| ADJ | common | commoner / more common | commonest / most common |
| NOUN | a common | commons |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| common {adj} [abundant, frequently met] | häufig 6824 | |
| common {adj} [name, word, phrase, etc.] | geläufig 5344 | |
| common {adj} | üblich 4492 | |
| common {adj} [joint] | gemeinsam 3031 | |
| common {adj} | gewöhnlich 1983 | |
| common {adj} | alltäglich 1381 | |
| common {adj} | gebräuchlich [verbreitet] 536 | |
| common {adj} [widespread] | verbreitet 468 | |
| common {adj} [word, belief, custom, animal, bird] | weitverbreitet 313 | |
| common {adj} [collective, joint] | gemeinschaftlich 306 | |
| common {adj} [people, soldier etc.] | einfach [Leute, Soldaten etc.] 161 | |
| common {adj} [public] | öffentlich [Besitz, Einrichtung] 113 | |
| common {adj} [normal, usual, without distinction] [also bot., zool.] | 75 gemein [veraltend] [allgemein, gewöhnlich] [auch bot., zool.] | |
| common {adj} [language, manners etc.] [esp. pej.] | ordinär 73 | |
| common {adj} [of poor quality] | minderwertig 40 | |
| common {adj} [general, e.g. name, expression] | landläufig 34 | |
| common {adj} [vulgar] | vulgär [gewöhnlich] 29 | |
| common {adj} | allgemein 18 | |
| common {adj} [trite, hackneyed] | abgedroschen [ugs.] 14 | |
| common {adj} [of people, language] | gschert [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [ordinär] 8 | |
| common {adj} [collective, joint] | kommun [veraltet] [geh.] 7 | |
| pol.sociol. common {adj} | von niedriger Klasse | |
| common {adj} [frequently encountered] | häufig anzutreffen [nur prädikativ] | |
| common {adj} [generally known] | allgemein bekannt | |
| common {adj} [prevalent, popular] | weit verbreitet | |
Substantive |
| common | Durchschnitt {m} 319 | |
| agr.econ. common [common land] | Gemeindeland {n} 58 | |
| agr.econ. common [Br.] [common land] | Anger {m} 35 | |
| agr.econ. common [Br.] | Allmende {f} 26 | |
| ling. common [gender, combining m and f, but not n, in Dutch and Scandavian languages] | Utrum {n} 8 | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| (very) common {adj} | gängig | |
| common household {adj} | haushaltsüblich | |
| law common law {adj} [attr.] [other than Anglo-American] | gemeinrechtlich | |
| common-place {adj} [spv.] [rare] [commonplace] | üblich | |
| common-place {adj} [spv.] [rare] [commonplace] | gewöhnlich | |
| common-place {adj} [spv.] [rare] [commonplace] | gebräuchlich | |
| common-sense {adj} [commonsensical ] | vernünftig [auf gesundem Menschenverstand beruhend] | |
| in common {adv} | gemeinsam [haben] | |
| less common {adj} | seltener | |
| more common {adj} | üblicher | |
| more common {adj} | geläufiger | |
| more common {adj} | gebräuchlicher | |
| most common {adj} | häufigste | |
| most common {adj} | gängigste | |
| most common {adj} | geläufigste | |
| most common {adj} | gebräuchlichste | |
| most common {adj} | am gebräuchlichsten [nur prädikativ] | |
| relatively common {adj} | relativ häufig | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| to be common [widespread, frequent] | häufig vorkommen | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| (common) carrier | Transportunternehmer {m} | |
| med. (common) cold | Verkältung {f} [schweiz.] [südd.] [ugs.] [Erkältung] | |
| (common) houseleek [Sempervivum tectorum] | Dachwurz {f} [bes. österr. auch {m}] | |
| mineral. (common) mica [KAl2(AlSi3O10)(F,OH)2] [muscovite] | Frauenglas {n} [Muskovit] | |
| mineral. (common) mica [muscovite] | Muskovit {m} [auch: Muskowit] | |
| agr. (common) pasture [rough grazing] | Hutung {f} [dürftige Weide, auch: Gemeindehutung] | |
| Internetling.lit. (common) phrases | Redewendungen {pl} | |
| (common) ruck [fig.] [people] | (breite) Masse {f} [Menschen] | |
| gastr.zool. (common) shrimps [Crangon crangon] | Krabben {pl} [küchenspr. für: Nordseekrabben, Nordseegarnelen] | |
| common (land) | Gemeindewiese {f} | |
| common accent | verbreiteter Akzent {m} | |
| ling. common acceptation [meaning of a word, phrase, etc.] | übliche Bedeutung {f} [eines Worts, Ausdrucks usw.] | |
| common antenna | Gemeinschaftsantenne {f} | |
| common approach | gemeinsames Vorgehen {n} [abgestimmtes Handeln] | |
| common area | gemeinsamer Bereich {m} | |
| common area | gemeinsamer Speicherbereich {m} | |
| RealEst. common areas | Gemeinschaftsbereiche {pl} | |
| common assault | tätlicher Angriff {m} | |
