 Übersetzung für 'coney' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a coney | coneys / conies
SYNO coney | cony | das | ...
Kaninchen {n}
coney [archaic, dialect]Kaninchenfell {n}
coney [Cephalopholis fulva]
Karibik-Juwelenbarsch {m}
coney [in biblical use] [Procavia capensis] [Leviticus 11:5 and Deuteronomy 14:7; KJV] [(rock) hyrax]
Kaninchen {n} [3. Mose 11,5 und 5. Mose 14,7] [Klippschliefer]
coney [Oryctolagus cuniculus] [European rabbit]
Wildkaninchen {n}
ungeprüft coney hair {sg}Kaninchenhaare
Coney Island
Coney Island {n}
Jamaican coney [Geocapromys brownii]
Jamaika-Ferkelratte {f}
8 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • "Coney-catching" is Elizabethan slang for theft through trickery. It comes from the word "coney" (sometimes spelled "conny"), meaning a rabbit raised for the table and thus tame.
  • The name "Conygar" comes from two medieval words "coney" meaning "rabbit" and "garth" meaning "garden", indicating that the area was once a warren where rabbits were bred for food.
  • In Cincinnati, a hot dog topped with Cincinnati chili is called a "coney," and when grated cheddar cheese is added, a "cheese coney." The default coney also includes mustard and diced onion.
  • The community's arms might be described thus: Party per bend sinister wavy, the parting surmounted by a bend sinister wavy argent, azure a coney courant of the first in bend sinister, gules a demi-wheel spoked of six of the first couped in bend sinister.
  • In the 1830s, the coney (rabbit) warren on Prior's Mesne estate was sold and houses (including the Warren) were built there.

  • After 1938, American fur coats had to be labelled using the name of the animal used in its making – for instance 'seal dyed coney' or 'beaver dyed rabbit' – in order to avoid confusion among consumers.
  • National Coney Island in efforts to gain market share from competitor Leo's has started to offer limited-time items including the "Coney grilled cheese" and adding pineapple to hot dogs.
  • The thoroughfare was also known for some time as Conningshop Lane/Coneys shop lane due to the brace of three stuffed coney skins over a notable poulterer's stall, thus who also served game.
  • Koegel's hot dogs are considered by the authors of "Coney Detroit" as only acceptable hot dog for a Flint-Style Coney Dog along with Abbott's coney sauce.
  • Detroit specialties include Coney Island hot dogs, found at hundreds of unaffiliated "Coney Island" restaurants.

  • "And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you".
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