne's Church, Soho: hence the name of the tune.
  • The most common metre used in this play of 1208 lines is the trochaic septenarius (700 lines), followed by the iambic senarius (359 lines) and iambic octonarius (42 lines).
  • Fourteeners often appear as rhymed couplets, in which case they may be seen as ballad stanza or common metre hymn quatrains in two rather than four lines.
  • This choice of metre became the predominant metre (common metre) not only of the old and new versions of England and Scotland, but of other metrical psalters and English hymns in general.
  • A "tail rhyme quatrain" (ABAB) is not normally considered tail rhyme in English prosody, but rather a sub-type of common metre.

  • Common metre is related to other poetic forms.
  • One of his arrangements in Common Metre is the hymn tune "McKee", used with John Oxenham's hymn "In Christ There Is No East or West".
  • Edmund Sears composed the five-stanza poem in common metre doubled during 1849. It first appeared on December 29, 1849, in "The Christian Register" in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Used for the prologues of plays and for the more serious speeches, the iambic senarius (ia6) is the most common metre in Roman comedy and is the only metre which was unaccompanied by music.
  • Written in eighteen stanzas of common metre double, with an ABABCDCD rhyme scheme.

  • The most common metre is "ferskeytt". The language of "rímur" is likewise influenced by the rhetorical devices associated with late medieval "geblümter Stil" ('flowery style').
  • "The Little Boy Lost" is a two stanza poem with eight total lines. It is written in ballad metre (essentially a loose common metre).
  • 6 or common metre. (The metre of a hymn refers to the syllables contained in each line of a stanza. ...
  • 666 but is commonly used with lyrics in common metre (86.86).
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