Übersetzung für '
competency' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a competency | competencies |
| SYNO | competence | competency |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Competency standards are a set of benchmarks used to assess the skills and knowledge that a person must demonstrate in the workplace to be seen as competent.
- Following this decision, a forensic clinician conducting a competency evaluation for competency to stand trial, should also include an evaluation of competency to waive counsel.
- Following the review, EMA implemented new initiatives, including the National Energy Competency Framework, the sector's first competency framework in 2015 (now known as the Skills Framework for Energy and Power).
- CGA-Canada's professional education program is competency-based. Competency-based education requires candidates to perform tasks and roles to standards expected in the workplace.
- The most frequently mentioned “cons” mentioned by competency modeling experts regarding creating a competency model is time and expense.
- According to the PISA study, competency was linked to social class.
- The Ontario Rubric appears to be evolving into something known as a "competency profile".
- Test of Practical Competency in ICT (TOPCIT) is a performance-evaluation-centered test designed to diagnose and assess the competency of Information Technology specialists and Software Developers that is critically needed to perform jobs on the professional frontier.
- In early 2014 Tooling U-SME launched the Competency Framework for achieving manufacturing excellence.
- The school is under the competency standard development of TESDA.
- Key concepts that make up the competency-based education framework include demonstrated mastery of a competency, meaningful types of assessment, individualized support for students, and the creation and application of knowledge.
- A competency architecture is a framework of predetermined skills or "competencies" used in an educational setting. Competency architectures are a core component of competency-based learning.
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