| common assent | allgemeine Zustimmung {f} | |
| common basis | gemeinsame Basis {f} | |
| common basis | gemeinsame Grundlage {f} | |
| common battery | Zentralbatterie {f} | |
| common belief | verbreiteter Glaube {m} | |
| common bond | Zusammengehörigkeit {f} | |
| common boob [Br.] [coll.] | häufig gemachter Fehler {m} | |
| common border | gemeinsame Grenze {f} | |
| comp. common cache | gemeinsamer Cache {m} | |
| common carrier | gemeinsamer Träger {m} | |
| common carrier | öffentliches Transportunternehmen {n} | |
| telecom. common carrier | Netzbetreiber {m} | |
| common cause | gemeinsame Sache {f} | |
| RealEst. common charge | Hausgeld {n} | |
| RealEst. common charge | Wohngeld {n} | |
| hist. common chest [for poor relief] | gemeiner Kasten {m} [für Armenfürsorge] | |
| mus. common chord | (Akkord {m} in) Grundstellung {f} | |
| med. common cold | Erkältung {f} | |
| med. common cold | grippaler Infekt {m} | |
| common consent | allgemeine Zustimmung {f} | |
| common consent | gemeinsames Einverständnis {n} | |
| common control | gemeinsame Regelung {f} | |
| educ. common core | Pflichtfächer {pl} | |
| common costs | Gemeinkosten {pl} | |
| common courtesy | (ganz) normale Höflichkeit {f} | |
| common criminal | gewöhnlicher Krimineller {m} | |
| law common criminal | gewöhnlicher Verbrecher {m} | |
| rail common crossing | Herz {n} [Weiche] | |
| curr. common currency | gemeinsame Währung {f} | |
| curr.EUfin. common currency | Gemeinschaftswährung {f} | |
| ling. Common Czech | Gemeinböhmisch {n} | |
| ling. Common Czech | Gemeintschechisch {n} | |
| mil. common defence [Br.] | gemeinsame Verteidigung {f} | |
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Übersetzung für 'common' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- common {adj} [abundant, frequently met]
- häufig
- common {adj} [name, word, phrase, etc.]
- geläufig
- common {adj}
- üblich
gebräuchlich [verbreitet]
von niedriger Klassepol.sociol.
- common {adj} [joint]
- gemeinsam
- common {adj} [widespread]
- verbreitet
- common {adj} [word, belief, custom, animal, bird]
- weitverbreitet
- common {adj} [collective, joint]
- gemeinschaftlich
kommun [veraltet] [geh.]
- common {adj} [people, soldier etc.]
- einfach [Leute, Soldaten etc.]
- common {adj} [public]
- öffentlich [Besitz, Einrichtung]
- common {adj} [normal, usual, without distinction] [also bot., zool.]
- gemein [veraltend] [allgemein, gewöhnlich] [auch bot., zool.]
- common {adj} [language, manners etc.] [esp. pej.]
- ordinär
- common {adj} [of poor quality]
- minderwertig
- common {adj} [general, e.g. name, expression]
- landläufig
- common {adj} [vulgar]
- vulgär [gewöhnlich]
- common {adj} [trite, hackneyed]
- abgedroschen [ugs.]
- common {adj} [of people, language]
- gschert [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [ordinär]
- common {adj} [frequently encountered]
- häufig anzutreffen [nur prädikativ]
- common {adj} [generally known]
- allgemein bekannt
- common {adj} [prevalent, popular]
- weit verbreitet
- common
- Durchschnitt {m}
- common [common land]
- Gemeindeland {n}agr.econ.
- common [Br.] [common land]
- Anger {m}agr.econ.
- common [Br.]
- Allmende {f}agr.econ.
- common [gender, combining m and f, but not n, in Dutch and Scandavian languages]
- Utrum {n}ling.
- (very) common {adj}
- gängig
- common household {adj}
- haushaltsüblich
- common law {adj} [attr.] [other than Anglo-American]
- gemeinrechtlichlaw
- common-place {adj} [spv.] [rare] [commonplace]
- üblich
- common-sense {adj} [commonsensical ]
- vernünftig [auf gesundem Menschenverstand beruhend]
- in common {adv}
- gemeinsam [haben]
- less common {adj}
- seltener
- more common {adj}
- üblicher
- most common {adj}
- häufigste
am gebräuchlichsten [nur prädikativ]
- relatively common {adj}
- relativ häufig
- to be common [widespread, frequent]
- häufig vorkommen
- (common) carrier
- Transportunternehmer {m}
- (common) cold
- Verkältung {f} [schweiz.] [südd.] [ugs.] [Erkältung]med.
- (common) houseleek [Sempervivum tectorum]
- Dachwurz {f} [bes. österr. auch {m}]
- (common) mica [KAl2(AlSi3O10)(F,OH)2] [muscovite]
- Frauenglas {n} [Muskovit]mineral.
- (common) mica [muscovite]
- Muskovit {m} [auch: Muskowit]mineral.
- (common) pasture [rough grazing]
- Hutung {f} [dürftige Weide, auch: Gemeindehutung]agr.
- (common) phrases
- Redewendungen {pl}Internetling.lit.
- (common) ruck [fig.] [people]
- (breite) Masse {f} [Menschen]
- (common) shrimps [Crangon crangon]
- Krabben {pl} [küchenspr. für: Nordseekrabben, Nordseegarnelen]gastr.zool.
- common (land)
- Gemeindewiese {f}
- common accent
- verbreiteter Akzent {m}
- common acceptation [meaning of a word, phrase, etc.]
- übliche Bedeutung {f} [eines Worts, Ausdrucks usw.]ling.
- common antenna
- Gemeinschaftsantenne {f}
- common approach
- gemeinsames Vorgehen {n} [abgestimmtes Handeln]
- common area
- gemeinsamer Bereich {m}
gemeinsamer Speicherbereich {m}
- common areas
- Gemeinschaftsbereiche {pl}RealEst.
- common assault
- tätlicher Angriff {m}
- common assent
- allgemeine Zustimmung {f}
- common basis
- gemeinsame Basis {f}
gemeinsame Grundlage {f}
- common battery
- Zentralbatterie {f}
- common belief
- verbreiteter Glaube {m}
- common bond
- Zusammengehörigkeit {f}
- common boob [Br.] [coll.]
- häufig gemachter Fehler {m}
- common border
- gemeinsame Grenze {f}
- common cache
- gemeinsamer Cache {m}comp.
- common carrier
- gemeinsamer Träger {m}
öffentliches Transportunternehmen {n}
Netzbetreiber {m}telecom.
- common cause
- gemeinsame Sache {f}
- common charge
- Hausgeld {n}RealEst.
Wohngeld {n}RealEst.
- common chest [for poor relief]
- gemeiner Kasten {m} [für Armenfürsorge]hist.
- common chord
- (Akkord {m} in) Grundstellung {f}mus.
- common cold
- Erkältung {f}med.
grippaler Infekt {m}med.
- common consent
- allgemeine Zustimmung {f}
gemeinsames Einverständnis {n}
- common control
- gemeinsame Regelung {f}
- common core
- Pflichtfächer {pl}educ.
- common costs
- Gemeinkosten {pl}
- common courtesy
- (ganz) normale Höflichkeit {f}
- common criminal
- gewöhnlicher Krimineller {m}
gewöhnlicher Verbrecher {m}law
- common crossing
- Herz {n} [Weiche]rail
- common currency
- gemeinsame Währung {f}curr.
Gemeinschaftswährung {f}curr.EUfin.
- Common Czech
- Gemeinböhmisch {n}ling.
Gemeintschechisch {n}ling.
- common defence [Br.]
- gemeinsame Verteidigung {f}mil.
- Common Law {n} = common law
- Common Sense {m} = common sense
- Common Version {f} [Neubearbeitung der King James Bibel] = Common Version <C.V.> [also: Webster's Revision]
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Brimpton Common is the most westerly of a series of former medieval “commons” to the south of three rivers between Newbury and Reading: River Enborne, River Kennet and River Thames, the other commons being Tadley Common, Silchester Common, Mortimer Common, Wokefield Common and Burghfield Common.
- Furthermore, there's a common fanfare, a common carnival society and a common church chorus.
- "Sepietta oweniana" (common bobtail squid or common bobtail) is a common marine mollusc from the order "Sepiida", the cuttlefish.
- Tooting Bec Common and Tooting Graveney Common are the remains of common land that once stretched as far as Mitcham.
- Lewis is the 4th most common surname in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 6th most common surname in Wales, 16th most common in Jamaica, 22nd most common in England, 24th most common in the United States, 61st most common in Canada and 129th most common in Scotland.
- In modern circuits, the cascode is often constructed from two transistors (BJTs or FETs), with one operating as a common emitter or common source and the other as a common base or common gate.
- Several profits may be rights of common if over common land. There is no statutory definition for rights of common.
- Common vegetation is red fescue, common nettle, hogweed, false oat grass and cocksfoot. On seaward edges sea beet, common scurvy grass and common mallow can be seen.
- The Figile is known as a brown trout, common bream, common rudd, common roach and northern pike fishery.
- A variety of butterfly species is found here. The common bluebottle, common lime butterfly, crimson rose, common Jezebel, and common Mormon are the common species.
- Stadtmobil is a carsharing company in Germany, actually a group of seven regional companies with a common brand, common marketing, common website, reservation system, and common development of software and car access technology.
- Vegetation consists of stinging nettle, black alder, common hop, himalayan balsam, common knotweed, common knotgrass and giant hogweed.
- Llyn Bedydd contains common bream, common rudd, common carp, European perch, tench and common roach. The fishing is run by Warners Fishing Club.
- There is also an area of meadow which contains common wild flowers such as lady's bedstraw and common knapweed. It has common butterflies such as gatekeeper, common blue and large blue.
- There were originally two commons in Retford - Spa Common and Far Common.
- Transistor-based amplification can be realized using various configurations: for example a bipolar junction transistor can realize common base, common collector or common emitter amplification; a MOSFET can realize common gate, common source or common drain amplification.
- From Latin "communis" = "common, common"; this species is one of the most common masked bees.
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